~Chapter 31~

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♡Eun-hye pov~

I should have just stayed with Aera and the other guys....

I wring my hands together as I feel my mind spin from all the emotions while I sit next to Seokjin at the table. The store is practically empty aside from the employee that hasn't looked in our direction at all and keeps his focus on his phone. Not that I blame him though since there isn't anyone in here expect for me and Seokjin.

I gulp down my nerves as I feel my arm itch from the fact I know he is looking right at me right now waiting to see which one of us will start talking first. I will say that I am thankful that he didn't lash out at me the first second he saw me but I think I would have perhaps prefered if the one I ran into was either Jimin since he did try to message me before deleting it or Jungkook since I know he wouldn't attack me on sight.

Yet with Jimin I might feel worse if he hates me and starts crying...he was my first friend out of the guys except Jungkook after all...

Jungkook could go wrong in many ways but I can't help but not hate the idea of seeing him again even if I know that would be a disaster after everything...

My thoughts get cut off by a clearing of a throat and I look up seeing Seokjin with his lips pressed together and a light frown on his forehead. His eyes show a range of different emotions going through him but his face doesn't give much away. I take a deep breath steading myself from the urge to either plead my case or run away.

No you are brave Eun-hye no more running!

"How have you been?" I ask looking at him as he relaxes a bit in his seat. He makes a half nod and a half shake of his head as he looks at me.

"I've been okay, not the best but it's gettting a bit better" He responds and I nod feeling slightly awkward not knowing how to approach the topic even though I was the one who kept telling myself I want to explain my side to hopefully create a bit of peace.

"I've been okay aswell"

"That's good..."

I sigh as I squeeze my hands trying to think of a way to start my sentence but my thoughts get interrupted as he sighs before speaking.

"I know this isn't the most ideal thing to do today but I think we need to sort this out without avoiding the obvious questions and stop letting this awful tension hang in our lives."

He is right...

okay let's do this then...

I raise my head pressing my lips together as I look at him in the eyes before giving a small smile getting ready to tell my side.

"Should I just talk from my side and then we can get to the questions or do you want to ask questions first?" He takes a few seconds before nodding with a small smile.

"I want to hear your side first please"

Full honestly here we go! Even if I do feel a part of my dignity dying right now with how honest I will be...

"Okay so I will be honest here. I never thought I would be in this situation due to the fact that I willingly ran away to prevent something like this happening... guess I just extended the time period for it happening" I roll my eyes letting out a soft sigh before continuing.

"I really did not want this to happen and I am not even sure how this all happened honestly. When I moved here a few years ago it was to try and rebuild myself from leaving the love of my life after choosing his happiness before mine. Years ago when I met Yoongi was actually the day I ran away from Jungkook which once again is a cruel twist of fate. The day I went to your café and started meeting all of you I promise on my life that I had no idea you all are Jungkook's soulmates. When I became friends with you all it was genuine friendship and I am thankful for the short period of time"

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