~Chapter 39~

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♡Eun-hye pov♡
(1 month later)

Oh how fast time flies....

I tilt my head back as I look up at the sky from the bench. My newly cut fringe pokes my eyes as I shake my head still not used to having my hair at my shoulders anymore like I did years ago. Its strange yet it feels new, a small new part seperating me from the old and joing part of the new stage of my life.

I smile remembering the last week of Aera being here and us going to a salon deciding to go for a small change and somehow I ended up with shoulder length hair in a soft pink colour which I adore at this moment. Aera went for a different look as she chose to keep her hair long but dye the tips into a dark blue which looks absolutely amazing on her.

It was part of our change journey and I can't help but laugh at the memory even if it was literally just a week ago. When she came here she made it her mission to take me out and explore more places that I even went to before but it all felt so much more comfortable going with someone rather then facing memories alone. My smile softens as I also remember the day Aera and I were supposed to leave but I chose to stay one more week while she returns to her job while I work more here. One more week of absolute calmness.

My work has definitely gotten better as my writing worked as a bit of therapy along with the vacation and now after a whole month I truly feel like I was ridden of a large bundle of sadness and hurt.

"Strangely the best month of these last few years honestly..." I let out a small laugh shaking my head before letting out a deep sigh.

Even though I feel so much better now and have processed everything to my best capasity I still feel nervous about returning home today. Back to the place I will most likely run into one of the guys with the luck I've had with them yet I can't let that hold me back. It held me back for years and that blew up in my face without me seeing it come so why must I hide away again.

It's actually ironic to see how I find comfort in the exact place I was scared to return to and I feel nervous about returning to the place I made my new home.

This month has made me realise a lot of things and one of them are that I might hold onto this for years just like I did with Jungkook but I won't go down the same road once again. This time I'm not walking away, why would I when I have the best support in the world and when I'm not scared of facing something that I've put in my past.

Yes they are now in my past and even if the time for my healing felt so short I've come to a point where I can accept that not all memories need to hurt me and it's not bad to remember the good times but I know I can't linger on the bad parts.

I may still wonder if they are doing okay and if they moved past this all but I still have no plans of intentionally meeting them again. With me leaving it also ensured them to not run into me and have their own time and space so whatever is happening over there is of no concern to me really meaning I don't have any reason to run away from my life. They have affected my life in strange ways but no life is worth only living in regrets and hanging onto what happened even if I still have this weird feeling of leaving something out but it's easily pushed to the side with my fogotten feelings I chose to discard of even if that really sounds ridiculous.

I'm done with that and chosing myself this time, myself and my family

I run my hand through my hair before closing my eyes and leaning back into the bench stretching my legs with a small smile playing on my lips.

My thoughts however get interrupted as I hear someone approaching me and sitting down on the bench beside me. I open my eyes to look at the new-comer before I smile wider.

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