{10. Pushovers and Aunt Ivy Pt.2}

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'Past Dialogue'

*Sign Language*


(Marinette's POV)

I was drawing in my sketchbook, when I felt something bump into me. Next thing I know, I was falling...

Right into a pond. I landed in the pond with a loud splash. I was so shocked by the sudden fall I could hardly swim properly. I was almost inhaling water, I was having trouble swimming. I felt something wrap around my foot, restricting me from moving. Without the ability to move my legs, I went under. I couldn't see a thing, I was starting to panic. I could feel my vision slowly fading out before vanishing completely.

(Jason's POV)

When I saw Lila bump into Marinette, sending her into the pond, I could feel myself start to panic. I started to scream her name. I saw her resurface, bringing her head above water. I was slightly relieved, till I saw her go back under, and she didn't come back up. Everyone else was frozen in shock and panic, even Adrien. He looked like he was about to have a panic attack. I quickly made a decision, I wasn't going to lose my sister, right after just getting her. I wouldn't let her die, not like I have.

I ran to the water, throwing off my leather jacket as I ran. I dove into the water after her. It was almost impossible to see anything under the water. I searched the water starting to panic again, till I saw her unmoving form floating in the water. I quickly swam over to her and grabbed her arm, proceeding to try to pull her above water. I soon realised she wouldn't budge. I swam to get a better look at her, there was a plant wrapped around her leg, stopping her from moving. I pulled out my pocket knife, that I keep on me for emergencies. I cut the plant, freeing her. As soon as she was free, I quickly swam us to the surface. We breached the water, and I swam us back to shore.

I dragged her onto the shore, and noticed she wasn't breathing. I immediately started doing chest compressions. Somewhere between all of this, the others had all ran over to us. I continued the chest compressions. She still wasn't breathing, I was starting to lose hope. "Come on Marinette, stay with us." I muttered. I checked her heartbeat, it was slowing down. "No, no, Marinette. Stay with us." I kept on going with the CPR. At this point we were all starting to shed tears. I could hardly see through my tears. I had just got her, and I'm already losing her. I checked her heartbeat again, it continued to slow down, until, it stopped. Now I had tears streaming down my face like waterfalls. I couldn't give up hope and stop now, I had to keep going with the chest compressions. I continued to do CPR, ignoring the strain in my arms from doing it for so long. Slowly, I was starting to slow down on the chest compressions. Until, I stopped.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Dick looking down at me with tears in his own eyes. He gently shook his head. I started to shake my head, refusing to believe she was gone. "No, she can't be gone, she can't be." I said in denial. "We just got her, she can't be gone already." Dick lowered down to the ground and wrapped his arms around me. I collapsed into his arms. "She can't be gone! I won't let her!" I fought out of Dick's grip and went back to her. I started to do CPR again. I won't let her go. I can't. I've already lost too much. I felt another hand on my shoulder, it was Damian. "Todd, stop. She's gone." I looked at his face and there were tears running down his face.

I started to feel angry. Angry at Lila for pushing her, angry at her class for not believing her, angry at her teacher for being useless, and last of all, angry at myself for not getting to her fast enough. My chest compressions started to become more aggressive. In my anger I hit her in the chest. Dick pulled me back and kept me in a tight grip. I was starting to lose it.

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