Burning the Deck

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"Whatcha got there birdie?" Xander's toxic purple eyes shone through the dark hallway making you regret all of your life choices.

"I umm..." You fumbled on your words trying to make up an excuse. He grabbed the matches out of your hand and looked back at you.

"Seem's like our plans will have to be pushed a few days ahead of what we expected." He muttered under his breath. "Come on let's gather the others."

You had two options. Kick him in the balls and run and escape or obey. Nate would always say "Kick life in the nuts when it gets in your way." For once, you were going to have to listen to Nate's advice.

Well, this wouldn't technically be the first time using his advice. The first time since he died. Since these assholes killed him. Building up your anger you channeled it up into one attack. Quickly you pulled your leg and moved it forward landing it straight in Xander's balls.

You didn't have time to look for a reaction. Only one thought was on your mind. Run. You needed to escape your whole life depended on it. 

Each push off the ground brought you a step closer to leaving this hellhole and survival. When you made it to what this prison called your room you dug through your drawer with the tools you would need to escape. Then you realized something. 

In the spot you are in right now, you would not be able to save Alice. Who knows how long you have until Xander gets the others? You have to quickly get out of here. But you can't leave Alice behind you just can't. Now was not the time to let your emotions take over. If you think logically you would know that Alice would tell the police about the crimes you committed here and in the past. 

So you could not bring her. It would be too dangerous.  When you escaped you would have to rebuild your life alone. But that's fine. You've always been alone. When you did have friends or people to rely on it away ended poorly. If the world did not want you to have good friends and people that care about you then you will follow the universe's will. 

Now with your time in this prison, you had been observing multiple items. Mainly variables that would help your escape. You have realized that this house is made of highly flammable materials. You would just need a place to start the fire. When Atlas took you outside you had seen the perfect spot to start a fire. Luckily, the weather has been on your side and lately, there has been a drought. Perfect weather to start a fire.

Now all you need is a simple match. You have a simple match. Xander didn't think to take them out of your hands. So you need to get out of the house and to that exact spot. You grabbed the rope you had hidden in your room and used some keys from the house workers to unlock the window. You then tied the rope to a piece of furniture in the room and threw the rope out the window. You climb down the rope and took a breath of almost air that smelled of freedom.

Now you need you get to the perfect spot to start a fire then use the keys again to get through the gate. When the area was found you lit the match and set the house and everyone who remained in the house aflame.  You would have stayed and watched them die, but you had to escape. 

You turned and ran to the door in the gate Atlas had taken you out of. You unlocked it and ran and ran to your escape. You ran to your new life. You ran for your freedom without the Kings and Xander. You ran to your future with no Kings or strings attached

Out of the kindness of some people you knew you made it home safely where you reunited with your mother. She understood everything and helped you set up a new life. A new life in a new school, a new home, new everything. She even got you a new name. 

Of course, it was a long recovery but all that mattered is that you escaped. You were sure the Kings and Xander were dead when a newspaper article covered the story of a Spade residence burning down from an unknown cause and everyone in the house died. It did mean Alice died in the fire, but you knew this escape wouldn't go perfectly. 

All that mattered now is that you were free in a new home with nothing to worry about.

A/N: That brings an end to Ignorance. I want to thank all the readers who have read the whole thing and stayed since the beginning. Thank you for reading and have a great life.

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