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"Hehehe. Hoshi-ya. You are my only good friend, you know that?" Rumi giggled as she settled down on the table with her tray of food. Chan snorted following her. "It's not you who should rethink but hyung." He commented. "What? I am just complimenting him. Hoshi-ya aren't you my best friend." Hoshi laughed looking at her stuffed cheeks, she looked like a hamster.

"Cheoncheonhi, the food not going anywhere." Chan said making a face, Rumi grinned at him making him more disgusted. "Yah, your manners, aish." He looked away. "You are making me lose my appetite." "Really? Then give it to me, I'll finish it." Rumi said trying to take his food tray. "Yah!" Dino slapped her hand away. "What are you? Gorilla, where does all that food go?"

Rumi patted her stomach proudly and said "In my stomach. I have great digestive system and do you even know how much of hard work I do. I need lots of energy for that. You can't have energy if you don't eat well." Rumi explained as she continued stuffing her face.

"Then you should eat well, hmm?" Hoshi smiled passing her water bottle. Rumi smiled in gratefulness.

"Ah, since we are here." She wiped her mouth with back of her hands earning comments of mannerless from Chan. "I need advice on something. Ani, it's actually my friend who needs it." She quickly changed her words being cautious. Hoshi nodded asking her to go on. "So, here's the thing. Umm well, my chingu and there is this person they are good friends, but recently, you see my friend did something to this person and that person misunderstood it and is upset." Rumi glanced at two. "How should I-ani my chingu clear this misunderstanding?"

"Hmm, talk to that person." Hoshi said. "You said they are good friends right?" Rumi nodded her head and then shook it. Are they even friends? Rumi asked herself. "Mollaa..." Rumi sighed clutching her hair. "Well, talking I know is the solution but how should my chingu do that, like approach the person directly or?" Hoshi nodded his head.

"First of all, what did you do?" Chan asked. Rumi looked at him like deer caught in a headlight. "I didn't do anything! It's my friend who needs advice!" Chan held up his hand. "Aarso, aaraso. You friend, what did he/she do? For making it hard to approach that person." He asked fixing his words. "Must have said something which might upset that person or something else?"

Rumi looked away at that question. "Is it important?" She asked glancing at Chan who nodded his head. "Umm well um slapped him-" "Mwo?!" He exclaimed before she was done. "-and asked him to leave?"

"Yah? This is no misunderstanding." Hoshi asked looking at her in disbelief. "That person didn't misunderstand anything. Your friend slapped him, obviously he will be upset." Rumi groaned throwing her head back. What should I do now? I shouldn't have done that. "Then what should my friend do now?" She asked. "Forget about it. I don't think I'll ever talk to a person who slapped me across the face." Hoshi said shaking his head.

"Mwo?" Rumi straightened up and looked at him. "Across the face? No! I didn't slap him across the face. I just slapped his hand away because I couldn't take it anymore. I don't know what would I've done if he stood that close for any second longer." Rumi confessed remembering her urges trying to get best out of her. Ah, mianhaeyo Wonwoo-ssi for having such thoughts of doing it you and also sorry for slapping you.

"Jamkkanman. Weren't you talking about your friend? Then why did you slap someone here? What is this? I am confused?" Hoshi asked looking at her and Chan

"Hyung, you are so naïve." He shook his head. "I can't give you advice on half of the information. But from what you said it's clear that you need to straightened out your feelings before you talk with that person." Rumi looked at him stunned. This boy is too clever or I am just dumb. She thought. "And what are you, a teenager?" Chan asked. If anyone didn't know better then they would really think Chan was the older one among three sitting on the table. "I couldn't take it anymore." He imitated her words. "Teenagers are better these days."

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