Chapter 18

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This chapter is dedicated to bee_bora and mouniprashu.

Yu Yuan turned to find who the voice sounded from. There was a group of people walking toward them. The most eye-catching of them was the man leading the group. He looked to be in his late twenties and was dressed in a luxurious purple suit.

His cold slanted eyes constantly sized people up, making them feel like they were being eyed by a poisonous snake. One could tell he looked down on people a lot. He was good-looking, but his temperament made people want to avoid him.

This was Yan Hui, the person in charge of Lustrous.

His eyes fell on Li Na, and a faint smile appeared on his face. "Miss Li, it's really you. I thought you would be too busy trying to fix your company to be here. Or aren't you currently facing a crisis?"

While Li Na and Yan Hui were about to cross swords, preparations for the final competition were still ongoing. A lot of hustling and bustling went on as staff worked hard to put everything in place.

Now they were moving the jewelry pieces submitted by the contestants. To avoid accidents, they were moved one after the other. The person in charge of this was a stout-looking man called Wang Zian.

Wang Zian was an accomplished designer who had won many awards abroad, but he didn't have a strong foothold in Country A. Being part of the coordinators for this competition was a chance to be recognized in his home country, so he embraced this opportunity even if some of his peers would have refused.

Wang Zian examined every jewelry piece to ensure there was no damage. This time only 4 companies made it to the finale. After examining the third piece, Wang Zian took a look at the last.

"Ok, it's all good. Be careful as you move it. If any accidents occur you all will be held accountable."

As they carried the last piece, Wang Zian's eyes lingered on it for a while. For some reason, he found it somewhat familiar.

At this moment as well, the designers from Bejeweled were together discussing their odds in this competition. Many of them were pessimistic and sought confirmation from their fellow designers who took part in creating the competition piece.

"Brother Ye, where do you think we'll place by the end of the competition."

Song Ye was one of the core designers at Bejeweled. The other designers refused to give a clue about the jewelry piece submitted. Only Song Ye who had a warm and outgoing personality was willing to say a few words.

"You all should relax. We already made it this far. Even if we come last we won't return empty-handed. But I'm sure we'll do better than that," Song Ye comforted.

A snort sounded. "What sort of benefit can there be from last place? Can't you see that our reputation has plummeted already? Who would be willing to work with us after this competition?"

The speaker was a female. She had long curly hair and plump red lips. While she spoke, part of her attention was on her manicured nails, showing her disregard. Her name was Tan Lin. She was also a designer at Bejeweled.

Tan Lin's talent in jewelry design was only so-so, and she didn't like to work hard. Yet she couldn't see her flaws. She thought of herself as very talented. Therefore she was arrogant and held disdain for her fellow designers. Her attitude caused her to be unable to get along with her colleagues.

Song Ye's face flushed a little. "Tan Lin, watch your words!"

"What am I wrong? Can you say that everyone present at this competition hasn't heard of us or won't hear of us eventually?"

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