{6. Waking Up to a Kiss and the First Tour}

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'Past Dialogue'

*Sign Language*


(Marinette's POV)

I was awoken by the sound of my alarm. I groaned silently out of pain. I opened my eyes to the bright sun. I looked around my surroundings. I was in my hotel room. I looked to my right and saw Adrien sleeping next to me. I continued to stare at him just admiring his peacefulness.

He eventually started to wake up. I saw him open his eyes and register where he was. Then he looked at me. "You're awake." He spoke. I nodded; he then engulfed me in a hug. "We were so worried. Don't go by yourself next time. Take us with you." He started rambling worried about me.

*I'm alright kitty. * I signed to him. He still wouldn't stop rambling. So, I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him. He immediately started kissing me back. It quickly became a passionate kiss. We sat there just enjoying the moment. We eventually pulled away for air. I smiled at him; he smiled back.

I cuddled up to him and he didn't stop me. I didn't want to move. I wanted to stay like this forever, but I knew we would have to get up soon. After sitting like this for a while we started to hear loud noises from the living room.

I quickly got up and opened the door, Adrien followed me outside. What we saw honestly didn't surprise me. Everyone was playing video games and arguing. I silently face palmed. Adrien just looked from me to them and back again. I walked in front of the TV to get their attention. "Aww come on Marinette, move, we're trying to play video games." They said, then realised what they said. "Marinette!" They all said and ran up to me and hugged me. 

I silently groaned and made a pained face from them hugging me so tightly and from my wound. I guess Adrien saw because next thing I knew, he was telling them to get off of me. "Guys get off her, she is still hurt." Adrien told them. "Sorry Mari." They all apologised to me. *It's okay guys. * I signed to them. *I'm going to make some breakfast for all of us. Then we have to get ready for the tour.* They all nodded knowing there was no use in trying to talk me out of it. I know they were trying to stop me from doing too many things while hurt, but I'm too stubborn to. Besides I'm the best cook here.

I got to work in making breakfast, I was going to make some waffles with a berry sauce. It took me a while to make considering I was making it for a whole group of people, not to mention hungry teenagers. When I was done, I put everything on the dining table and walked to the living room. I knocked on the wall and Adrien looked at me. *Breakfast is done. * I signed to him, he nodded. "Breakfast is done!" He shouted and everyone ran to the dining room, serving themselves. They all sat down in their seats and started eating.

"This is delicious, Melody." Luka said. I nodded in thanks. I ate my own breakfast, I had to agree with Luka, it was very good. Pretty soon everyone was finished, they inhaled it. They all got up and put their dishes on the kitchen bench. "Thank you for breakfast!" they all said. I went to go wash up the dishes, but Adrien tried to stop me. "You made breakfast Mari; I can wash the dishes." Adrien told me. I shook my head. He looked at me sternly. I finally nodded, letting him wash the dishes, besides I had to get ready anyway. He softened his look at me and hugged me, then kissed me on the lips. "I love you, Mari." Adrien told me. *I love you too, Adrien." I signed in response to him.

After he let me go, I went back to my room and got ready. I had a shower and got dressed in this outfit.

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