Leaving Her?

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4 years later ~

I was jamming to the music with Blake and Jimmy - our driver to the way back to our mansion from school. Blake came today to pick me up which means the Kings are visiting my home. After my mom's death, the Kings never left us alone, they started visiting us more and we also started visiting them. All the Kings had developed a soft side for me that i even had a whole big room of my own in Kings Mansion. It was normal for me to go to kings place and spend days with them, having movie nights, sleepovers and what not. And through that i even got big brothers, Aiden, Zander and Blake who are Luca's bestfriend since i can remember. They are inseparable and spending time with them made me close with everyone. They are like my brothers. Though they all are 16, they never made me feel alone or left out.

When the car stopped, Blake helped me get down from the car and i jumped at his back wanting a piggy back ride. He chuckled and went inside with both of us bickering about ice-cream. " Mint chocolate is like tooth paste" i said making a disgusting face. "its not! Omg my heartu is broken hearing that Ri" Blake dramatically argued. We were so into our bickering to notice that all men of Reids and Kings were sitting in the living room with thick tension surrounding them. When they heard me, soft smiles appeared on their faces except Damon's. He was assessing me being on top of Blake with dark eyes. Since he turned 16, Damon turned abit possessive of me. When Blake saw his best friend's reaction, he smirked and and put me down safely asking for a kiss,making Damon stand at once and walk towards us with big dangerous steps. Yes he became very tall and buff since the gym is his second home. "Amore!?" he asked in a low husky voice while lifting his eyebrow. I quickly realized and jogged to him leaving Blake dumbfounded and hugged Damon like a koala kissing his cheek while smiling widely. " Good afternoon Lu, i missed you soo much" i told him. He chuckled and kissed my forehead while saying " i missed my baby more". Everyone present in the room melted and cooed at the adorable duo. I then skipped to my dad and gave him hugs and kisses then ran to Uncle Alex giving his cheek a kiss aswell. Aiden called me to sit with them. I sat in the middle of Aiden and Zander after giving both of them hugs as the talks continued. I was getting sleepy so i rested my head on Zander's shoulder. I could still hear low voices and just when I was about to go in my dreamland, my pillow was switched with another very familiar chest and scent. When i slowly opened my eyes half way, i saw Luca holding me in his lap cradling me while placing soft kisses on my forehead. I got comfortable and dozed off peaceful knowing i was in my safe place.

When Damon saw Ayra sleeping while pouting, he smiled lovingly and caressed her cheek. *Snap* he turned towards the voice to see Aiden holding his phone and cooing at the picture he clicked. "Bro you look lovesick hahahaha this is gold" Aiden said as he showed all three the picture of Damon looking down lovingly with sparkly eyes at Ayra. Zander frowned and nudged Damon softly saying, "how will she react?" . All became serious and looked at their lovesick friend who was gazing at her sadly and said, "She is going to cry, i can't imagine her sad Zander, i don't know what to do." All of then nodded sadly while Aiden said, "she is going to hate all of us for not stopping you" all of them gulped and Damon carried her to her bedroom. All of their conversation was heared by the two mafia men. They were very reluctant to send Damon away to his first mission and away from Ayra for the first time and everyone was afraid if Ayra would stop talking to them because she was their sunshine, she was their light, their warmth, their heart, their world. But it was important because it was their tradition to send the children on their first mission when they became 16 years old.

But seeing Damon down was very heartbreaking because since he promised Ayra to never leave her, he was always with her, they both were inseparable. Arya was Damon's life. She was the only one who unintentionally could calm him down as he had anger issues after his mom died. Everyone in the family knew how important Ayra was to Damon and how Ayra would be the Donna when Damon takes over but this had to be done.

While she was sleeping, Damon sat next to her and cuddled her while taking a small nap. All boys had sad smiles on but Aiden took a picture of the lovebirds and send it to Damon knowing he would want them. When it was time for dinner Ayra woke up seeing no one besides her. As soon as Ayra came downstairs to the table the first thing she said was out of habit "Lu". Damon heard and got up from his seat and hugged the little bean carrying her to his chair. He made her sit on his lap as it was normal for them to do so and caressed her cheeks saying, " I'm here Amore, I'm here". Ayra fully wake up and hugged Damon as this was what she always do. Damon hugged her tightly aswell knowing it was the last time she was hugging him. Tears unknowingly left Damon's eyes and Ayra felt her shirt soaking. She backed away only to cup Damon's face and wiped his tears. Everyone was shocked seeing The Damon cry because he was expressionless all the time except when he was with Ayra. Ayra kissed his tears and worriedly asked, " what happened Lu? Did Uncle Alex scolded you again" she glared at Alex who widened his eyes knowing his son shares everything with the little bean. Damon shake his head and held her tiny hands in his big hands kissing them softly. " I'm sorry Amore, I'm sorry" Ayra got confused and looked around asking for what happened. She looked at everyone in the room now noticing sad, gloomy faces. Blake and Aiden had tears while Zander waz about to cry seeing Ayra. She was smart for a 12 year old so she instantly understood the situation. She knew their traditions but didn't know that the time will actually come. She quickly turned her head towards her father and Uncle Alex and both of them looked down. Her eyes became teary and she spoke in the quivering voice, "Luca tell me this isn't true, please you're not leaving me, no one is leaving me not even Aiden, or Blake or Zander. Luca please tell dad and uncle Alex not to do this, please Luca, i can't stay away from you, i will be a good girl, i won't even ask for ice-creams and cookies! " Ayra was crying fully now while Damon was silently crying helplessly and painfully after hearing Ayra calling his name and not his nickname. Everyone in the room got teary eyed witnessing the little ball of sunshine crying hesterically. Alex spoke, " Sunshine, you know its our tradition right bubblegum and he is not leaving you, he will come back to you, every one will and he is not alone, Aiden, Blake and Zander will be with him 24/7". " can i go with him then?" the little bean asked innocently. "No princess, it's dangerous for you" intervened Lorenzo. But the little girl was persistent " of its dangerous then why are you sending my Lu there and my brothers huh?" she asked in an angry way. "it is important for him to go so that Damon can take my place once he successfully competes this mission and then he will be able to protect you more you know, he won't leave your side ever then" said Alex. "Really!" exclaimed the little girl facing her Lu. "Yes Amore, I'll come back quickly, I'll also buy you a lots of gifts hmm" Damon said in a soft voice. " then when you come back, we'll go to swimming and park and we'll eat cheesy peeza okay Luca?" Ayra said in a excited voice. Everyone laughed and Aiden said "of course our Luca would do that right Luca?" but before Luca could say anything Ayra jumped and said in a big bossy voice " heyy, only i can call Luca Luca, for you and for everyone else he is Damon, is it clear everyone". Everyone again laughed and Luca chuckled saying, " of course I'm Luca only to you Amore".

With that everyone had dinner and luca carried Ayra to her room and kissed her forehead before singing her a lullaby to make her fall asleep. When he noticed she fell asleep, he looked at her softly and kissed her nose then walked out of her room after keeping a small black box near her bed, where all three friends were waiting for him because it was time to leave.

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