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Jennie got the printouts safely and left no record anywhere. Stapling the papers and putting them into a file, she was walking through the corridor when she got the call. She quickly picked it up taking a deep breathe as the called Id said Mr. Park.

"Yes Mr. Park?" She spoke normally. "Where is Sa-na? Tell her to come to my office right now." He sounded angry. "How can I call her? Her flight will take time to reach back to Seoul." Jennie mumbled. "What are you mumbling? I'm talking to you." He yelled.

"Yeah Mr. Park, Mrs. Park is on her way to your office." Jennie said before he could yell again as she hung up and rushed to your room. "Mrs. Park, Mr. Park called and he wants you in his office right now." Jennie informed as you nodded. "I'm already ready to go Jennie, Hand me the letter." You said.

Jennie handed you the papers as you went out of the room going to the lift. Not a single line of worrisome, sadness or anything else. You looked down and took a deep breathe, "You have to stay strong Y/n. It's for him, His company. Hmm" You cheered up yourself.

"Has she seriously lost her mind or what? What she wants me to do?" Jimin was walking to and fro in his office in frustration, anger raging up and having a headache ofcourse. Right then he heard a knock and he knew it's you as he said in anger, "Come in." He walked back to his chair and stand there.

"Good morning Mr. Park." You came and said, putting the file on the table. He glared at you confused by your calm face. "What is this?" He asked nudging his head to the files. "Ah- I just sent you an apology letter on your email. It's the hardcopy of it. Only signature is left."

You said as you opened the file and turn to the page of signature, "Sorry I forgot my pen." You said and picked up a pen from his table. "As for everyone and you also, I'm Sa-na and I have been doing her signature in her place so this one is also my work to do." You put the tip of the pen on blank space beside signature.

But Jimin took the pen from you and walked to the door, He locked and came back to you, "What are you trying to do Y/n? what do you want?" He asked almost yelling. "Why are you yelling at me? It was you who told me to be Sa-na at this workplace." You yelled back.

He formed his hand into a fist, "So what? What do you want to prove?" He asked. "Nothing." You averted your gaze from him and folded your arms keeping a calm personality. He held your arm tightly and pulled you to him harshly made you look at him, "Y/n I swear I'll......" He stopped before completing himself.

You hissed in pain but looking into his eyes were more painful, "What? What you'll?" You asked and he left you harshly. He averted his gaze from you and took a deep breathe. "Jimin I can't seem to understand you, It was you who told me to be Sa-na and I have been doing it from 3 months."

You looked for his eyes but he kept looking away. "Now when I am too much into my character, You seem to can't differentiate between us. It was people who don't know it's me Y/n, but now it's you too who doesn't understand that it's me Y/n and not her." You let it out all in one when he looked at you.

"Is that why you came here? To trouble me even more?" Wasn't the last night enough for you Y/n? Wasn't the morning bomb suddenly popped on my screen and shocked my whole company enough for you? Now what about this? What if it got leak? What if these papers got in someone else's hands? You'll be in jail Y/n. Did you even think about it?"

"Then you will be the one to blame. You dragged me into this. You made Park Y/n, Park Sa-na when she doesn't even exist. It's only Park Y/n and Park Sa-na is still Kim Sa-na who is not here. Why I have to take her blames then? Why I have to suffer from the mistakes she done?"

The things for which you never complaint was coming all out now. You felt pathetic but this was the only way of saving everyone at once, "Wasn't marrying you and giving up on my dreams for you enough for me? Why I'm going through this and standing again from where I started? Why?" You yelled the last sentence.

He frowned and knitted his eyebrows looking at you. He never saw you bursting out your emotions like this. "Y/n I...." He was about to hold you by your shoulders when you both heard a knock on the door. You didn't bother yourself but Jimin turned to look at the door.

He stepped back and looked at you, "It's Taehyung. I need to listen me." He said and walked to the door. You turned around and took a deep breathe, wiping the drops of tear which fell down without your knowing. Jimin unlocked the door and let Taehyung come in.

Taehyung looked at you and then Jimin as he said, "I'm really sorry but It was really very important to discuss." You turned to him avoiding having an eye contact as you said, "It's fine. I'll come later." You said and picked up the file to go when Taehyung stopped you, "Wait Y/n.. You need to listen it too." He said.

Jimin confusely looked at him and so you. He continued, "Jimin, Media has gotten these photos and they are covering them to the websites and TV. I can't seem to do anything and couldn't even understand why Jackson did this?" He sounded frustrated and worried at the same time.

"That's obvious Taehyung, He choose Sa-na over her career. He's obsessed with her and just want to have a public recognition with her. His other ultra motive is to ruin him." You nudged your head towards Jimin as they seem to exchange glances to each other.

You continued, "He was offended that Sa-na left him and choose Jimin over him but the truth he didn't know was that, that the Sa-na he met yesterday was Y/n and she just refused to choose him over her husband, Her first love." You ended up with undefined word and had all attention of Jimin on you.

You looked at him, the pain that you had to prove yourself to him and confessed him that he's still your first love, your husband. Jimin stared at you into your eyes ready to pierce your soul. "I know I shouldn't ask but what he was doing in your room when Jimin came." Taehyung asked as he knew that it is important to be answered for Jimin.

"He was forcing himself on me. I couldn't tell him that It's me Y/n for someone's sake and thinking I'm Sa-na, he tried to assault me when I tried to protect myself. That is the reason why the room and I both looked in a mess. But to whom I'm explaining? Agh!"

You scoffed in last in frustration getting upset that rather than helping and understanding you, he took you wrong himself.You walked towards the door not let yourself losing here.

"Y/n I'm Sorry but the matter of media is still need to be solved." Taehyung said stopping you again. "The man standing infront of you, Ask him. He's the cause of everything. He's to blame and He's the one who needs to find the solution." You said looking at Jimin while he seemed lost and then you left his office.


Finally finally finally..
Misunderstanding is cleared.

Jimin knows the truth and You spoke yourself out which you didn't do in past 3 months.

Fine. The end is coming to this.

That's so soon.

Anyways, Vote up guys!!
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