Chapter 03

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I groaned as I woke up to find myself in a hospital room. I looked to my left and saw Phil and dad snuggled together on the couch making me smile 'Too cute!'

I looked to my right and saw a blonde and golden eyed male staring at a chart. My face hardened as he looked up at me and smiled "Well, good afternoon Miss Swan. How are you feeling?" My eyes narrowed and I said "Like Leatherface took his chainsaw and stabbed me repeatedly" he frowned and said "I can give you some morphine for the pain..." I turned my gaze to the foot of my bed "That would be great and a new doctor would be spectacular as well."

I didn't need to see his facial expression to know what I said surprised and hurt him "O....okay?" I glanced over at him as he left the room before sighing and curling up into a ball. I knew I was being unnecessarily rude, but I didn't want anything to do with the Cullens.

This was me setting up a boundary.

I plan on cutting off Renee and Bella as well. They're toxic people in my life and the Cullens are just enablers. I don't need those kind of people in my life. I'm starting over, getting a fresh start at life.

First things first though, I have to get healthy. A female doctor entered after knocking on the open doorway "Hi, I'm Dr. Shepard. You're Bambalina Swan?" I nodded and she offered me one of those apathetic and professional smiles "Dr. Cullen said that you'd prefer a female doctor?" I rolled my eyes at that but nodded. She nodded as well and looked at the chart "So it seems like you have some food sensitivities....can you tell me about your normal diet?"

I nodded and explained my living situation and my lack of ability to eat. By the end of it she seemed horrified. She cleared her throat which seemed to wake up my dads who immediately jumped apart upon realizing their intimate position. I snickered as the doctor shook her head.

"We'll give you a full physical exam, run urinalysis, and blood work. We'll also need to do an ultrasound on your stomach and uterus if that's alright with you?" She said making my dad nod "Whatever she needs doc" she nodded and left.

My dad and Phil turned to me and asked "Why is Dr. Shepherd here and not Carlisle?" I rolled my eyes once more and said "Because I want nothing to do with the Cullens. They're enablists and I don't want any contact with them. You can be friends with them if you want, but please leave me out of it" my dad hesitatingly nodded and Phil said "Of course" he then walked over and gently kissed my temple "I'll go get your laptop from home, okay?" I nodded and he left.

Dad watched after him with a lovesick smile making me smirk. I didn't get a chance to comment though as a nurse walked in with a tray that had empty vials, a needle, and a cup to pee in. I sighed already dreading the day ahead.

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