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Pallavi gasped when the front door opened and Arhaan's muscular frame came into view.

"What happened? Where was she?"

"Let us at least come in."

Arhaan stepped inside with Aadhya sleeping in his arms.

Apparently, she was so tired that she had fallen asleep in the car and wouldn't wake up even after Arhaan shouted at her to wake up, so he had to pick her up.

He put her on the couch and turned towards Pallavi who was standing there and waiting for his explanation.

"You were right. She was indeed at her parents' house. I found her in the basement."

"What?" Her widened eyes snapped up-to Aadhya who was covered in bruises. "How dare they hit my best friend. I am going to put them behind the bars."

"It doesn't work like that, Pallavi. Aadhya's father is a fucking mafia boss. If you think that he will be scared of prison and laws then you are stupid."

"Then what do you plan on doing?"

"This, my dear sister, calls for a war. No-one hurts my wife and gets away with it. I will make sure that he will pay for every sin he committed."

"That's dangerous, bhai. You will put everybody's life in danger."

"I know."


Aadhya woke up with a groan, making Aayansh aware of the presence of his mother.

He jumped up from the bed and walked towards his mother.
"Mumma! I missed you so much. Where were you? Why did you go without me?"

"I missed you too, baby. Now, can I please be excused? I will answer all your questions when I come back."

"Where are you going now?"

"To the washroom."

"Oh!" Aadhya smiled at him and got out of the bed to the bathroom.

Just as she closed the door of the washroom, the door of the room opened.

"Where is your mother?"


"Oh! Do you want to eat something?"

"I will wait for mumma."

"Don't worry, I will wait for your mother. You go and fill your stomach."


"It's okay. Go, now." Arhaan pushed the reluctant Aayansh out of the room.

When he was finally out of the room, Arhaan sat on the bed and waited for Aadhya to come out.

After a few minutes, the door opened and Aadhya came out while drying her hair with a towel.

"Good morning, love. I hope you slept well?"
A loud scream was heard as a very familiar voice spoke from the corner of the room.

"You scared me."

"That was my intention."

"You sadistic asshole."

My Sadistic Husband Where stories live. Discover now