Part 25

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It was a dark day when the attack on Hogwarts was announced, yet darkness had loomed over the castle for the majority of the school year. All joy had been sucked out of the corridors at the end of the previous year, the students had been left to fend for themselves with Harry disappearing to complete a mission given to him by Dumbledore. There was no one to protect them.

Any pleasant stories seemed fairytales to both Beckham and Millie. The pair of twins are separated by two different houses, making any communication between them scarce. Perhaps it was better that way, under Voldemort's rule they were still seen as disappointments compared to their pure-blood classmates. While Beckham had been welcomed into Ravenclaw with open arms, the Slytherin students were distant from the small girl that slept in the first-year dormitory alone.

Since her interaction with Snape, she had been on edge. She had replaced her Muggle sneakers for the school-appointed loan pair she was gifted by McGonagall. She had the intention of keeping her head down before the end of the school year to avoid any more trouble, once she returned home she wanted to make it clear she didn't belong in this world. Millie wasn't going to return to Hogwarts, she had made up her mind.

One evening there was a sudden announcement for the students to attend an assembly in the Great Hall. It confused students outside of the Gryffindor house who had been informed of the secret that Harry had returned to Hogwarts, with his best friends in tow. It was a sudden shock for George who took one look at the boy after bunking with the other senior students who had temporarily set up a new dorm to sleep in so they could have their eventual revenge on the Death Eaters currently running the school. George and Harry had a short reunion, with a small hug. "Where are the twins?" Harry asked in passing. The boy, although having a rough, stressed appearance noticed his cousin had grown taller, threatening to spill out of the uniform he had been gifted from Harry. His dark hair was cropped back short.

"Slytherin and Ravenclaw," George answers, that he had his own role to plan in the event his cousin did return to Hogwarts. All Harry needed to know was that the pair of them were safe with their houses, the older students had the intention of protecting the juniors as they didn't understand complex spells.

"So Harry what's the plan?" Neville asked the fellow Gryffindor who he snuck back into the castle using a secret passageway. He informed them that Hogwarts had changed, a seen with the wound on his head. Neville explained he refused to use an unforgivable curse on a first-year student.

"There's something we need to find," Harry announces to the crowd that had gathered around. Harry explained it would help them defeat Voldemort however, it was hidden in the castle. "I realise that's not much to go on." It was something to do with Ravenclaw, Harry had seen a vision.

"What is it, Ginny?" Neville asked as she had just rushed into the room. Ginny was shocked to see Harry had returned to Hogwarts.

"Snape knows, he knows that Harry was spotted in Hogsmead." She answers. The announcement was soon followed.

Students were led into the Great Hall, staff lined at the top of the hall. Snape looked rather displeased as it was late into the evening that he had called this emergency assembly. It was like a military operation seeing the students file tightly in line. Both Beckham and Millie lined up with the older students in their houses, both were confused why they had been called this late in the evening. It was nearing curfew. "Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour," Snape announces to the crowd of students dressed in their robes. They were eyed down by the different Death Eaters employed at the school. "It has come to my attention that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was spotted in Hogsmead."

The waves of whispers started throughout the student body. Millie was surprised her older cousin had decided to return so suddenly to the wizarding world. "Now," The gossip was shortly ended. "Should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid Mr Potter. They shall be punished." He mentioned it will be appropriate with the severity of the situation. "Furthermore, anyone with knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated equally guilty."

The room was silent with fear within each of the students.

"If anyone here has any knowledge of Mr Potter's movements this evening. I invite them to step forward." Snape spoke while he walked through the sea of students, eyeing them down harshly. "Now." The headmaster focused on the Gryffindor house, knowing how loyal they were to protecting their own.

There were footsteps coming from the Hufflepuff house, causing gasps in the crowd when it is exposed as Harry Potter. Turning around, Millie and Beckham found it hard to see their older cousin until he approached Snape closer. The boy did not look happy. "It seems, despite the exhausting defensive strategies you still have a bit of a security problem Headmaster," Harry spoke directly at him as the doors opened to reveal allies accompanying Harry Potter. "I'm afraid it's quite extensive."

"How dare you stand where he stood!" Harry called out the dark wizard.

Snape remained silent as Harry wanted him to tell them what happened that night when he murdered Dumbledore. Instead, Snape pointed his wand at the boy, making Millie flinch by that action before McGonagall stood in front of Harry, pointing her own wand back. The students were pushed back for their own protection to the surrounding walls of the Great Hall. The witch was the first to strike the headmaster.

Snape was backed away, merely defending himself from the lashes of curses sent in his direction. In fear, Snape fled through the window smashing it as he escaped. Suddenly there was an eruption of cheers from the crowds as McGonagall lit the cauldrons placed on the wall to bring some warmth back into the room. Although that evening the peace didn't last long. It was time for the invasion from Voldemort, the dark wizard who hoped to take over the world after getting revenge on Harry. He was the reason why he lost many years ago when he was a mere infant. "Give me Hary Potter and you will be rewarded," were the last lingering words by Voldemort before chaos struck the school. "You have one hour."

Hogwarts remained stunned, in silence. In fact, many students put distance between themselves and the boy who had repeatedly been the one to protect them from harm. "What are you waiting for?" The voice of an older Slytherin student named Pansy Parkinson called out. "Someone grab him!"

That led to a group standing in front of Harry, wanting to protect him. Although Millie was supposed to not even approach the older boy she took the opportunity to stand next to Harry, proudly as she pulled out her own wand. The action caused a few whispers in the Slytherin house, yet she couldn't care less. George joined his sister's side momentarily as the group got bigger, and Beckham followed suit. They were taught to stick together as a family, not leave one behind. Harry appreicated the actions, yet he didn't want harm to come in the way of the younger siblings.

Breaking the tension in the room, was the groundskeeper Argus Filch approaching the hall. "Student's out of bed!" He shouted over, and over again. The man proudly carried his cat in his arms.

"They are supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot." McGonagall retorts to the man. "As it happens Mr Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I'd like you to please lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house from the hall!" She instructs the man, who had enjoyment in giving punishments to students. He had enjoyed the past year due to the change in staff, he felt like he had power against the magical students.

"Exact where is it I'll be leading them to ma'am?" Filch asked.

"The dungeons would do," McGonagall replied.

Cheers erupted from the rest of the remaining houses as Filch started shouting at the Slytherin house. Millie was afraid she would be a part of the punishment, she clung to Harry's pant leg. There was a small supporting smile from the wizard before he got Ginny to take her hand. "Don't let her go," Harry mentions to Ginny as he approached McGonagall for instructions.

The fight was about to start.

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