Chapter 07

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Baby's POV
Things have gotten really weird lately.....

For starters, I hardly see Leah anymore. She says that she's just gotten really busy at work, but it's early September and tourist season doesn't start until late May so the diner shouldn't be too busy.

Paul on the other hand visits everyday now.

We've gotten pretty close the past few weeks resulting in Paul getting really protective of me. I've introduced him to anime and we try cooking meals together when my dads aren't home. Key word being try. We usually just go to Sam Uley's house and have dinner since neither of us can cook. We can't even boil water! It's for the greater good that we leave the cooking to someone else.

Currently, Paul and I are doing homework together. He surprised by how smart I am "So, I should round 3.85507 to 3. 86 to get the total circumference?" He asks making me nod "Correct!" He laughs and says "Okay, you're better at school so this puts your age at....65" I huff and say "No way! I'm definitely at least 70!"

We also started this little game of guessing our mental ages. Currently Paul is at 68 while I'm definitely at 70.

He scoffs and says "Nope! You can't mentally be older than me, if your still physically younger" I narrowed my eyes and said "Says who? Besides, we're only a year apart, and I'm in my senior year while you're still s junior" he immediately shoots back "A year and three months!" I crinkle my nose and say "Months don't count! Unless it's 6 months or above!" He then asks "Why six months?" I then state "Because that's half a year" then I add "Take Bella and Jake for example; Bella is two year and a half years older than Jake, which makes them almost three years apart."

He hesitates before groaning in defeat and flopping backwards "Fine, we're the same age mentally, happy?" I giggle and lounge on my side next to him "Very" he tries to fight the smile, but I still catch the glimmer of it forming.

A feeling of happiness and contentment fills the air as we relax. That was the last of our homework, and I finished all my chores before Paul came over so we can just bask in the silence of each other's company.

I suddenly roll over and lay on my back and stare at the ceiling before hesitantly asking "What do you think she'd us more? Our world and society, or our home lives?" He is quiet for a moment before saying "Honestly? Our parents for sure" I look at him before looking back up at the ceiling.

Renee always favored Bella leading me to fend for myself from a young age, and since my dad couldn't always be there due to custody, I didn't really get the support I needed until Renee met papa. Before that I had to clean the entire house, make myself meals (and due to my lack of knowledge of the kitchen it was always quick and easy things like instant ramen or sandwiches), and when Renee dated a guy and allowed him to live with us, even if she only knew him for 24 hours, I had to lock my doors and avoid being alone in a room with them because Renee wouldn't protect me from them like she would Bella.

Paul's mom abandoned him with his drunken abusive father at age 4. After that he became the brunt of all his father's aggression, and when his father had a girlfriend over she could do whatever she wanted to him as well. That was actually how Paul earned the title of 'womanizer' on the Rez, and not from actually dating multiple women, though he did date a few girls the relationships never lasted long due to his history. He owned though, and pretended that it didn't bother or upset him. This lasted until Paul turned 13 and started fighting back, it didn't officially stop until he was 15 however. This earned him the new title of 'hothead'.

Thinking about his dad made an idea form in my head, but before I could say anything my dad walked in "Hey Baby, Paul. You kids feel like dinner from the diner?" He asked making us both nod and give him our orders "You spending the night again, Paul?" Paul looked to me before nodded "I was hoping to, sir" he nodded and walked to the door to get them, but before he left I got up and jogged over to him and whispered my idea into his ear.

He looked to me and smiled before saying "I think that's a great idea, sweetie, go for it" I nodded and walked back to Paul smiling making him raise an eyebrow and ask "What?" I smirked and said "Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough."

~~~a few weeks later~~~
I stood on my tip toes and covered Paul's eyes while guiding him through my house "Almost there, don't worry" I said encouragingly making him chuckle and ask "Are you sure you can't just tell me the surprise?" I giggled and chirped out a "Nope!" Earning chuckles from dad, papa, and Paul.

I guided him up the stairs and towards the attic before removing my hands and cheering out a "Ta-da!" Paul looked around in shock and confusion "Is this....?" He slowly asked, speechless. I offered up a shy smile and said "Your own room? Yeppers!"

I grew nervous at his silence and started wringing my hands together "Do you

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

I grew nervous at his silence and started wringing my hands together "Do you like it?" I didn't have to wait long for a response because as soon as the question left my lips Paul scooped me up and twirled me around until we both fell on the bed in a fit of laughter "Are you kidding me?! I love it!" We both laughed and I hugged Paul tightly.

I don't want this to end anytime soon, I'm happy here. With my dads, and Paul, life couldn't get any better for me.

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