~Chapter 36~

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It's funny how life can throw you in the most random situations...

Bad situations...and slightly good situations like right now

I stare at my suitcase as I pull my hair up in a high ponytail and I bite down on the inside of my cheek. The sight of my bags almost packed brings back the conversation I had with Aera when she came home after hanging out with her friends 3 days ago. After that I called my parents and they were certainly happy to have me stay with them. Surprisingly it all went by in a blur how we got prepared for our trip.

We arranged that I go first since Aera will only be able to join me a week after but she told me that just because she has to wait doesn't mean that I should. It was like a motivational speech and I couldn't see any reason to say no so that is how I ended up packing my bags setting on the journey returning to my old home on my own.

But the sooner I go the better

I sigh picking up a next piece of clothing which I pack into my already full suitcase before I close it and plop down onto my bed sprawling out with a huff.

"This is the last time I'm laying here for a while..." I mutter under my breath as I stare up at the ceiling. I can't help but feel a bit nervous of going back to my home town and seeing my parents again. I know this was my own choice but after moving here I made it my mission to not think back on anything from back home and contact with my parents was strained aswell.

"But well situations change and what brought me here came here aswell so I guess that was useless..." I blow out the air in my cheeks rolling my eyes at the irony of going back.

I know I can use this time to make up for lost time and go to the old places I held dear to my heart. I might aswell also explore any new places I never went to even while living there and then I can show everything to Aera once she joins me.

"And after my little vacation I can't wait to return better and more free....hopefully" I fist my hands in encouragement to myself but I almost fall off my bed as a voice joins me.

"No 'hopefully', just say you will come back happier and I will make sure of that aswell as your parents" I look at the doorway seeing Aera walking in with her work clothes on. She tightens her ponytail before rolling her shoulders and sitting on the corner of my bed next to me.

"I see you are already packed...or well half packed to go home tomorrow morning. Need any help?" She asks and I shake my head smiling at her.

"No need but thanks for offering. I am actually done if I just get the rest of the things on my bed on the suitcase. Other than that I don't think there is anything more to pack since I won't be taking all my things only enough for the time I'm spending there" She nods and looks at the clothes left on my bed with raised eyebrows before laughing.

"I think you have the weirdest mix of warm and cold clothes to take a long with you but I guess you are really going prepared for any type of weather hits when you are there." She teases and I groan sitting up and looking over my clothes.

"I didn't even realise...sorry I must have been too lost in thought to even realise what I've been packing" I frown seeing a lack of shoes aswell but Aera pats my back before humming.

"Don't worry you still have a lot on your mind and I mean that is the reason for this little vacation anyway so don't feel bad. I'll help you since I still got like an half hour before I need to go to work and then when I get back tomorrow morning I will greet you before leaving so see this as bonding time" She beams at me before standing up and walking towards my closet looking through my clothes.


"Nope! I said take this as bonding time so you aren't stealing my time at all. Plus I was planning to help you either way so you either take my help now or you will find me sneaking into your room early in the morning returning earlier from my shift to make sure your bags are packed well and you won't sit there without any clothes for the day" I try to hide my smile but shake my head as I sit up laughing.

Not your soulmate♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang