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"You?? Coffee? Hadn't I told you that it tastes bad?" You said in a sarcastic tone. "Hadn't I told you that I like my coffee and you don't have to taste it? Don't even insult my skills." Jimin made a smart move.

You mocked him, "Woah! skills? Damn!! Sure. Make it." You said and gave him a space so he can come to kitchen too. He stood up carrying his pride with him and walked to kitchen.

"Where is Milk?" He asked. "A big metal Box behind you." You said as he turned only to see Refrigerator. "It's called Refrigerator." He told you. "Owh!! Right." You gave him a sarcastic smile which he get to know.

He just rolles his eyes and continued his work as you watched his action doing your own work. "Coffee?" He asked. "It's not the first time you're making it. You already know." Rather to give him a straight you pulled the string.

He stopped and glared at you. You pressed your lips in and walked to him, opening the cupboard beside him and taking out the powdered coffee, handing it over to him. "Anything else?" You asked as he just ignored it.

"Fine." You sighed and turrnn...... You felt his hand on your forehead when you turned back and just took a step. You realised, you forgot to close the cupboard and your head was about to bump into that wooden door of cupboard.

"Watch out!!" His voice came from right side as you turned half to see him standing beside you. "I'm sorry." You spatted out nervously as his hand was still on your forehead. Your body twitched and the knots formed in your stomach.

"You.... O-okay?" The least Jimin could ask out of the most he actually wanted to ask. "Hmm!" You nodded as he closed the door of cupboard. Your eyes were down as he was standing right infront of you and Your feelings didn't let you to look up at him.

"Done with your romance Or should I go back to room? I can order soup for me right?" Mary came downstairs as she walked towards you to the dining table. Her clothes were changed, planning for a date already.

"That's your will. Y/n and I will have Breakfast together." Jimin said it for a purpose to piss off Mary as you finally looked up at him. Mary gave dead glares to Jimin but it never bothered him as he turned to you with a slight smile and tug your hair behind your ears.

"Let's finish it soon and have breakfast together." He said as you nodded understanding him and walked back to your work. He also stood by the coffee machine to make his coffee.

Mary stayed quiet and sat there on the dining table scrolling the screen of her phone.

Time Skipped as three of you had breakfast and you went upstairs to Jimin's room actually. Jimin was downstairs looking out for his phone. He forgot where he put that as he was checking it in all cupboards, under the couch, in kitchen.

Mary was on the phone call as she hung it up and frustrately walk into the living room. She saw him and stood there. She suddenly spoke, "How long will you pull this act?"

Jimin confusely looked up from the cupboard he was checking as he stood up. "What do you mean?" He shoved his hands into his trouser's pocket.

"You and Y/n. Either you're not married to her or you're just pretending to be in love infront of me. There's nothing between you two." She said. Jimin scoffed furiously as he said, "I warned you Mary, I won't bear one more stupid act of yours. I will show you the way out of my house."

"Why Jimin? Why you hate me? I loved you. I wanted to marry you but you just ruin all my dreams. I'm a human too. Why you hurted me?" She stormed out. Jimin took a breathe before saying, "I'm married to Y/n now. Please stop all this. You never loved me. You're my cousin for God sake stop it all."

"Why will I stop? You belong to me. Just me. Get divorce from her and marry me." She yelled. "Just stop it. STOP IT already please. Leave my house before I drag you out of here." Jimin yelled back.

"Aniyo!! You're mine. Just mine, Divorce her please. I know you guys aren't really together. You love me too Right? I can do anything for you. But You just do one thing, Divorce her and marry me." She pleaded. She was storming out all her emotions.

Her eyes were determined to snatch him. "Why you're acting all rubbish? You never loved me. It was all your insatiable needs, Your attraction that's it. I'm married to her. We are in love. For God sake leave us alone. I can't divorce her just because you want us to." Jimin formed his hands into fist.

He tried every way to made her understand that he doesn't love her. He was pleading too, to have peace, peace from her. He didn't want to say some rash words to her which he will regret later.

"If you won't divorce her. I'll separate you too. Just get that Jimin, I can snatch you from anyone. Above all that, You guys have nothing. I'm hundred percent sure, You guys never loved each other so stop pretending and accept me." She raised her voice again, her voice breaking but still dark and stern.

"I'm standing with her. I'll see how you will do that." He glared into her eyes challenging her. His hands formed a tighten fist. His eyes becoming red and his voice turning furious, "Y/N!!!!" He called you out loud. "Y/n where are you? Come downstairs." He called out your name again in his deep voice.

You were in the Jimin's room arranging some stuff of him as you heard his voice, the furious one. You left it there and walked out of the room. You do heard their yells before but you knew that they were arguing and you didn't want to interfere because Jimin wouldn't like it.

"On my way." You spoke softly going downstairs and you saw them standing infront of each other. Their eyes were red and furious one. They were looking like rivalries and you were just confused seeing them.

'It wasn't a simple argument.' You realised and gulped looking at Jimin to Mary and then again at him. "We have nothing. Right?" Jimin said in his stern voice. "Y/n come here." He brought his hand out to you so you can hold it.

"No." Mary shook her head in deniel. She was scared. Her eyes welling up, filled up with water. She blinked and tear rolled down from her eye. Her breathe heavy, she didn't want that. She didn't want her to stand by his side.

Jimin just looked furious, He has nothing other than getting rid of her. He wanted to prove her that she's wrong about them. They have much more than nothing. Jimin looked at you as you took a deep breathe and stepped forward.

You hold his hand and he made you stand by his side. "Nothing? Right?" He said again looking at Mary before looking at you again. You were looking down. He cupped your cheeks and leaned forward.


Ah Ah!!
You're so bad author. why now????

Sorry sorry...

Guess what?
I gonna give you double updates tomorrow.

Don't forget to vote up and taking care of yourself.

Love you. Bye!!

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