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"Ahhhhh..." Na-ra, one of Rumi's co-workers let out a sigh as she plopped down on the queen-sized bed. "This is such a nice cottage." She said leaning on one arm to look at Rumi and other female member who were busy with their luggage. "And the bed is nice too." She said bouncing on it. "Yeri-ya, Rumi-ya, see I am bouncing on it!" Na-ra giggled standing on it, Yeri joined her as both of them started giggling like little girls. Rumi chuckled shaking her head at their antics.

"Well, you both can sleep on the bed then. I'll get the extra bedding from the boys." Rumi smiled pulling over her t-shirt and quickly changing into another one. "Wah...I think I saw abs." Yeri said staring at now Rumi's covered torso.

"Yah, byuntae! Why are you staring at other's body?" Na-ra slapped Yeri's arms. "Mwo? I couldn't help it if she's changing in front of me!" Yeri argued hitting back Na-ra. "What do you mean you couldn't help it? Where are your basic mann-"

"Okay. Stop you two." Rumi said pulling both of them apart. "Get changed, we'll go eat something and then rest for a while." Yeri stuck her tongue at Na-ra and ran behind Rumi when she tried to hit her again. "Byuntae!" Rumi chuckled pushing her towards her luggage.

"Rumi your phone is ringing." Yeri said passing her phone. Tai. It read. Rumi pressed her lips watching it until it finally stopped ringing. "Shouldn't you be picking that?" Rumi looked up to see Yeri nodding towards her phone. Rumi hummed and pocketed her phone.

"I heard that buffet at this resort is quite nice." Rumi said looking at the girls.

"Everything is nice here. If only Jina had not messed up the booking then we would have nice rooms like others." Na-ra sighed from other side.

"What? Jina? Is that same Jina that I am thinking of? The one who runs away while putting others to clean her mess?" Rumi turned to look at Na-ra. "Wah you looked quite acquainted with her." Yeri commented with a chuckled. Rumi let out a groan. "Why is that I am always cleaning her mess?" Na-ra laughed saying how she feels lucky that it was Rumi and not her. "How come she is still in the company? Is Hybe short on employees? They are even making us work. Whatever! You girls freshen up, I'll wait outside." Rumi said while muttering some curses under her breath and walking out of the bedroom.

"Eo. Are you girls done?" Tae-oh, her co-worker asked looking up from the couch.

"Hmm, they'll be out in a minute." Rumi nodded making her way outside of the cottage.

"Eodiga? (Where are you going?)" He asked sitting up. Rumi waved her cigarette pack in answer. "Yah, let's go together. Wait for me!" He shouted looking for his own packet but Rumi was already out looking for secluded spot.

On the side of the cottage there was little garden decorated with potted plants which were quite huge forming a great camouflage, Rumi decided it was good enough for her so she pulled out a cigarette and placed it in between her lips. She clicked her lighter lighting her cigarette. "Ah." She sighed letting a smoke cloud. Her phone buzzed again in her pocket making her clench her jaw. She knew it was her sister again. Doesn't she get the hint that I don't want to talk? What is that they want from me? "Can't I have some peace for once?" Rumi muttered taking in another puff.

"Rumi?! Where did you go?" It was Tae-oh looking for her. Rumi peeked from the plants and waved her hand calling him over. "Why are you hiding in here?" He asked as Rumi handed him lighter. "Thanks."

"I don't know if we are allowed to smoke." Rumi said in between the puffs. Tae-oh nodded letting out his own smoke cloud.

"It's better than nothing at all." He said making Rumi look at him in question. "The cottage, I mean." Rumi nodded agreeing to it. It is true, it was better than nothing at all. The resort is surrounded by mountains on one side and water on the other side with not other hotels or motels around. So, they had no other option than taking up this cottage. "Hm?" Rumi heard some rustling, she looked into the plant thinking it might be some animal but the rustling sound was coming from the backside. "What happened?" Tae-oh asked as he watched Rumi walked to backside of the cottage.

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