Chapter 16

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The day started out normally. It had a off feeling like something bad had happen but everything was fine. Reese sent you a card through the mail but that was it. It was an ace of clubs. There were only two more cards before he runs out.

You left the house and met with Hazel. "I think I'm probably going to confess to Theo today. You were right I should stop being a wimp!"

You chuckled at Hazel's behavior. "When are we you going to do it?"

"I already sent a text but you know Theo. He goes to bed early and doesn't check his phone in the morning. If he doesn't check it soon I'm doing it at lunch. I'll need your mental support." She lightly hugged your arm.

You didn't mind Hazel hugging you like this. It was light-hearted and she knew when to let go. If it was Jasper you would do anything to avoid his disgusting hands from touching you.

As you and Hazel entered the school the smell of blood hit your noses. No one paid any mind to it. They acted like it was normal. It was halfway normal. There was a similar smell when the freshmen queen was murdered. Her body parts were spread around the school.

You neared your locker and that's when the smell grew nauseating. With a shaky hand, you opened your locker. Theo's head rolled out.

The blood splattered across the floor as his head hit the ground. His eyes were poked out by something.

Tears started to form in both your and Hazel's eyes. Some students called the teachers but you were frozen in place. Your therapist was going to hear about this and you would spend a lot of time at Hazel's house comforting her as she did for you.

Leo laid on his bed arms aching his eyes puffy from what he did. For once in his life, his hair was messy and unkempt. He was scared to move. Every time he did memories from the night before flashed before his eyes.

His brothers struggle as they fought. Could he even really be called Theos brother? He was his executioner if anything. The other kings say they do this for love.

Leo had always found the other's obsession with the girl weird. He liked talking to her and hanging out with her. Sure we wanted to spend the rest of his life with her too. That's what they all wanted.

However, the others wanted to do gross things that he couldn't even imagine doing to another human. What was wrong with him? Why was he like this?

Leo pulled out his phone and started texting one of his puppets. He confessed everything he did to the puppet. It's not like he would say anything. He took an oath when he swore loyalty to Leo. He never does see, Alex, at school anyway.

His parents weren't rich like Atlas or Jaspers so they never got him therapy even though they knew he needed it. So Leo went to the next best thing. Alex.

He just said " You don't need to be in love with someone to want to spend the rest of his life with. It's completely normal. As for your brother. I'm sorry..."

Alice sits on a couch that Jasper put in her room texting Leo. He didn't know she had a phone. The butlers and maids love her more than Jasper so they tried to help her escape. Each attempt failed.

When she got the phone she used a hack to get into a chatroom. She took on the name Alex and became one of Leo's favorite puppets. It was interesting to text him. He was never boring.

Whenever Leo couldn't text she was training. She used anything she could manage to get stronger. Every day her hatred of Jasper built up. She hated him for making her fake her death. She hated him for locking her in this stupid house. She hated every moment that he was alive.

She felt bad for you. She never wanted Jasper to find out about you. She would rather be stuck in this hellhole than you be stuck here.

"Oh (Y/n) how do you manage to capture the hearts of so many guys." Alice sighs looking at the previous messages. Leo had talked about you a lot before. "One thing for sure I'll be seeing soon."

To be honest I've been planning Theo's death since he was first introduced. Be ready for the next few chapters.

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