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"Hehe cheers!" Rumi giggled clinking her glass with co-worker's. Let's just say Rumi had gone astray and there was no Hyun to get her out. She didn't even know how many glasses she downed; she had lost the count after that another mug of special tonic after she had lost against Seungcheol. "Eo! Nuguji? It's the winner!" Rumi exclaimed stumbling towards Seungcheol who laughed at her tone. "Aigoo, she's drunk." Seungcheol said as Rumi settled down beside him while clinking her glass with his. "Eo? It's empty, hehe." She giggled turning the glass upside down. "Leader-nim it's empty!"

Seungcheol scrunched his face at her loud voice. "Aish si-stop screaming." An annoyed voice slurred from across. Rumi snapped her eyes towards it. "Hmpf." She scoffed narrowing her eyes at the drunken tiger. "Well, well, well isn't it the sore loser." Rumi taunted. Hoshi snorted glaring back at her. "Sore loser? Now, I am sore loser? And what are you? A two-faced bitch?"

"Yah!" "Hoshi-ya!" Both Seungcheol and Jeonghan who sitting around them scolded, while Jihoon stared at him surprised. Is it that bad? He wondered glancing at Rumi and Hoshi who glared her down. A bitter chuckle was heard, as Rumi looked up at him. "Maybe I am. But aren't you a coward running away from your problems? Eo?" Rumi taunted stumbling up, Seungcheol grabbed her arm steadying her. "Yah, Rumi-ya-" Rumi shrugged of his grip. "Eo? Aren't you?" Hoshi too stood up, he had enough of it. How much of hypocrite can she be? She called me names; she was at fault here yet she was shamelessly blaming him again. "Mwo? Are you going to walk away again?" Rumi mocked tilting her head.

The sudden tension had attracted attention of sober members. Wonwoo noticing Rumi was quick making his way towards them, Mingyu, Minghao and Seungkwan following him. "Go on walk away again! Like a coward you are." Rumi flicked her arm, "So, what if I called you annoying!" She screamed. "Don't I call you that every day?" There was look of disbelief on his face. "You are really a hypocrite you know that?" Hoshi glared stepping towards in anger. Wonwoo and Mingyu were about to step in but Wonwoo stopped blocking Mingyu too. They needed to talk this out even it meant like this. Rumi laughed, "If you are aware then why are you being a bitch about this huh?" Hoshi cursed in frustration and grabbed Rumi's collar.

"Hoshi!" Everyone stood up. "I am being a bitch?" Rumi laughed looking at his hands. "You sure you want to do this?" She asked looking up. "Wae? You called me coward right? Let me show how much of coward I am." He sneered tightening his fist at her t-shirt. Rumi tilted her head cracking her neck, "Then don't blame me." She sneered her own hands grabbed on his t-shirt and pushing him back. Suddenly the situation had turned from bad to worse. Wonwoo grabbed on Rumi while Mingyu grabbed on Hoshi to pulled them apart but both had a dead's grip on each other as the cursed at top of their voices.

"Ssibal! Do you think just because you're a woman I'll let you go!" Hoshi cursed his leg trying to kick. "Ssibalsaekki! Do you think I care?! I'm going to fuck up your stupid face! Come here!" Rumi screamed pulled him closer. "Rumi-ssi, stop what are you doing?!" Wonwoo scolded trying to pry her hands off but instead he accidently received a slap making his glasses fly off. "Stupid face?! Yah I make millions with this stupid face what about you huh?! You can't even behave like lady! Most of time you are dressed like a homeless man. And other time you are shamelessly cursing or beating people up!" Hoshi screamed back with insults.

"Eo maja! Let me show you I exactly pummel people up!" Rumi screamed as both of them pushed the mediators away. Hoshi pushed his leg in between hers making her trip. Rumi pulled him along to ground; their forehead's slamming against each other making them cry out in pain. "Fuck!" Rumi cursed holding her forehead. "Argh minchin-yah what is it made up of? Rock?" Hoshi groaned holding his own forehead. "Mwo?! Are you calling me dumb?" Rumi glared at him. Hoshi snorted rolling over to lay beside her on ground.

"Bitch." He muttered making Rumi snapped her head at him unable to do anything but glare, she was too exhausted to move. Rumi snorted scoffing, "You are a little bitch, mopping around just because I called you annoying. Do you become one if I call you that?" Rumi asked rolling her eyes.

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