Chapter 15

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The two finally noticed the intruder and turned towards the door.

Huo Wei's brows slightly furrowed, a little displeased at the interruption.

Qin Huifen quickly caught sight of the expression on Huo Wei's face. Her heart thumped.

She was very familiar with Huo Wei and knew with his countenance that he didn't like her interruption. The lady wasn't unimportant, and things would be harder than she thought.

She had to find a way out of this fast, lest she angered Huo Wei.

Qin Huifen quickly regained her bearings and put on an apologetic face. "I'm very sorry, President Huo. I shouldn't have barged in without notice."

She also turned to Yu Yuan. "I apologize, Miss Yu. I hope you aren't offended."

Qin Huifen took this moment to examine Yu Yuan. She had only gotten a name when she asked around. On her way here, Qin Huifen had imagined what her competitor looked like. She thought, perhaps, Yu Yuan was an unparalleled beauty.

Now that she was here, she could see for herself.

The lady before her was beautiful but not to the point of being earth-shattering. Qin Huifen had seen more beautiful ladies, and Yu Yuan looked ordinary compared to them. Even she was more beautiful than Yu Yuan. But...

This lady's temperament was extraordinary. One couldn't help but continuously turn their gaze to her. And each time, she appeared more beautiful.

At first glance, Yu Yuan could pass off as a young lady sheltered by her family, gentle and obedient, but Qin Huifen could tell she was anything but that. The fact that she could catch Huo Wei's attention was proof. After all, what type of woman hadn't Huo Wei seen?

At her assessment of Yu Yuan, Qin Huifen was immediately on guard.

While she was examining her, Yu Yuan was doing the same. Except Yu Yuan was just curious.

She guessed that Qin Huifen worked in the Huo Company. Based on how she was able to gain entry to their private room, it seemed she worked quite closely with Huo Wei.

Long dark hair, pale skin, and cherry-red lips. Qin Huifen was stunningly beautiful, but it didn't look like she was just a pretty face. Her small movements revealed the elegance of an aristocrat, and her eyes seemed to carry some intelligence and cunning.

Yu Yuan thought Qin Huifen looked like she would always succeed no matter where she found herself.

Although Qin Huifen knew her name, it didn't surprise Yu Yuan. A little bit of asking before making her way here would have revealed that info. It was just that...

This lady seemed a little wary of her. But this was the first time they met. What could have made this lady on guard at their first meeting?

Yu Yuan had an inkling in her heart.

"It's fine," Yu Yuan replied.

"What brings you here?" Huo Wei questioned.

Qin Huifen just returned from a business trip. The trip had been a success, and Huo Wei had awarded her a bonus and a break. She didn't have to be at the office today, much less here.

Qin Huifen's eyes seem to brighten up a little as if remembering why she was here. "Yesterday before I flew back, I was able to gain contact with Mr. Maxwell. We had a conversation and I was able to convince him to make contact with our company for a collaboration."

Yu Yuan raised her eyebrows. Mr. Maxwell? She knew him. He was the CEO of Colan Company, one of the biggest companies in Country B. Colan was very influential, and many foreign forces seeking to expand their reach wanted to collaborate with them. But it was difficult. Colan wouldn't collaborate with just anybody, and its CEO was very hard to please or convince.

But Qin Huifen managed to pull it off. Yu Yuan estimated that Qin Huifen's influence at the Huo Company would expand because of this. Truly a capable woman.

Qin Huifen continued, "Mr. Maxwell might have agreed to make contact but he's an impatient man. He wouldn't take it well if we didn't get back to him on time, so I wanted to inform you as soon as possible. I was also very excited that I forget my manners for a moment."

As she said that, she looked a little embarrassed, seemingly regretting her small gaffe, but deep down, she felt a little proud. Huo Wei had thought of expanding the Huo Company's business to Country B, but he hadn't put much attention to it. He just mentioned it in passing, but Qin Huifen remembered and took the trip as an opportunity.

By mentioning it now, she managed to find an excuse for her gaffe and show her worth. If Miss Yu had an ulterior motive toward Huo Wei, she would be intimidated. It might not be enough to send her packing, but it was a good start. Thinking like this, she took a quick look at Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan wasn't stupid. She could tell Qin Huifen had a strange attitude toward her, and her actions were proof. Women knew women best. Now she could tell that all of Qin Huifen's actions from when she entered till now were intentional. Qin Huifen's target was her.

Unfortunately, another woman might feel slightly intimidated but not Yu Yuan. Besides, even though she had an interest in Huo Wei, she wouldn't jump out to start competing with Qin Huifen. She also wouldn't pay attention to her minor tricks.

In situations like this, it was the attitude of the man that mattered. If it were another man, seeing Qin Huifen's lovely embarrassed look and considering the fact that she just created a very useful connection, he would have felt that he was too harsh. And his goodwill would have increased.

But this was Huo Wei they were talking about. Based on what she knew about Huo Wei after spending time with him today, Yu Yuan was sure he was aware of Qin Huifen's tricks. Yu Yuan didn't think this was the first time such a thing had happened either. But Huo Wei didn't care, so he ignored Qin Huifen's actions.

For a moment, Yu Yuan pitied Qin Huifen. If Huo Wei was interested, he wouldn't let Qin Huifen fight other women. He would have made sure to keep a distance and warn them off. This was one of the reasons Qin Huifen could stick around as well. Become Huo Wei didn't have anyone he liked.

Too bad Qin Huifen couldn't tell and continued to pour water into a basket.

Regardless, none of this concerned Yu Yuan, so she didn't care. They probably had business to talk about, so it was time she took her leave. She glanced at her wristwatch and announced, "It seems President Huo has something to take care of. I should be on my way now. Thank you for lunch President Huo. Next time, it would be my treat."

Although that opportunity was unlikely, Yu Yuan said it to be polite.
Huo Wei regretted that he couldn't talk to her longer, but she was right. He might not have actively sought to expand to Country B, but he wouldn't give up an opportunity that came by. He nodded at Yu Yuan and said, "Wait for a little while. I'll text my assistant to send a driver to take you to your destination."

Yu Yuan agreed. It saved her the trouble of finding a ride.

Qin Huifen was a little happy when Yu Yuan announced that she was leaving, but she couldn't be happy for long as Huo Wei offered her a ride. Qin Huifen tried to hide her surging jealousy. In her mind, she already identified Yu Yuan as a rival she had to get rid of. Ill intent filled her heart.

Yu Yuan suddenly glanced at her. Qin Huifen was taken aback, but she quickly smiled. Yu Yuan returned her smile, then retracted her gaze.

Author's Note

Hey guys,

Thank you for your support and votes. I really, really, really appreciate them. 😊

I will be changing 'China' to 'Country A' in the previous chapters and making the corresponding changes to other locations previously mentioned. It'll give me more freedom and reduce my possibility of making a factual mistake.

I won't do it immediately but don't be surprised when you notice some changes.

Have an amazing day!!!

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