Chapter 56

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Luo Hai sat still in the room and stared at the door with lidded eyes. Earlier, he had called some people to carry the intruders away, so he was all alone in the room. He had been here for about 5 minutes. From the time he and Huo Wei burst into this room till now, it had been 15 minutes. The audience should be here anytime now.

Just as he thought, someone arrived. The door handle turned, and the door was pushed open. Luo Hai raised his eyes to look at who had arrived.

The one who opened the door was a lady, and two of her friends were trailing behind. She wasn't tall, but the aura of arrogance that she exuded made her look bigger than she actually was. Her nose was pointed and slightly upturned, giving her an air of haughtiness.

Luo Hai recognized her. She was Han Jiao, the daughter of the mayor of City A.

Han Jiao was surprised at the presence of someone else in the room.

"Brother Luo, what are you doing here?"

Luo Hai didn't answer the question. Instead, he asked, "Why are you here?"

Han Jiao became displeased. He didn't answer her question. Instead, he replied with another question, but she replied nevertheless."Brother Luo, the servants in your home lack training. Just now, one of your waiters bumped into me and spilled some hors d'oeuvre on my dress. Do you know how much this dress cost? It's ruined now."

As she said that, she showed Luo Hai the stain on the side of her dress. It looked like some kind of sauce had been poured on it.

Luo Hai narrowed his eyes in contemplation. If things had happened like she truly said, it made sense that she would come here to change out of her dress. This type of coincidental situation was really suitable for catching a cheating wife in the act unaware.

Luo Hai didn't suspect Han Jiao. Although she was one of the many who liked Huo Wei, she was self-centered and cared more about her face than anything. She wouldn't do something like ruining her dress in public, especially not at a banquet like this. But the reason she was led here was glaringly obvious to Luo Hai.

Since Han Jiao's father was the mayor, her family was very influential. Han Jiao had been pampered since birth. Everyone knew she was a spoiled and arrogant brat who was only scared of very few people. She wasn't afraid of offending anyone.

Even if she also had a crush on Huo Wei, she didn't pester him like many others since she considered it beneath her. That didn't mean she wouldn't get jealous if there was someone next to Huo Wei.

If Han Jiao had been the one to catch them in the act, she would be more than happy to let everyone at the banquet know. Not to mention, there would be two extra witnesses. She might not be the initiator, but she was a very good facilitator. The culprit has led her here with the aim of using her to complete their plan.

Luo Hai looked at her. "Do you remember what the waiter looked like?"

Han Jiao frowned. She had been too upset to pay attention to his face. One of her friends who had followed her replied. "We didn't get a good look at him. He had bangs covering his face, and his head was lowered all through."

Her other friend also added, "That's true. At that time, it seemed like he had his head lowered because he was sorry, and he kept apologizing, but now it seems fishy."

Han Jiao became alert when she thought of what her friends had said. Speaking of it, it did look suspicious. The Luo family was an aristocratic family. There was no way they would hire untrained staff. Bumping into her in such a clumsy manner and not showing his face was abnormal.

Was someone trying to frame her? She looked around the room and couldn't find anything out of place except for Luo Hai, who was right before her. Perhaps something had happened before she arrived. Her eyes narrowed. She heard that a waiter had bumped into Huo Wei's wife, too. Was her incident related to that?

At this moment, her thoughts were similar to Luo Hai's. He didn't pay attention back then, but he vaguely remembered that the waiter who bumped into Yu Yuan also had his head lowered. Even if they weren't the same person, they were most likely in cahoots. Plus, why did the staff bring someone to this room without confirming if the previous occupant was gone?

There was nothing else he could find here. He had to take a look at the CCTV footage.

Luo Hai turned to Han Jiao, who was starting to get angry at being ignored. "I deeply apologize for the troubles you've encountered tonight. This room isn't suitable for changing. I'll get some to take you somewhere better immediately."

While the banquet was still ongoing, Huo Wei was in the car with Yu Yuan in his arms, heading back to the Huo Family Mansion, but he wasn't having an easier time.

As soon as they hit the road, it was like Yu Yuan had recovered some of the energy she lost earlier. She wouldn't stop squirming.

Yu Yuan felt very uncomfortable. There seemed to be a heat emerging from within, setting her body ablaze. She needed something to cool off, and her husband seemed like the perfect solution. Except he was covered in layers of clothing, and she couldn't access his cool skin.

Left with no other choice, her hands became restless, tugging and pulling at his clothes. Huo Wei tried to restrain her, but he was afraid to hurt her. Hence, his efforts were futile, and he was subjected to sweet torture.

Yu Yuan, who succeeded in popping a few buttons of his shirt open, lowered her head to rub her face on his cool chest. It seemed to alleviate a little of the heat she felt, but it wasn't enough. Perhaps if she swallowed the coolness, she would feel much better. With that thought, she stuck out her tongue and licked his clavicle. She licked it a couple of times before sucking on it.

Huo Wei, who had stiffened when she licked his clavicle, made a sharp inhale. His grip on her tightened, and one of his hands came to lift her face. Yu Yuan's face scrunched up in displeasure at being interrupted. But before she could protest, her lips were sealed. All her complaints vanished as a better option now presented itself before her.

Yu Yuan parted her lips to taste his, but Huo Wei took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. A sweet moan escaped from her lips, and her hands pulled him closer as if to transfer some of the heat she was feeling to him.

When they finally separated, Huo Wei felt the atmosphere was getting more dangerous. He commanded his driver in a hoarse voice, "Drive faster."

The "deaf and blind" chauffeur silently received his boss' orders and pressed on the accelerator.

Immediately they arrived at the Huo Family Mansion, Huo Wei lifted Yu Yuan and headed straight to their bedroom in long strides. Along the way, Housekeeper Zhong appeared to welcome them, but Huo Wei said in a hurry, "No one should disturb us."

"Yes, sir..."

Housekeeper Zhong watched the patriarch march upstairs with Madam in his hands. He wondered what had happened. Regardless, he would carry out his orders.

Aunty Zhang, who happened to have witnessed what just transpired, looked at the stairs thoughtfully. Perhaps she should prepare some nourishing soup tomorrow morning. It looked like this night would be a long one.

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