{12. What Next?}

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'Past Dialogue'

*Sign Language*


(No one's POV)

It was the next day everyone was mourning the death of Marinette. If only they had tried harder, if only they had been quicker. If only they hadn't let her be taken by Harley. If only they had never gone on that tour. They were all devastated. Jason was angry at himself for not saving her sooner. Dick was devoid of emotion, shocked so hard he couldn't process his emotions, so he didn't show any, but inside he was dead. Tim was sad and upset that he couldn't find her sooner. Damian was shut in his room, where he could let his emotions out, without appearing weak in front of them. Bruce didn't know how to feel, he was angry at himself for not getting there sooner, he was sad he lost his daughter, and at the same time, he didn't feel, he was so heartbroken, he couldn't do anything but sit and stare at nothing.

Marinette's friends felt the worst. They lost a leader, a best friend, a sister, a close confident, and overall, the best person they had ever known. Adrien was devastated and heartbroken, not only did he lose his best friend and partner, but he lost his girlfriend, the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

A week later they were all getting ready for the funeral. None of them were prepared to say goodbye...

And they won't have to say goodbye, because I'm joking.

Marinette was actually alive, but she was unconscious hooked up to a heart monitor, and other things that were keeping her alive. Everyone was relieved that she was alive, but at the same time, they were sad and worried about her. They were worried that she might not wake up. Adrien and Jason, stayed by her bedside the entire time.

They were all wishing that she would wake up soon. They missed having her around. Without her around, everyone started acting different. No one was happy anymore, no one wanted to do anything, they hardly even talked to each other.

Harley took it hard, she felt guilty that she didn't help her, she felt regretful for the choices she made, she wished she helped Marinette more, she wished she did more than just release her.

Jason and Adrien were sitting in the medical room that Marinette was in. They both just sat there next to her, silently watching her, wishing for her to wake up.

"So you're her boyfriend." Jason asked, though it was more of a statement. "Yeah." Adrien responded. "So, what are your intentions with her?" Jason asked, as he turned his head to look at Adrien, trying to intimidate him. "I will show her love and respect, treat her like a queen. I will never hurt her, I'd rather die. She's my life, without her, it's nothing." Satisfied with his answer, Jason turned back to look at Marinette.

"As long as you treat her right, we won't have any issues. But mark my words, if you ever hurt her, even if you make her shed a single tear, superhero or not, I will make sure you regret it." Jason warned Adrien. "I would never dream of hurting her, but if I ever did, I would give you full permission to follow through with those words." Adrien stated to Jason.  "Good." Jason stated.

They went back to sitting in silence, patiently (on the outside) waiting for her to wake up.

(Marinette's POV)

Everything was black. All I heard was silence. The last thing I remembered was being held captive by The Joker. I then faintly heard talking in the background. As I woke up more, the voices became more distinguished. It was Jason and Adrien. I began to hear their conversation. I kept my eyes closed so I could listen to their conversation without interrupting it.

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