{13. Explanation}

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'Past Dialogue'

*Sign Language*


(Marinette's POV)


"Marinette this is the Batcave, our place of operations, our secret haven." Dick showed me around, bouncing with excitement. "This is the Batcomputer, this is where we keep our suits, this is a giant dinosaur." He wouldn't stop bouncing with excitement as he dragged me around showing me everything in the cave. He calmed down a bit when he asked me a question. "By the way, how are you feeling?" He asked me. *I'm alright, so, I'm assuming you guys know about us being superheroes.* I told him. "Yeah, your friends told us. They wanted to help out with finding you. It's cool that you're a hero as well, at least now we know you can take care of yourself. Also, less secrets for us to hide from you. It would have been hard to keep it from you. I'm also glad Jason and Damian have taken a liking to you. They don't usually get along well with their siblings." He finished showing me around and we joined the others again, I slouched in relief.

I looked at Dad. *Is he always this energetic and excited?* He smiled. "Not all the time, but he has his moments. So, most of the time." He told me. I sweat dropped. I could tell things were going to be more interesting from now on. I walked over to Adrien and hugged him. He returned the hug. "You had me worried, M'lady." Adrien told me. "I thought I would never get to see you again." I felt bad for not trying harder to get out of there. "Don't feel bad, it wasn't your fault, it was that nasty clown's doing." We then parted because we heard the sound of some more vehicles entering the Batcave. They exited their vehicles and I noticed it was three girls and one guy. They walked over to the boys and greeted them.

Then Dick introduced them to us. "Marinette, this is Barbara Gordon. She is the daughter of commissioner Gordon and former Batgirl. She's also my fiancé." He introduced the red headed girl. "This is Stephanie Brown, former Robin and currently Spoiler." He pointed to the blonde headed girl. Then proceeded to introduce the other two. "This is Duke Thomas, also known as The Signal." He introduced the dark skinned guy. There was only one left. She looked awfully familiar, but I couldn't tell why exactly. Then it hit me, I knew why she was so familiar. "This is Black Bat, but her real name is-

*Lady Cassandra?*


Everyone was shocked, they were trying to figure out how I knew who she was. I figured I should probably explain it, no matter how much I didn't want to. *It's a long story.* I told them. They all looked like they wanted me to tell them how I knew her, even Adrien looked interested in finding out. Well, Bruce looked like he knew part of the story but wanted to find out more. I began the story of most of my life.

*I was born in the League of Assassins, my mother is Talia Al Ghul. When Ra's found out about my birth he was not pleased, he wanted Talía to get rid of me immediately. He saw me as useless, the only heir he would accept was a boy. Talia was ordered to get rid of me, but she couldn't do it, so she kept me in secret. That was until the age of two. It was getting increasingly hard for her to keep me a secret, so she figured I would be better off with my father, that I would be safer. So she left me with Bruce after she explained everything to him. I stayed with him for about a year. One night assassins raided the manor looking to kill me. That was Talia rethought her decision. She decided to take me somewhere else where I could live in secret, with a different family and last name. She entrusted me into the care of the Dupain-Cheng's.

As I grew up with the Dupain-Cheng's in Paris, Talia would visit me every so often, only when she was sure it was safe. She taught me to fight, simply for self-defence. When I became Ladybug, the fighting lessons became all the more necessary. So she started to bring in help. She started to bring Lady Cassandra to help teach me to fight. Those fighting lessons were the main thing keeping me alive. When the Miraculous cure stopped taking effect on me, I had to rely on the fighting lessons. I continued to live with the Dupain-Cheng's, at least until they disowned me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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