Chapter IX

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Mutale takes off his boots at the door of his mother's house

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Mutale takes off his boots at the door of his mother's house. He creaks it open and lets himself in throwing his rucksack on the floor as he calls for her. His mother rushes out of the adjoining room with a bag crying. "We have to leave," She announces. "We don't have time, Mwansa is already gone with the baby we have to get out of here." She adds through her tears.

"The baby is born?" He asks his face lighting up.

"Yes, impatient just like her father, couldn't do things the way-" She stars, but Mutale grabs her by the shoulders cutting her off.

"No mother, you will not speak about my child like that." He warns.

"What about my child? Who's to protect my own child?" She sobs into his chest.

"Ma, the same way you will do anything for your child is how I will move heaven and hell for my mine. We need to get Victoria; we're not leaving without her." He states.

"You're such an amazing boy Mutale." She says cupping his cheek, "Standing by your child like this, I couldn't be prouder for raising a son like you." She tells him.

"It's all you Mama, I hated how you were all alone all these years. I would never subject another woman to that."

"She said she was holding off her husband, we need to leave while we can." She tells him

"We can't leaver her, that man will hurt her."


"I'm not leaving without her, get everything ready we will be reading."

 "By the jurisdiction of the British crown, we have a warrant for the arrest of Mutale." The officer announces. "Under arrest? Officer, I haven't done anything." He tries to explain.

"A significant amount of wealth has been reported missing from the Goodwick mansion and you are the prime suspect."

Two officers behind the constable come forth to cuff his hands in chains. Mutale tries to fight them off pleading that he hasn't stolen anything but his efforts are in vain. The officers kick him and shove him in an attempt to get his cooperation.

"Officer!" A voice booms, cutting through the chaos and silencing the now-gathering crowd. "I will handle it from here." He says making the dramatic gesture of putting on a pair of gloves before jumping out from the back of the mini truck where he stands.

"This man presented before you is a thief!" He booms addressing the crowd. "He has taken that which does not belong to him. He has stolen from Charles Goodwick." He continues his monologue. 

People continue to gather around and whisper amongst themselves. "He was always hanging around that white woman." 

"I heard she even slept over at their house, right here in the ghetto" 

"She came here often" 

"And I thought he worked for her" 

The rumours continued to spread like a wildfire amongst his neighbours. 

Yours truly, VictoriaWhere stories live. Discover now