p a r t t h i r t y f o u r

378 14 9

"tina, we'll only be gone for a few hours. i promise." devin told tina as she grabbed her purse.

"you're positive? you need to be safe and back before dark." the girl sat her phone down on the couch as wilbur paused the anime tina had put on. death note. when wilbur admitted he didn't watch anime, devin and tina went to immediate work. stating a 'global emergency' to the two boys.

the girls made a huge list of anime's that he needed to watch and they decided the basics would be the best to start. such as death note, attack on titan, and demon slayer.

"i'm positive. i'll text-"

"text me! oh..sorry" tina frowned and let a little laugh out as devin smiled and grabbed the keys to the apartment.

"we're leaving. bye guys!"

"be safe!" wilbur shouted, unpausing death note.

tommy and devin walked out the door and straight down to the sidewalk.

"okay, first i think we should go to pam's. i've never been, but, i've heard good things. and then, we'll hit a few more randos, get coffee, or boba, and then we'll go to barnes and noble. cool?" devin walked in step with tommy, his mouth dropped at her ramble.

"sure. okay. so...can we just get some coffee first though? and then boba later!"

"yeah, there's a starbucks right here." and she wasn't kidding. right as they turned the corner it was there.

"oh, um i don't know what to get-"

"i'll order for you!" devin was pulling tommy's arm in, straight to the counter and she was already ordering.

"hi! could i get a venti. iced matcha with classic and vanilla and light ice please? and then...tommy?"

he stared at the menu, not understanding any of it.

"okay...let's just do a venti iced coffee for him. can you just add random shit to make it sweet?"

"sure?" the worker tapped on their ipad, the total popping up and before tommy could grab his card to pay, devin had already payed with her atarbucks app.

"i was gonna pay." he grumpled, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets as he glared at devin.

"oh, cheer up, poppet." devin said in a british accent, eliciting a laugh from tommy as devin went up and grabbed their coffee and matcha.

"let's go....mate."


it's been a bit-
i'm back tho lol

i love you so much. please eat some
food, get some water and some rest.
don't forget to take your meds!!


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