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His Mother came back after freshing up as she saw Jimin standing there on the door.

"What are you doing here? Can't you sit with her?" His mother said being clueless.

He didn't reply as his mother went to his room and saw you still in wedding dress. "Yah!! I told you to change her clothes. It must be uncomfortable for her."

"Eomma!! You are here now. You can do this right?" He turned and was about to go when his mother stopped him, "Yah!! Stop right there. Come here."

He sighed and went to his mother frowning. "what's wrong with you? Why are you acting strange?" She asked. "Is that all you want to say? I'm going then." He replied.

His mother frown, "How dare y- Ah okay. Her clothes. Give me her clothes and get out of here." She said being a lil mad on his bratty son.

He sighed then looked around his room as he saw the suitcase, He went to open it and checked her clothes. He frowned, 'Aish! This suitcase only has that bitch Sa-na's clothes. All that I bought for her. Not a single comfy outfit and all designer dresses.'

He shut the suitcase back taking out her fur lower and went to his wardrobe taking out one of his hoodie. He gave it to his mom. "Bring me cold water from downstairs and a clean towel." She ordered.

He frowned and sighed and without saying anything, went to take it. He came back with it as his mother already done changing your clothes. "She's looking so pale. Why she didn't change her clothes last night?" She asked focusing on wiping your face with wet towel.

He looked at his mother not having a thing to say, "I'll go and order something for us to eat. Will order porridge for her." He said and left both of you as his mother looked suspiciously at him. 'He's acting strange. Did they fought on the first night of their marriage? No doubt, I know how she is.' She shrugged off the thought.

Time Skipped, As Jimin's mother waiting for you to wake up and have your medicine first so your fever can come down. She frequently checked your forehead and changed the wet towel from your forehead.

"Sa-na?" She tried to wake you up as you felt your head light now and heard a voice and opened your eyes. You fluttered your eyes adjusting yourself to the brightness of room as you saw a woman sitting infront of you.

It took you 3 seconds to recognise the lady, 'She is Jimin's mom.' You sat up quickly when she stops you, "Lay down dear. Don't need to sit." She said.

"Eommonim when you came here? What......" You looked around just to remember what happened with you and how you ended up here. You looked confuse so she said, "You have fever Sa-na. You should rest. I just came to take care of you." She said.

Door opened revealing Jimin with a tray. "She's awake Jimin. you can relax now." His mother said as Jimin looked at you and you at him. The awkwardness between both of you. He averted his gaze and came forward to both of you.

He put the tray on table in which your porridge and medicine was. "Eomma. Come downstairs and have your lunch till she have her porridge and medicines." He said looking at her mom and last at you. You could see his emotionless face which showed nothing but just hatred for you.

His mother nodded and looked at you, "Eat something okay, Only then you can take your medicine." She said with a smile being gentle and polite. You nodded and bowed saying, "Thankyou Eommonim." You smiled back at her.

She awkwardly smile at the word 'eommonim'. "Eom-ma!! Sorry." You innocently said as she gave you a genuine smile. Jimin sighed again and left both of you. You looked at his going figure as his mother joined him too.

At dining table, "What's wrong with you Jimin? You're acting strange. Did you too fought on your first night of marriage?" His mother asked. "It's not like this Eomma. Please continue eating." He shrugged off the topic.

His mother thought, 'something is fishy.' "I knew that this girl is not the right one for you. Haven't I told you? But No, My son was going crazy in love. What happened now?" She said.

"Eomma!!" He whined.
"I told you thousands of time that she doesn't love you and look you are like strangers after marriage. I always like her sister like how innocent and sweet she is, I think she just acted like her sister before. Those innocent eyes like her sister and that sweet smile. Aish!! I don't like this version of her." Her mother said.

"Eomma Isn't it enough? Stop it now." He said annoyingly.
"What's wrong with you Jimin? Tell me. I know something is not right with you. Who will know her son more than his mother?" She asked being understandable.

He took a deep breath giving up as he put his chopsticks down and said, "Eomma, You were right that she doesn't love me." His mom gasped lightly, "why? Did she said something to you?"

"Aniyo Eomma. She is not Sa-na. The girl I married is Y/n. Sa-na ran away before our marriage and Y/n wore her wedding dress and married me." He said as her mother gasped loudly standing up. "Daebak. Are you saying that you married Y/n not Sa-na?" She asked.

Jimin nodded sadly as her mother jumped excitedly, "Oh my dear son. Did you really get married to Y/n and not that bitch.. uhm.. I mean Sa-na?" Jimin sighed seeing her mom like she said son and mother some minutes and jumping excitedly when I'm traumatizing here.

"Eomma. Calm down. You will hurt yourself." He said seeing her mother dancing happily.
"Jimin, Do you know how much I like that girl? Like Y/n is the best match for you and I always wanted that." She said as he rubbed his head by his fore-finger controlling his headache.

"And why is that so?" He asked.
"You wanna know? Ok I will tell you. You know A month ago I came to meet you?" She said.

He nodded. "I went to shopping mall before visiting you as you told me You want me to meet Sa-na. When I came out, I dropped by small purse by mistake in which my credit card and all important things were. I sat in the car and had to drive so long and when I stopped by the restaurant you told me, She came to me and gave me my purse back. I was so shocked to see like I dropped it at shopping mall and drove so long and she followed me with taxi. The fare all she paid just to give me my purse back."

"Eomma. Ofcourse it was your purse and It had your credit card so she think it's important to give it back to you." Jimin said.
"Stupid. She didn't know that there was credit card inside my purse." His mom told him. He didn't seem to bother by it though.

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