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Rumi climbed in closing the door behind her. "Good morning!" She greeted putting on the seatbelt. Hyun glanced at her, "It's half past twelve." Rumi clicked her tongue. "Well, it's morning for me." She replied the grin on her face unreplaceable. Hyun rolled his eyes and shifted the gear. "Why are you suddenly all smiles these days? Did something happened while I was gone?" Hyun questioned glancing at her. "Am I?" Rumi turned towards him with same grin. "Maybe because you were gone?" Hyun snorted at her response. "I don't know, I'm just feeling happy these days." Rumi continued staring up ahead. Hyun glanced at her; she really did look happy. He smiled to himself.

"So, how far have we come along?" Hyun asked. "As I mentioned the other day; nothing much. I don't how long or if they will be able to get into that system? And about everything else, is going smoothly, I think." Rumi added. Hyun stared at her in rear-view mirror. "What about the incident?" Rumi turned towards him furrowing her eyebrows. "What incid-ahh that. Wait a second. If you know about everything then why are you asking me to report?" Rumi narrowed her eyes annoyed.

"Because I want to hear from you. How did you get into such situation in first place? Haven't I and captain warned you about maintaining your distance with them?" Rumi rolled her eyes. "Rumi don't you see you are getting too attached to them?"

"I am not. We are as close as co-workers are supposed to be. I work around them, it obvious that I need to maintain some relationship." Rumi explained. "And about that incident, wasn't it good that I was around them that time? Aren't we here to prevent such incidents from happening?" Rumi asked looking at him.

"We are but the way you all are gotten close can become a big problem in future." Hyun argued glancing at her. "Rumi, I heard what happened that night. You were there you did what you have to but how did they react?" Hyun asked. Rumi pursed her lips and looked away. "Tell me how did they react to the incident?"

"Leader-nim was pissed that I got involved and hurt myself." Rumi muttered. Hyun stared at her. "And now he wants me to press charges against that girl. But I can handle it. I have talked with them already-"

"Talked? What? Did you say you were hired by their label to protect them? That you weren't just Rumi Raikar from productions department but a security agent who has been working under a disguise. That you know everything about them and has been pretending to be this naïve woman who don't know anything about their world." Hyun retorted frustrated with her trying to justify something she knew that it was going to come bite her later. Hyun sighed. "Rumi it's just not you who is getting attached but they are too. And you know it that this attachment is going to be an obstacle for you in future."

"I've never let any attachment stir me from my duty, Hyun." Rumi said her voice curt. And it was true, everyone in the agency knew that, Rumi Raikar was a crazy bitch but she was someone who got her job in any conditions. No matter who stood in her way, she would do whatever it would take to complete her case. Her career as an agent was something remarkable, if it hadn't been for the last case she was assigned on then she would've been on a high position instead of being a mere agent. "I'm not trying to doubt your ability here Rumi. In fact, I am in no position to doubt it." Hyun said. "I just trying to warn you about the obstacle. I know you would do your duty well but what about them? How do you think they would react if they found out that the only reason you were being friendly was because you were asked to?"

Rumi sighed. "I don't know Hyun okay! And what is so wrong with that? Yes, I was friendly with them because I was paid to but that was earlier! Now I genuinely like being around them. I finally feel like I am part of this society in this foreign country. Is it so wrong to be wanting that?" Hyun stared at her in rear-view mirror with guilty eyes. Of course, it was not wrong. He knew how she was treated in the agency. A woman that to a foreign woman competing against all these men was something they could never digest. She was always isolated.

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