Chapter VIII

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A few days later, Victoria is woken from her sleep by a sharp pain in her lower abdomen

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A few days later, Victoria is woken from her sleep by a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. She gets out of bed and throws on a long silk gown when the pain subsides. She packs baby clothes in a bag along with some money and a few valuables. She also throws in a few of her old gowns and a pair of sandals. She sneaks to the door and quietly lets herself out. As she makes her way to the gate another sharp pain wrecks her belly. She treks on in the dead of the night, stopping occasionally when a contraction hits.

By the time she reaches her destination she's breathing heavily, sweating and doubling over in pain as she walks. She knocks on the door panting for air, but no one answers. She hammers the wood again more loudly when she hears movement from inside.

The woman opens the door and is shocked to see Victoria at the door.

"Lady Victoria." She calls.

"Please help me, I think it's time."

"You realize I'm not a doctor, right?" Mutale's mother says.

Taking more deep breaths, Victoria fans herself with her hand. She drops the bag she had carried.

"Pleeeease." She manages to breathe out. Her nightgown clings to her body from the intensive sweating.

"Ma, what's wrong?" Mwansa asks coming to the door. When she sees Lady Victoria at their door, she pulls her inside in shock. "Lady Vicky? Is everything alright?" She asks worriedly.

"I think the baby is coming." She pants.

"We need to help her Ma." She says jumping into action.

"We can't do anything-" She starts but gets cut off by Mwansa.

"That! Is your grandchild, whether you like it or not.

"We've tried to warm Mutale about this but he won't listen, let them deal with this alone. I'm not about to lose my son to this muzungu." She huffs.

"Mother you will lose more than just your son if you don't help this woman. There's no going back now." She says.

Their mother puts on her shoes and heads for the door without a word. "Where are you going Ma?" Mwansa asks while she helps Victoria settle down.

"To get Mai Chansa, she'll know what to do." She says.

She heads over to their neighbour's house to call her friend for help. After a few minutes, they return and lock the door behind them.

"What has your son gotten himself into?" Mai Chansa asks shaking her head.

"You told her?" Mwansa asks wide-eyed.

"She's here to help us," She snaps "It's shocking enough there's a muzungu in my house at this ungodly hour." She adds.

The women get to work helping Lady Victoria give birth. Mwansa holds her hand and whispers words of encouragement to her, asking her to take deep breaths. Mai Chansa tells her to push while she prepares to receive the baby whose head is already showing. Mai Mutale dabs Victoria with a cloth cooling her down and wiping away sweat.

Yours truly, VictoriaWhere stories live. Discover now