{2. Bad Luck}

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'Past Dialogue'

*Sign language*


(Marinette's POV)

"MARINETTE WAKE UP!!!" Tikki yelled in my ear. I shot up quickly in surprise which caused me to fall off my bed, face planting on the floor. I silently groaned in pain rubbing my face. I sat up and shot Tikki a dirty look. "Don't look at me like that Marinette, you need to get ready for school." I rolled my eyes thinking it was a normal day when I suddenly remembered. Today the winner of the essay competition was going to be announced.

I got up from my sitting position and hurried to get ready for the day ahead. I kept on thinking about what outfit I should where for the special occasion. After a few minutes of searching, I eventually decided on this MDC original outfit...

After I changed and doing my hair and makeup, I ran downstairs to have breakfast

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After I changed and doing my hair and makeup, I ran downstairs to have breakfast. When I got to the kitchen, I saw Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny eating breakfast while talking at the table. I grabbed myself a bowl of cereal and joined them at the table.

*Goodmorning Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny.* I signed to them and started eating my breakfast. "Goodmorning Mari/Little Rocker." They replied. I was eating my cereal as fast as I could without getting a stomachache. "What's got you so excited this morning, Mari?" Aunt Penny asked me. *Today they are announcing the winner for the essay competition. I'm excited to see who won.* I signed in excitement.

After I scuffled down the rest of my cereal, I put my bowl in the sink and signed goodbye to them. I grabbed my skateboard, jumped on and started my way to school. A few people honking their horns, almost being run over by a car a few times, and almost crashing into someone, later I arrived at school.

I looked around for my friends, but I couldn't find them. In fact, there wasn't many people here. I opened my phone and checked the time. The reason my friends weren't here yet is because I'm early. I sat on the steps to wait for them.

After waiting for around fifteen minutes my friends arrived. When they looked my way I waved at them. They walked over to me. *Hi guys.* "Hi Mari." My friends replied. Then Adrien realized the time and looked at me. "How long have you been here Mari?" I checked the time. *Around fifteen minutes.* They looked at me in silent shock for a few seconds until Chloe spoke up. "You were earlier than us for once." *Oh, shut up Chloe.* She just giggled at my actions. *The reason why I arrived so early was because I was excited. I'm excited to see who won the essay competition.* I explained to my friends.

We talked a bit longer before walking to class. We sat down in our seats, we continued talking as we waited for the teacher to arrive. After a while Mrs. Bustier finally arrived. "Goodmorning class." "Goodmorning Mrs. Bustier." The class responded. "Allright before we start the lesson, I have some exciting news." Mrs. Bustier paused for dramatic suspense. "Our class has won the essay competition and will be going on a trip to Gotham." The class erupted in cheers and they started thanking Lie-la, thinking she won them the trip.

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