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Jimin came as he changed into one of his hoodie with trousers. You packed some stuff in case you need that as it was worth doing it.

"Ms. Cheong. Help me setting up the table." You said as you were the one who cooked today and Ms. Cheong helped you to set the table as she put all the dishes infront of your father and husband.

Jimin and you sat beside each other and your father across you. Ms. Cheong served everyone including you as you all started eating quietly. "Umm.. Did you cook dinner Y/n?" Your father asked.

You nodded with a smile, "Yeah Appa!!" He smiled too, "The taste is same. It's just I'm eating it after so long. I missed it to be honest." He said with a genuine smile. You smiled too as Jimin also smiled a lil looking at his father in law.

After finishing up the dinner quietly, You all were seated there. Waiting for further discussion. No one could find the right words to start that topic.

"Jimin.. what was your reaction when you got to know It's Y/n who married you and not Sa-na?" He asked. Jimin and you exchanged looked in confusion, what kind of question he asked.

"Ofcourse I was angry Appa. Mad that Sa-na cheated on me and above all, Bride was changed with my life." He said as you looked down in guilt biting your lower lip.

"To be honest Jimin. I couldn't find ways to say Sorry to you and your family. I.. I was extremely guilty for what my both daughters did. I knew that my both daughters are not same nor they are so good. But I never expected Sa-na to do this with me."

You just listened your father and he continued, "Above all that, I thought Y/n is my loveliest daughter, She can never lie to her only father but she lied." He said looking at you as you just looked down.

"I'm sorry Ap---"
"If sorry could bring everything on track, then wars happened in past would have never happened." His voice was stern, enough for you to be scared of him. You bit your lower lip again in guilt.

"How.. How did you... Get to.. know.. about it.. Appa?" You dared to asked. He scoffed saying, "Y/n.. Before that, I want to know your side. Why you did that? What made you took that decision?" He asked.

"Appa I swear. I didn't know a thing about it nor I expected it. I just went to Sa-na's room as you told me to bring her and I saw, there was no one. I got a letter there. I showed it to Jimin too. Didn't I Jimin?" You looked at him, your voice was cracked and shaky but both just listened you.

Jimin nodded, "Yeah Appa!! Letter said that It was Sa-na who left. She got an offer from New York's company to be a model for them. It was me, who made it possible as I introduced her to them. But I never thought she will be gone like this after cheating on me." He talked normally.

"And when I read that Appa, You just knocked on the door. I was scared, I was confused, Both families, those guests waiting outside and especially you and Jimin. I couldn't process a thing and a thought that I should just wear Sa-na's wedding dress came in my mind to protect you all." You just said, Your voice was uneven.

Jimin looked so mad about it and he just said, "Still Y/n, The decision you took wasn't right. I was mad about it then too." You just looked at him. "I know it wasn't right but what was I suppose to do then? Just came outside infront of everyone and announced that Sa-na ran away, cheating on you on the day of your marriage." You just spatted out.

"Mind your tongue Y/n. I'm still here." Your father said as you just pressed your lips in and stayed quiet. "Jimin is right whatever the situation was, you should have atleast tell us. Not only Jimin's life but you changed yours too." He said.

"I know Appa and I'm not regretting about changing my own life but the fact how I broke everyone's heart here, still hurts me, stung like an arrow in my heart. It wasn't intentional at all but according to you all, It was my fault then it was and I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry that I couldn't think anything else that time and took this decision. I'm really sorry." Your voice cracking in between you spoke these words to them.

Jimin bit his lower lip listening to your words as he just averted his gaze from you. You heard your father sighing heavily. "I got a letter in your room saying that You're leaving to Russia for your singing audition and I believed it that day."

You looked up at him as he continued, "But the fact that Ms. Cheong brought me your clothes from the Bridal room of the venue. I was confused when I asked her as she told me that, The clothes you were wearing that day were there. I thought you must have changed it there before going but the fact that I didn't get Sa-na's clothes there."

You just looked numbly at him with guilt in your eyes. "I thought that I was thinking wrong, I brushed off the thought. But since that day, whenever I thought to call Sa-na, It was always unreachable. I never called Jimin, thinking he must be busy in his work but Sa-na never thought to call me, It was strange."

"Appa, why you never called me?" You asked. "I thought you must have lot to handle because of your singing audition and above all that you were abroad, I thought you must have changed your number. I never wanted you to worry. I was just happy that you stepped forward to your future." He said as you nodded.

"But Appa, How you really get to know?" Jimin asked. "I just stepped into Sa-na's room, two days ago and a letter caught my attention. The letter in which the offer to Sa-na was made, the exact date and everything. I thought she just ignored it but then the same day, a letter return which Sa-na wrote. It was her approval which they return."

"They returned her approval?" You asked. "It was me. I contacted them to cancel her offer to get back on her. They told me that they just got an approval and it cannot be cancel so i made them to return the approval and tell her that they never got it." Jimin said.

Your eyes wide opened at him, "Why you did that? Just to get back on her?" You asked. "No.. It was a side reason but main reason was you. You are working in my company as Sa-na, my magazines are published internationally too. If Sa-na worked there and you as Sa-na worked here at the same time. It would be a problem." He explained.

"Y/n.. You gave up on your career and working as model in his company?" He asked. He was mad about it. The only thing you ever loved before Jimin, was your career, your singing and your father always appreciated it. He looked at you waiting for your response and you just nodded. He stood up, quite angry.


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