~Chapter 34~

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I ask in disbelief not understanding why out of all of them it is the one that honestly seems like he hates me the most at this point.

Yeah no Seokjin probably betrayed me and made sure Taehyung finishes me off keeping me away forever...

That got dark fast in my mind but it's highly likely with him right here!

Well the good thing about that is that I seriously have no ulterior motives and I sense that letting him come inside will cause more drama which means more tears and needing more time once again. This really feels like a repeating cycle of hurt and I always end up as the one hurt and alone or as the bad guy and I seriously don't feel like enduring more pain in my life at this moment.

Well guess what, I'm tired and have no time to be targeted in my only safe space which is my home

"I'm sorry but I don't think it's a good idea to talk again" I take in a deep breath as his tired eyes narrow on me and I feel the strong urge to either run away, slam the door shut or just be the nice person and allow him to talk.

Being a nice person sounds better yet a petty part of me doesn't really want to listen after everything but I am better than that...I think?

"I won't be long, promise. I just really need to talk to you"

Yeah and perhaps insult me too...

He takes in a deep breath that sounds shaky as his eyes look around not focusing on a place for too long.

My grip on the door tightens as I press my lips together letting myself fight internally on a choice I need to make right now. My mind is parted in 3 parts and it feels like 2 is linked together while the other one is just throwing angry daggers to me for not choosing it in the first place but the other two parts are switching between caution and curiousity.

One of the 2 parts want to keep peace but is not sure if that means saying no or saying yes. A small part of me just wants to say let him in and hear him out or else I will keep thinking of what he wanted to say but I'm also scared about that outcomes. The other part attached to the first part is just scared and wants them back like in the past as my friends but I just shove that part away since it isn't allowed to appear during the day to stop myself from breaking down in tears at my life situation.

But then again if he came all the way to where I live to talk what are the chances he won't stop coming until we talk and I surely don't have the energy to repeat him coming here to talk to me...

I'm serious when I say I am done with them since they made it clear even before me so why does this still happen?

I break out of my thoughts as he lets out a loud huff making his eyebrows furrow even more and I know the time is ticking on a decision I need to make. The fact that he looks like he is getting angry just makes me lean towards one side even more.

Yes or no just choose! Don't overthink it!

Let go of your indecisiveness for a moment!

"....No..." I don't even take a second to see how he reacts as I slam the door shut feeling my heart pound in my chest making me suck in a deep breath.

"Oh wow I really did that" I stare with wide eyes at the shut door before leaning against the wall next to the door. I instantly feel hesitant of that was the right decision but my mind stops myself from reaching out to the door.

I'm too scared and tired of it all

I stay in the same position against the wall closing my eyes as I run my hand through my hair wondering why he would even go as far to coming here and I wonder if that means that he would come again.

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