{11. Kidnappings and Aunt Harley}

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'Past Dialogue'

*Sign Language*


(Marinette's POV)

Today is Wednesday, and we are at the museum in Gotham. It has been a long morning so far, with the typical Lila's lies and class following her every word. I haven't had enough coffee to deal with this. Let me tell you what has happened up to this point. I didn't get any sleep last night. After fighting the Akuma, I was exhausted. But I couldn't for the life of me, manage to fall asleep. So, I ended up staying up all night doing commissions. Which, isn't really surprising at this point, as I hardly get a good nights sleep. So I practically live on coffee and energy drinks. Then yesterday it was our day off, so I spent the entire day working on commissions and worked on them well into the night. I tried to sleep but I was plagued with nightmares of the Akuma that had happened the night before. I didn't get any sleep, I felt like I could fall asleep while standing up at this point. I had very noticeable ,dark bags under my eyes, giving away how little sleep I had had. ^Speaking of coffee, I could go another one right now.^ I thought, craving another coffee. Well anyway, back to what has happened so far this morning.

I had finished a few more commissions last night, packing them up ready to be sent off. I still have a lot more commissions to go. Thanks to my commissions, I am not short on money. When it was time for everyone to wake up, I left my room and went to the kitchen to start on breakfast. I had made a delicious assortment of food. I made French toast with yoghurt and berries. Three types of pancakes; blueberry, chocolate chip, or plain. I also put some cereals and milk on the table for those who wanted it. There was also fruits and maple syrup on the table. All that was left to do was wake them up. I called Tikki by using a banging method we had created for when I needed her. She flew up to me waiting for me to tell her what I needed. *I need you to help me wake the others up.* I told her. I woke up half of them and Tikki woke up the other half. She did hers quicker as she has the added help of a voice.

Once everyone was awake, we all sat at the table and ate breakfast together, I had a big cup of coffee with my breakfast. After breakfast my brothers came over to go to the museum with us. I could tell they noticed the bags under my eyes, as they sent concerned glances in my direction. Together we all went down to the lobby of the hotel to meet the class. When we got there, they were of corse listening to Lila's lies, probably even some about us. Entering the lobby the class finally noticed us. The second they noticed us, they immediately started spewing insults at us. ^At this point, do they even remember they are the Wayne boys. It's like they have completely forgotten, either that, or they don't realise just how powerful the Wayne family is.^ I thought to myself in slight surprise. ^I mean like the Wayne family, is the most influential family in Gotham.^ Mrs. Bustier finally noticed our presence and started off by saying how bad of an example I was being by being late, even though we were completely on time. She then proceeded onto ranting about what I should be doing as the class captain. Was she finished her rant, after about a good 15 minutes. She got the class to go onto the bus, as she was getting the class on the bus, Lila managed to slip away and trip me over. After tripping me, she walked back to the bus and got in, as if nothing had happened. After getting up and my brothers and friends asking if I was ok, along with my brothers shooting murderous glances Lila's way. My friends, my brothers and I, got into the limo with Alfred holding the door open. It was much better, mostly because we didn't have to deal with the class, but also because it was more comfortable.

The entire drive to the museum I had my head laying on Adrien's shoulder. Jason still being protective over what had happened the other day, had sat on the other side of me. Dick was looking at us, happy we were close. Tim looked at us, like he was too tired to care. Damian was sending looks of jealousy, at not being able to sit next to me. As for my friends, they were just happy to be spending time together. We arrived at the museum, Alfred opened the door, letting us out. We waved Alfred goodbye, then went inside to start the tour at the museum. Inside the class was waiting for us, Lila no doubt making lies. We walked up to the class, and shocker (note the sarcasm), Lila was making up lies. Mrs. Bustier walked up to us, looking angry. 'Where were you?' She questioned us in anger. Adrien answered for us. 'We went in the limo, you literally saw us get into the limo. Besides, even if you didn't see us, it's your job to make sure all of the students are accounted for.' He said, fed up with her incompetence. She turned red in fury. 'Watch your tone young man, I can see to it that you get removed from the trip, if you keep this up.' She told him, while fuming. Then Dick, being probably the only responsible one, spoke up trying to calm down the situation. 'We should really start the tour now. We're wasting time standing around.' He said.

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