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"Soooo..." Youngjae trailed off really trying to fill in the silence between the trio. Though some light music was playing in the background, it really didn't feel right for him for having not said anything since past five minutes. "There really isn't anything going between two of you?" He questioned both of them but not dared to look at Rumi. Hyun who had just taken a sip of champagne, almost spat it at Rumi who was standing across him. While not doing so, it went down the wrong pipe and causing him to go in coughing fit.

"Yah, yah, yah." Rumi placed her glass on table and starting patting his back in concern which for third person's eye looked like she was abusing him with her hard hits. But not for Youngjae's eyes. "Jinjaro. Will you stop it?" Rumi said done with Youngjae's weird questioning.

"Aarso. I will stop. Ah, there is Lieutenant Jang." He quickly said and was out of there not wanting face Rumi's ranting. "Kanda!" And with that he was out of it.

"Tsk." Rumi grinded her teeth before turning towards Hyun who had recovered from his coughing fit. "Gwenchana? Please don't mind his words. He's little out of it all the time." Rumi said patting arm few times before going back to her champagne glass. Hyun opened his mouth to reassure her that he was fine but it looked like she didn't care anymore so he just nodded his head.

"Umm...You look beautiful." Unknowingly the words left his mouth. Hyun quickly covered his mouth cursing himself. What was he thinking? Calling her beautiful. Out of nowhere! There was something really wrong with him these days. Yesterday when she walked off him, he remembers feeling like something heavy pressed on his chest. Then she wouldn't talk to him, even after he tried many a times to apologize and talk. Heck, he had made a long list mental of excuse to talk to her today if she didn't forgive him. But when he arrived in front of her, his mind went blank.

"I do? Thanks." Rumi said gulping down the last bit of liquid before waving her hand again. Another glass of champagne was passed to Hyun's hand. Quicky finishing the earlier one, he took the glass thanking Rumi. "Want some snack?" She asked, not waiting for his response she stuffed it in his mouth. "It's good right?" She asked. Hyun nodded, smiling through his stuffed mouth.

"So..." Hyun trailed of moving to stand beside her. Rumi looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. How cute. Hyun thought looking down at her. Before shaking his head to get his thoughts straight. He really should stop drinking.

"What is it?" Rumi questioned, her work mode face on.

"Ah, it nothing serious." Hyun shook his head to reassure her. "Well, I-I wanted to actually apologize." He confessed.


"Yesterday, my useless mouth went off and said some things- which I really didn't meant to say! I was just blabbering some nonsense!" Hyun reasoned. Rumi chuckled and patted his back.

"Don't worry about it." She reassured. "I was being sensitive, you just stated the facts, there was nothing wrong with it. In fact, you were trying to help me. So, you don't need to apologize for anything."

"But-but. I thought you were upset with me, that's why you wouldn't talk with me. I even texted you but you didn't respond." But you had time to chat with another guy huh? Those words didn't left his mouth no matter how much he wanted say them out loud.

"Aigoo. Uri Hyun-ah!" Rumi cooed pinching his cheek. "Mianhe, eo?" She smiled looking up at him. Hyun's cheeks were pink but not from Rumi pinching it. "I was angry at myself, not at you." She explained to which Hyun nodded looking anywhere but at her.

"Gwok Hyun-ki!" A commanding voice interrupted. Both of them snapped their head towards it. It was Chief Gwok Dong Geun. Both, Hyun and Rumi straightened up. Rumi fixed her posture and opened her mouth to greet him.

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