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Do you ever wish that you could just unmeet someone?



Arhaan sat on his private jet's seat, drinking and working on his laptop. His sole focus was on his work when his phone started ringing.

Irritated, he picked up the phone, ready to insert some manners in the other person's head.

But before he could speak anything, the other person spoke,"Bhai, you are being complete spoilsport now. I sent you there so that you can enjoy your short trip. But you are working there too. Seriously?"

Before replying, he looked around to see if his little sister had hidden cameras, or something, in the private jet. But no, there were no cameras around.

Little did he know, his sister didn't need any cameras to know what her brother was doing.

"Stop looking around. I haven't hidden any cameras."

"How do you know, then?"

"I know everything. Now, shut your laptop otherwise I would have to ask someone else to throw your laptop away."

He surrendered,"Sure, little sis."

"I am not little anymore." Pallavi whined and Arhaan could imagine her cute pout.

He laughed, shook his head and then bid her 'goodbye'. He put his laptop away as promised and put up a random movie on the big television screen in front of him.

His jet was in a combination of brown and off-white colour. It had 4 seats facing each other on the corner and a big couch in the middle with some black, soft cushions. He had a big television screen in front of the couch, on which he was sitting right now. He also had a spacious bedroom suite and a mini bar in there.

After an hour or so, he got down his jet wearing a blue shirt— whose sleeves were rolled till his elbows— and beige coloured pants. Looking handsome and hot as fuck.

Everyone present on the airport looked at him as he walked like he owned the damn world. His aura was intimating and radiated authority. All the women, present there, were gawking at him and the men were burning in jealousy.

With a sharp jawline, perfectly shaped eyebrows and symmetrical lips, anyone would be jealous of his looks. His muscles flexed as he walked to the exit of the airport.

Suddenly, someone bumped into him when he was on his way to the exit.

"Watch where you are going." He said in a cold voice that made the person's body stiff.


Aadhya woke up at 5 in the morning because of a nightmare.

She sighed and removed the duvet which was draped around her body. She made a pillow barrier around her son and then stripped out of her clothes. She turned on the faucet of the shower and enjoyed a warm bath.

After washing her hair and scrubbing her body thoroughly, she stepped out of the bathroom, wiped her body and wrapped a white towel around herself and stepped out.

She wore a beige coloured kurtithat had a simple handwork on the corner—paired with red coloured pants.

She then applied a bit of makeup and curled her long, waist length hair. When she turned around to look at the bed, she didn't see her baby and that got her worried.

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