Chapter 54

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Yu Yuan sat next to Huo Wei and watched people come and go. In the not-so-long period they had been here, many people had come to offer greetings and exchange pleasantries. She glanced around the room. There were still many others discreetly observing them and waiting for the right time to come over.

Many of them, Yu Yuan recognized as leaders in their respective industries, but they were all eyeing herself and her husband waiting for an opportunity. She knew Huo Wei was very powerful and influential, but seeing it in person was more impactful.

Yu Yuan turned to watch her husband. With a cold expression, he handled the niceties and conversations with ease. A small smile appeared on her face before she turned to respond to a question directed at her. As the wife of the most powerful man in Country A, she also had to handle these niceties and conversations.

It was Yu Yuan's first official appearance as Huo Wei's wife. People couldn't help but take extra looks at her. Their lingering gazes made Huo Wei's mood plummet a little. He was starting to wish he hadn't brought her along. He knew that they were just curious about his wife, but the possessiveness and jealousy that erupted made a mockery of his self-control.

With a subtle but deliberate move, he slipped his arm around Yu Yuan's waist and pulled her closer to his side. Perhaps it served as a reminder. The curious eyes diminished a lot.

Yu Yuan glanced at her husband in amusement. She didn't need to ask before she knew what happened. But just for the sake of teasing, she leaned close to him and, in a voice only the two of them could hear, asked. "Jealous?"

"Very," came Huo Wei's curt reply. "I want to hide you away to a place where their eyes can't reach." As he said this, his grasp on her waist tightened.

Yu Yuan chuckled before leaning over to whisper into his ears. No one knew what was being said, but seeing their interactions, everyone knew that Huo Wei favored his wife. Hence, she couldn't be offended.

This scene fell into the eyes of Qin Huifen. She looked away and lightly turned her gaze to the person she was conversing with.

The lady in front of her felt unease instantly. She didn't know why, but she felt that Qin Huifen was smiling, but her eyes were dangerous. Their conversation had come to an end anyway, so she left.

Qin Huifen turned her gaze back to the couple. Huo Wei still had his hand around Yu Yuan's waist.

Qin Huifen looked down at the wine glass in her hand. Luo Chun said the plan would happen tonight. She wished it would come quicker. The more time she spent watching the couple, the more, the deeper a thorn Yu Yuan was in her flesh.

On the other side of the room, Yu Yuan and Huo Wei continued to socialize. Yu Yuan kept a slight smile on her face all along. At this rate, she feared by the time the banquet ended, the smile would become a permanent mask.

The upper class really didn't have it easy. They all had to put smiles on their faces, but who knew what they really thought? Each one had thoughts more unfathomable than the next, regardless of their smiles. Even Patriarch Luo, who was known to be as cold as a snake, could put on a warm and fatherly smile.

Yu Yuan was beginning to get tired of the endless conversations. She hadn't consumed anything but wine since they arrived, so she was hungry. She decided to get some food at the buffet table. She turned to her husband. "I'm going to get something to eat. Do you want anything?"

"You must be hungry," he said with concern in his eyes. "Go ahead and get something to eat. Don't worry about me. I'll wrap things up faster so we can leave."

Yu Yuan nodded before getting up and heading to the buffet. She picked up a plate before beginning to browse the food options. Everything looked delicious. She took her time filling her plate with what she liked.

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