~Chapter 32~

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"Eun-hye? Hey are you back yet?"

I raise my head from my position on couch wrapped in a large fluffy comfort blanket and give my cheeks a few pats not sure if it will show that I spent a few hours crying but I stopped an hour ago so I hope it doesn't show much even after I washed my face.

If she sees it I can just say I was watching a sad movie earlier or got emotional...

"Yeah I'm here!" I shout out pausing the movie I haven't been paying attention to at all and watch her walk into the living room with a large smile before she walks closer to me and sits down snuggling into my blanket with me.

She lets out a sigh and closes her eyes as she rests her head against my shoulder before yawning but the small smile that is on her face can't seem to dissapear at all.

I give her an amused smile as I look at her waiting for her to say something about how her day was with her new friends or well I hope her new friends.

"I'm so happy to be home with my favourite person. I'm so tired, I didn't mean to stay out for so long but I only left when I realised the time. I hope you didn't wait for too long"

I smile at her before shaking my head biting down the need to vent to her and blurt out everything that happened today. My heart feels heavy with the strong urge to cry and tell her everything but I know I can't right now.

Not the time Eun-hye!

"No I didn't wait too long. I came home not too long ago and decided to watch a movie after enjoying the fresh air while being outside after I left the café."

Well not a complete lie actually just a few important parts are left out...

....oh well

"Other than that nothing too interesting so you don't need to worry"

More like I don't want you to worry about me but I'm okay

...I believe so

"I hope you enjoyed your day aswell though. I'm actually happy you didn't return sooner" I narrow my eyes playfully and grin as she rolls her eyes lightly hitting my shoulder.

"I'm also happy you enjoyed your day out. I know it wasn't the best spending the first part of your day with strangers but I'm glad it was better after that" I smile at her as my mind screams at me while laughing at the irony.

Oh you have no idea Aera...seriously

"I mean I didn't hate meeting them. They all seem really nice and have great friend potential. The cat café was really nice too with cute cats so that was a great part of the day. I'm still sorry for leaving you alone there though"

She shakes her head with a small smile before pulling me into a side hug making me shiver slightly from the cold seeping through her clothes since it got colder during the day but I just snuggle more into my blanket.

"Don't worry about it I had fun with them too. They really are extremely nice and funny. A bit loud too especially when I met two more of their soulmates Chan and Changbin. Turns out after I have new friends now but don't worry you will always remain my favourite" She sends me a wink and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Seriously though I'm happy it wasn't too much for you today. I would have felt horrible if something happened and I stayed talking to the guys." I tense up as I feel my eyes freeze looking at my side before I hum knowing well that I don't want to tell her what happened at all after her words now.

I don't want her to feel bad even if I know she will feel bad when it comes out in the future but that is future Eun-hye's problem. All I am trying to focus on now is fixing my heart and mind while not dragging Aera into the new mess of today since it's already sorted out officially.

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