Chapter 28

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Huo Wei raised his brows in surprise. "Miss Yu, what a coincidence."

A small smile graced Yu Yuan's lips. "Indeed, President Huo."

Huo Wei was quite surprised to encounter Yu Yuan here, but he felt some displeasure at her presence. He had decided to get closer to her, but how was he supposed to do so after she had just witnessed such a scene?

President Huo, who harbored slight regrets for having picked this place for his special business, assessed Yu Yuan, trying to gauge her reaction.

A normal person would be horrified and trembling. Although as he examined her, she didn't seem to have that reaction. Was she really unaffected, or was she putting up a front?

Huo Wei's eyes bore into the injured man, his displeasure increasing.

Feeling like the temperature around him suddenly dropped, the man, that was Huo Jun, shuddered.

He wished he could return in time and deliver a huge slap to his past self. How foolish of him to think Huo Wei could be killed so easily. His greed had gotten into his head and made him unable to think clearly.

When he was first approached, he was quite reluctant. But the person promised him a lot of benefits and a very high position in the company after Huo Wei was gone.

It all sounded too good to be true at first, but it started to sound feasible when he heard that the Black Viper would be taking the job.

He had heard of Black Viper before. They were very elusive and difficult to contact, but their success rate was very high.

All he had to do was liaise with Black Viper and provide information about Huo Wei to them. It all sounded so easy.

He was already celebrating his victory when he heard that the assassination had failed. At that point, it was like he had been doused with cold water. Then, he knew it was only a matter of time before Huo Wei found out about his involvement and came for him. He tried to contact the other side, but all forms of communication had been cut off. Even the underling that approached him couldn't be found. It was like he never existed.

Then, he realized that he knew so little about that "helping hand." He couldn't even track the underling, much less the boss behind him. Huo Jun didn't take long to figure out that he had been used and abandoned when he lost his value.

He fled to a remote location to seek refuge without informing anyone, but Huo Wei still found him. Now, he was reaping the fruits of his actions.

Knowing Huo Wei, what he had experienced was just the beginning.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

Huo Jun quickly realized he was the one being spoken to. He raised his head and tried to put on a flattering smile, but with his current appearance, he just looked more horrifying.

"Patriarch Huo, please have mercy on me. I was tricked. What happened wasn't my intention at all. For the sake of our blood relationship please forgive me. Our family..."

Huo Wei sneered, and the rest of his words got caught in his throat. Huo Wei's eyes were like they were looking at a dead man.

"Why didn't you remember we were family before joining hands with outsiders to assassinate me, hmm?"

This time there was no response.

"Take him away."

A few bodyguards came to drag him out of the room.

"No! Where are you taking me to? Huo Wei, you can't do this to me we are family!" Seeing there was no response and he was still being dragged further away, his fear multiplied, and he resorted to half-baked threats. "Huo Wei! You bastard! You won't get away with this. Don't think the family will let you go! Huo Wei..."

Finding his voice too loud, one of the guards stuffed a piece of clothing in his mouth, and they quickly dragged him away.

Yu Yuan watched as they dragged him away. She knew Huo Wei wasn't on good terms with his family, but she didn't know it was to the point where they'd attempt to assassinate him.

The assassination they were talking about was probably the one that happened on the day she encountered that assassin.

She wondered which branch this relative was from since he looked too old to be Huo Wei's brother.

Someone quickly came to clean the blood on the floor. His actions were done with well-practiced ease. It was obvious that this was a frequent occurrence.

Once he was done, Huo Wei ordered everyone to leave. With this, Yu Yuan and Huo Wei were the only ones left in the room.

Huo Wei rose from his seat, his height towering about Yu Yuan forcing her to raise her head to meet his eyes.

Huo Wei peered into her eyes. His gaze was deep and quiet. Yu Yuan couldn't discern his intentions from his eyes. They were too calm. Not a single ripple of emotion was present.

Yu Yuan's fingers that were hanging by her side twitched. Being stared at with such focus gave her the urge to do something inappropriate.

To Huo Wei, Yu Yuan's eyes were like a mirror. They were clear and reflected his image alone. There was no sign that she was affected by what she had just witnessed.

Maintaining eye contact, he asked, "Were you afraid?"

Yu Yuan felt her ears tingle from hearing his low, hoarse voice at such a close distance. Her fingers twitched once again.


Huo Wei failed to catch any traces of lies in her eyes, but he did find a ripple of emotion. It was gone before he could identify it, but it wasn't fear.

"Do you think what I did was horrible? He's my blood relative you know?"

Yu Yuan looked at him, puzzled. Why was he asking her that question?

Huo Wei himself didn't know why he asked. With his position and power, other people's opinions didn't matter to him. But he just had the sudden urge to know what she thought.

"I think he deserved it, and just because he's your blood relative doesn't mean he's family."

She knew his hands weren't clean, for it wasn't possible to make it this far without shedding a little blood. If he wasn't like this, the Huo family would have swallowed him up and spat out his bones with no guilty conscience. Therefore, she wouldn't point accusing fingers.

"Do you think I'm a bad person?"

Yu Yuan smiled. "Are you a good person?"

A hint of mirth flashed in Huo Wei's eyes. "Good."

Then he put some distance between them. Yu Yuan's eyelids dropped a little, and a hint of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

"How did you get here?"

She looked up and answered, "I was trying to find the bathroom, but I got lost."

"There's a bathroom you can use over there."

Yu Yuan glanced at the bathroom he was referring to. She had forgotten about her wine-stained dress until he reminded her.

She said a quick thank you and headed to the bathroom.

While she was in the bathroom, Assistant Lin arrived.

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