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"Y/n I....." Jimin entered the room, like he always do, without knocking but he regretted doing it today at this very moment. He freeze on his spot at the very moment he saw you upon someone else, that someone else with whom who couldn't even tolerate your professional relation.

You looked at the third voice which was of Jimin aa you froze yourself too, You realised the situation in which you're. Jackson laying on the couch but in reality you pushed which Jimin didn't know. You upon him, your face inches away from each other.

You were too stunned to react further, you knew what Jimin understood but atleast you knew he will believe you. Your eyes stared into each other for a moment as you soon see the hurt in his eyes, You blinked your eyes realising to get up from the state. You shoved Jackson's hand from your arm as you got up.

Jackson who was noticing the eye contact you were having. He cursed under his breath as he got up too after you and stand. "It's not like you're seeing right now. Jimin-ssi there is nothing between us." Jackson said before you as you were taken back by his words.

You looked at him disbelief, "What do you mean there's nothing? It's really nothing." You said as you now looked at Jimin who seemed so quiet to speak anything, "Jimin.. I can explain." You insisted as he held the door's knob so tightly to made himself stable.

"Shut up!! Please." He begged. You could see the hurt in his eyes but it was not for the right. He gulped hard, taking the situation as he looked around the room, the broken vase and then your that messy state herself. He eyed you, your hairs were tangled roughly falling on your shoulder.

His eyes moved down to your lips, they looked bare to him with no lip gloss on them. His eyes moving down to your neck and soon he noticed the reddish blue mark there. The mark given by Jackson just some minutes ago, His couldn't identify his emotions.

He was hurt but at the same time was raging in anger. The one whom he called his, having someone's else mark. His hand formed into fist as he didn't say anything to anyone of you. He keep staring at that mark and was trying to make excuse which can proof that it's not true.

You noticed the direction of his eyes as you realised, Your hand travelled to that spot which was giving you stinging pain. You hissed in pain when that reddish-blue mark came in contact with your fingers. But that wasn't the time to feel that pain, "Jimin.. It's not like that. Please listen......"

"Jackson get out of here." He yelled startling you and cutting your words. You flinched as his voice echoed in the room. "She wants to explain something to you. Listen her first." He purposely said as he knew Jimin is raging in anger and he won't give a f*ck to anyone's words.

"If you had enough of you then leave." His voice came out scary. "Jimin listen me out fi......" You tried to say but off by him again, "Can't you stay quiet for a minute?" He almost yelled again making you flinch hard. "Mr. Wang Jackson, Leave asap." Jimin glared at him.

"Don't you f*cking yell at me. Your wife's, Your company's reputation is in my hand." He replied as you looked at him in disbelief. Jimin spared a glance to you with those death glares and looked back at him, "Your name, your career, your fame will be in my hands if you won't leave right now. I don't show mercy to betrayers." Jimin said almost making you believe that you're betrayer in his eyes now.

His words stabbed your heart, not once but twice. The pain was deep but you understood than it's not that deeper than his. His pain was still haunting you. You hid your tears in your eyes, not letting them to come out. Jackson glared at Jimin and then you, as walked pass by Jimin to leave the room or the company instead.

Now it was just you and Jimin in the room and his eyes even when they were not looking at you for the moment but still scaring thw shit out of you. The polybag in his hand, he was holding it tight and his hands were still forming a fist. He took a deep breath to turn and look up at you as you were still holding yourself from bursting out in tears.

He walked further into the room and came near the couch. You were ready to tell him everything he asks for truly, You prepared yourself to tell him the truth. He put the bag filled with chocolates and your medicines on the couch firmly while his inner self was forcing him to threw it away.

You were waiting for him to look into your eyes, which took him so long to finally look up at you with eyes filled with pain, tears, betrayal, those red nerves screaming out to you how hurt he was. His lips fluttered so yours as your eyes met, his adam moved up and down out of nervousness or the extreme pain in his heart.

"Being happy for a moment costs a lot." He said, his voice came out broken as you shook your head in deniel. "I was happy that I confessed you and you didn't took me down by refusing." He looked down. "Jimin Jimin Please give me a chance a tell you the truth." You asked as your voice came out broke too and you didn't get to know when tears fell down from your eyes without your permission.

He shook his head in deniel and looked up at you. He sniffed and glares right into your eyes. The skin you were flaunting a while ago was disgusting him somehow as it was his to touch but touched by someone else with your permission. "It's cold, Cover your skin with Jacket or something. It's making me feel disgusting to look at your bare skin." He said what he thought and instantly turned to leave the room.

It took you a second to realise that he believed what he see and don't want to listen you or your opinion now. "Jimin No..." You said before he could leave the room but your voice didn't stop him. You walked out of your place and your room and you saw him saying to Jennie, "I'm leaving now, Cancel the today's shoot and meeting or whatever my work was for today."

"But sir it's not end of the day......." Jennie tried to say but flinched very hard at next moment when he yelled, "Do what I told you, I never wanted suggestions from you." Jennie quickly bowed and accepted what he said as you saw him leaving. Your eyes caught Taehyung who was seeing it, He was confused himself too.

Not giving time to any of these things, You followed Jimin half running behind him as his pace was fast to walk. You were wearing heels which stopped you to run too fast, "Jimin.. Jimin please listen me." You called out his name as everyone in the company got to know that something has really happened but cared less about that.

He knew you're following him, and want him to stop but he was too much in anger to listen anything else, His pain was too deep to heal quickly, he couldn't dare to met his eyes with you, with the one who just cheated on him after the love he admitted for you. 'That's not true.' Your mind screamed.

As quick as you reached out to him, he left as you saw him driving his car off. "Jimin please. Listen out to me first." You screamed with your all might and drop to the floor. Your voice came out broke, cracked, came out roughly as you screamed loudly, He listened you but still ignored and a tear fell down from his eyes seeing you scream and dropping to the floor.

You broke down in tears sitting on the concrete floor and covering your face with your palms and it was all watched by Jimin through the rear mirro of the car but he still keep driving away from you. He himself was too much broke to understand your pain, your hurt and that's why he kept driving watching you crying on the street.

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