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"Oh Jimin, Where are you coming from?" Taehyung asked he was on the reception of the company. "Oh Taehyung-ah, I just went to buy Y/n's medicines and......" He looked in the polybag filled with chocolates.

"Are these chocolates medicines for her? Doctor is strange these days." Taehyung rolled his eyes sarcastically. "No- Actually I just thought she will like eating it. I just bought them without thinking much." He said while deep inside his mind said, 'She is on her periods, that's why I bought them for her.'

"Oh Ok I know. Well why you went yourself? You could have sent someone else and stayed with Y/n." Taehyung said. "Actually I thought leaving her alone to rest and also I couldn't send anyone for medicines atleast. I want to be careful." Jimin said being thoughtful.

"Oooohhh Careful. That's the new side of Mr. Park we are seeing. Aishhh!!! I'm feeling like I shall also have someone to care. Gosh!! Where she is?" Taehyung said looking up shooking his head in deniel. "Taehyung-ah, You shall go and wash your face first. That's too much ugliness I'm seeing." Jimin said and started leaving him there to walk into the corridor with that lil sarcastic smirk plastered on hia face.

"Aish!! This lil brat. Yahh you--" Taehyung cursed underneath his breath. "He's your boss here not your chingu." Jennie came with files in her hands. "I know, You don't have to remind me." Taehyung rolled his eyes. Jennie scoffed.

"Wait a minute, Why are you being so informal with me? Huh?" Taehyung asked looking at her. "Oh Did I forgot to add Mr.?" Jennie asked putting her finger on her chin. She put the files on the reception's table and stood straight showing respect to Taehyung, "I'm sorry Taehyung-ssiiii" She bowed making an angle of 90°.

Taehyung felt flustered as other workers in the company saw Jennie bowing deeply to him. "Arrasso, Stand straight.. You're embarrassing me here." Taehyung said nervously. Jennie smiled and stood straight. She turned to the receptionist for the work she came for.

"By the way what are you doing here? who is with Mrs. Park?" Taehyung asked. "Mr. Wang send me here saying there is some paper work which is left to do and also He wants to know if the dates of the shoot is rescheduling or is today?" Jennie gave a look to him.

"That's a nerve wrecking work you got. Keep working hard. Ms. Kim, Fighting." Taehyung cheered her up in a sarcastic way and left. "What was that? He supposed to answer me for the last thing." Jennie rolled her eyes and looked back at the receptionist. "Ah- yeah Ms. Yoon, There it is." She said.


"Stop right there. I'm telling you stop." You yelled, something which didn't feel right to you was keep bothering you. "Don't yell. Jimin will listen us. What will you tell him then?" He said as you were clueless. "That you were the one who copied his sign on the contract approving me as your partner in this couple shoot?" He said.

The land under your feet seemed to slip for you. Your feet stumbled as you stepped back when he didn't stop coming towards you. "Ms. Kim... Ms. Kim Are you listening me? Ms. Kim Jennie" You shouted her name to call someone.

"Yahh yahhh, Don't yell... There is no one, I sent Jennie for some paper work like you used to do. I wonder you seem to change a lot." Mr. Wang said. "What do you want? Why are you here? That's my personal room, No one is allowed here." You said out of thousand things troubling your mind, you still maintained some sense.

Mr. Wang scoffed, "From when Did things got personal between us? I mean, we know more than personal about each other." You looked at him with disgust but that actual disgust was for your sister. "This look, Don't tell me you're changed now and all." He came to you and choked your neck with his right hand there as you were against the wall.

"What I want? You!! That's you!! You know very well." He spatted out like the beast inside him was awaking. You coughed hard as your face get red but you didn't touch him. After a minute, Jackson realised as he said, "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt to babe. Oh my poor babe, Are you okay?" He left you and forwarded his hand to cup your cheeks.

You coughed and tried to regain air, but his behaviour, "Don't fucking touch me." You smacked his hands and pushed him to walk away from there. You could just walk two steps when he pinned you against the wall with his both hands on your either shoulder. "You were always the bitch." He spatted out.

"Agh---leave me. Jimin will be here soon. Leave me." You said as you wiggled in his grip trying to get out. This pissed off Jackson even more as without any second thought he put his lips on your neck, collarbone and starting sucking. You felt disgusting as tears started forming into your eyes and soon your eyes started welling up.

"Leave me." You yelled out, with all your strength and pushed him but it was all of no use, his grip was strong on you. You still keep pushing him away as your elbow got hurt by the vase which was beside you, it fell to the floor leaving a cut on your elbow filled with blood. It broke into pieces like your heart but somehow it's voice was audible.

Jackson stopped and looked at the broken vase. You took the chance and pushed him away with your all strength. You ran away from him, towards the couch as you just reached there but he held your arm quickly before you could exist the room.

"Where are you going? We haven't even started yet." He said as you looked at him with eyes filled with water. You wiped your tears with your free hand as you said, "I'm not the girl you knew. I can tell you that you'll suffer, You'll suffer for sure for your deeds." You said being bold as you got your arm out of his hold.

You again turned to ran but he held your arm again and this time tightly, "Gosh I'm scared. Still I want to finish what I was doing, I am really needy right now, needy for you." He said as he came close to you and his hand touched your cheeks. You were disgusted by his every touch.

He started closing the distance between you two, but you pushed him with your all strength again. He fell on the couch backwards as his hand still holding your arm taking you with him. He purposely make you fell upon him as you felt even more disgusted when your face especially lips were just inches away from each other. "Gosh--- what the----"

You couldn't complete but cut off by the third voice, "Y/n I-------"


Oops!! Another hang-cliffer? Jweseongyo!! Next update won't take long.

So the moment for which everyone was waiting.. Here it is.....

Again, I'm so thankful and grateful to you guys, my loves, my readers. I love you a lot and I want you to achieve so much in your life.

My special thanks to those who votes for my every chapter.

chand_mykookie chand_mykookie

And this big Thanks to my loveliest followers...


Actually I wanted to mention you like properly that one can visit your account in one click but Don't know what's wrong with wattpad, It's showing "Wattpad has stop working" the moment I'm mentioning/tagging someone.

Technical fault.. let's leave it like this.. And meet you soon.

Thankyou so much every again for making my book special. I love you a lot💜💜

I tried to mention Everyone but if still someone was left out that it was my mistake and here my sincere apology but do dm me and let me know, I'll add your name too.

Take care of yourself. Love yourself a lot. Have fun.

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