Chapter VI

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Victoria captures everyone's attention as she navigates towards Mutale's house as per Mwansa's directions

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Victoria captures everyone's attention as she navigates towards Mutale's house as per Mwansa's directions. When she finally reaches what she assumes to be the right house she knocks on the door lightly and waits for a response.

A woman that appears to be a spitting image of Mwansa opens the door and Victoria exhales in relief.

"Good day-" She starts but before she can finish her greeting the door is slammed shut in her face. The woman on the other end of the door shouts in what Victoria has to recognize as Mutale and Mwansa's mother tongue. She knocks again and the same woman opens the door again. She barks out a quick "Get out" and attempts to slam the door in her face once again but this time Victoria acts quickly. Blocking the door from closing completely.

"Please, I mean no trouble." She begs.

"What do you want here? To see to it that my son is finished off?" Mutale's mother accuses.

"No, I've brought him some medicine."

"We don't need your pity."

"Please, accept these not for either of us but for Mutale's sake." She says offering the brown paper bag with medicine to the elderly woman. The woman grabs it and gets ready to slam the door yet again.

"Please let me just see him." Victoria pleads her voice breaking. The woman swings the door open in defeat and allows her to enter. She leads Victoria to a conjoined room where he lays shivering on a thin mattress, his breathing uneven.

"Stay away from my son." Mutale's mother warns, "You'll only bring him trouble, he's a stubborn man. The more I ask him to leave you the more he pursues you."

"It's one of the things I love about him," Victoria says with a weak smile.

"I've never seen him like this," She admits. "Every time he comes from work he's smiling and happy."

"Trust me, your son has given me more happiness in the few months I've met him than my whole life combined."

"If he means so much to you, then stay away from him, he has no future with a white woman."

"Just tell him to come by the mansion to collect his last wages when he's well. He's dismissed from his duties from then on." She says and lowers her head in fear as she leaves.

People continue to stare at her as she makes her way back to where the driver awaits. Her thoughts wander around the news the doctor delivered to her, last night with Charlie and her encounter with Mutale's mother.


A few days later she's doing her regular visit to father Philip when she sees a tall dark figure in the gardens. She tries to pay attention to every word the priest is saying to her as they take their walk but Victoria's attention continuously wanders to Mutale.

"I really appreciate your visits child, your eagerness to learn more about God is truly inspiring."

"For a long while, this was my sanctuary. I had no one and you always made me feel at home."

"That's what God does my child." He responds with a warm smile. "We thank the Lord for this miracle growing inside you." He adds.

She unconsciously touches her belly which isn't showing yet and looks at him in confusion. "Sister Martha told me about it when she was here." He responds understanding her unspoken question. Everyone simply referred to her as Doc, but she was actually a nun as well that was doing work as part of the Christian missions. 

"Oh, I see." She says with a nervous chuckle.

After she bids father Philip good, she walks over to Mutale nervously while he walks back to the parish office. She clears her throat when she's a few steps away from him. He stops what he's doing and turns to look at her.

"Lady Victoria," He says acknowledging her presence.

"How are you?" They ask at the same time.

"Sorry, you first."

"I'm pregnant" She blurts out. Mutale drops the tool in his hand and gets closer to her.

"What?" He asks.

"I'm pregnant." She repeats again. She smacks herself internally at her impulsiveness.

"Pregnant?" Mutale asks in disbelief. His eyes light up in ecstasy as the news sinks in. He rushes to her and spins her in the air. "That's great news1" He beams.

"Yes, but this is very dangerous for us. If Charlie finds out -" The words die in the throat as she's unable to fathom what her husband's reaction will be.

"We'll run away." He tells her.


"We're supposed to be staying away from each other you know." Mutale teases Victoria as she follows him around the gardens like an enthusiastic puppy. "In that case, you're fired." She replies. Mutale twirls her and pulls her towards him. She is now pressed against him and she looks up at him with a smile. The growing bump on her belly nestled between them and his palms gently rub the bump.

"Have you thought of any names?" Victoria asks.

"How about Mutale?" He suggests.

"How about I give you more time to think?" She jokes tapping his nose playfully. "I'll be going to see father Philip this afternoon if you need a ride, I'll be more than glad to offer you one." She offers.

"Don't worry about it my dear, I can use the walk." He assures, declining her offer.

" He assures, declining her offer

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