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It was still raining heavily in the dark night as you and Jimin were there under an umbrella. His arms wrapped around you tightly as you were unconscious in his arms. His head falling onto your shoulder as he was crying out all his emotions, his love, care for you which he couldn't stop even if he starts hating you.


Next Morning....

You shifted uncomfortably in which you guessed is a bed. Your body was in contact with something so hot, as your skin was oozing sweat. It was warm but too much warm that it disturbed your sleep and you flickering opened your eyes realising something heavy on yourself.

One quilt, two quilt and there's third is blanket. You get your left hand out of them and removed them halfly from your upper body. You realised You're in woolen clothes of yours and the temperature of the room was too hot that your body couldn't stop feeling a burn.

You sat up in the bed when you realised that you didn't seem to move your right hand as you saw at your right side, your hand was in Jimin's hands in such a way that he was about to rub them or massage them or he already did it. His hands were falling lazily on yours.

As you saw him sitting on a stool beside your bed and His head was down on your bed in between his arms. He was sleeping but you couldn't see his face but only his hair. "Jimin" You mumbled lightly sitting appropriately but he didn't respond. "It's hot. What should I do? He must be sweating." You asked to yourself.

You looked for the remote and fortunately you got it beside him on the bed and you turned off the heater of the room. You turned on the fan to reduce the heat of the room and then looked at him. He wiggled a little when you see his face a little, his hair on the forehead got stick on his skin due to the sweat. His eyes still closed.

You looked at him, adoring him and asked to yourself, "Did he stay like this with me whole night? Is his back not hurting? His neck?" You sighed and looked at your right hand which was in between his hands. You rub the top of his hand with your thumb to comfort him and later intertwined your fingers with his.

It woke him up as he fluttered his eyes later opening them as your face was the first thing he saw. He confusely sat up as he groaned when his back ached a little. He twisted his neck making a crack sound and looked down lazily with his eyes half opened.

"Why my neck is hurting? Agh My back too." He said in a lower voice as you frowned cluelessly and worriedly looked at him. "Are you okay? Come and lay down here to staighten your back. You must've slept like this last night." You said waiting for his response.

He looked up at you frowning and then realised himself on stool as he looked down then he again looked up at you and frowned and it took him a minute to process what happened last night. He noticed his hand intertwined with yours and his confused frown changed to the angry frown.

He backed his hand harshly and stood up. A slight gasp let out of your mouth. He took his phone which was on table beside the bed as he turned to go. "Jimin." You said holding his wrist to stop him when you realised he's still mad at what happened yesterday.

He turned to look at you but his stare made you look down, "We need to talk." You managed to say. "There's nothing left to talk." He said and got his hand out of your hold again harshly. You saw him going as you quickly got off from your bed and walked after him. "Jimin but listen me out first." You ran but until you reached him he closed the door of his room on your face.

You sighed sadly and rested your head on the door. "Jimin It's important to talk. A misunderstanding should be clear. You're taking it too far." You said but he didn't respond even after listening but made an another thud sound by closing the door of his bathroom and turning on the shower to ignore listening you.

You went back to your room and took a shower and freshen up then went down to cook breakfast for him. You thought to cook everything he likes and didn't add anything that includes sea food or something. You set the table for him and waited for him to come.

He came after readying up with his office bag, his coat in his hand as he looked at you and then at the table. You waited for him to come and sit to have his breakfast but he started walking away towards the exit. "Jimin, I cooked breakfast for you. Come and eat." You said interrupting it.

"I'm not hungry. You can have it yourself." He stopped and said. You quickly walked to him and said, "Why are you doing this to food? What wrong it did?" You said looking up at him and he sighed in annoyance ignoring you. "Jimin, We need to talk. Let's sit together and eat while clearing out the misunderstanding." You said again.

He avoided looking at you and looked somewhere else saying, "I'm getting late for work. I don't have time to talk." You scoffed saying, "Jimin I want the misunderstanding between us to be cleared. I don't want to chit chat with you." You sounded mad this time.

He formed his hand into a fist and yelled, "Y/n which misunderstanding you want to clear out between us? I saw it from my own eyes. You'll be just proving it wrong. I don't want to listen you because I know I will believe everything you say. That's what you want, Right?" He looked into your eyes.

Your own eyes were getting red as you couldn't respond to it. You gulped the words which were struggling hard to come out. "Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. I'll sign those divorce papers you got some days ago for you only but just don't hurt me anymore." His eyes begging you and it broke your heart when he even mentioned divorce papers.

It was all fine till yesterday's morning then how it all get messed up now? You looked down having no response and stepped back from him. He frowned and shook his head and turned to go out but stopped in middle and turned to say, "And You don't have to come to the company today. I'll manage without you." He said and left.

You didn't look at him but continued looking down having nothing in response. Tears flowed down but you quickly wiped them again and again. You went to the kitchen and cleared the table, throwing some dishes into the sink and refrigerating some. You poured a glass of water to yourself and drank it sitting down on the table deep in your thoughts.


I'm taking it slow but don't worry everything will be fine soon.

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