confrontation pt 2

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One of the men rang the doorbell and took his position near the door. Due to the noise of so many cars, some of the neighbours peeked out of their windows to see the commotion. After a minute, the door was opened by Laila, who visited to complain about Damon’s disinterest towards her. Laila stood frozen, not knowing what to do. Blake cleared his throat and spoke, “Won’t you invite us in, Laila?” She gulped and welcomed them inside feeling a little relieved that Ayra wasn't at home. However, her relief vanished when she noticed Ayra besides Damon.

Ella, who was lounging in the living room with her back towards the door said, “Who is it Laila? Is that useless whore finally home? Ayra get your ass here and make dinner and you are to starve for 5 days straight. I don’t care who you were whoring out with. Like mother, like daughter.”
Laila closed her eyes thinking ‘we are done now’.

When Ella heard no response, She turned towards the door in irritation when she let out a horrified gasp. Her eyes widened and she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The Kings. They were here, standing in her living room. She tried to act calm as she hadn’t seen Ayra, who was hiding behind Damon. “Oh-hh! Wh-what a pleasant surprise. It must be our blessed day if The Kings are ….” Ella gasped out loud cutting her own sentence when she saw Damon gently pulling Ayra besides him. Ella’s mouth was wide open and suddenly the air was suffocating.

“Y-you-u” Ella couldn't even complete her sentence she directed towards Ayra. Ayra hugged Damon’s arm and tightly interlinked her same hand with his. Damon gave her hand a gentle squeeze in a comforting manner. Ella saw this action and started trembling when she saw the danger, hate and power wreaking havoc inside Damon’s eyes.

Damon was sizing Ella up, forming different ways of causing pain to her. But he held himself back from instantly killing the impeccable woman because first, she deserved a very painful death and second, he had already promised his Amore to not kill her as of yet.

Damon turned to Ayra and very gently spoke, “Sweetheart, Why don’t you go to your room and pack up? I’ll handle everything here.” Ayra knew this was the plan but she couldn’t get herself to part with Damon, especially in this house. She shaked her head once and moved closer to Damon. Damon’s eyes softened. He cupped her cheeks with both of his hands and linked their foreheads saying, “It’s okay baby! We are all here. Nothing is going to happen to you. I’ll protect you no matter what. How about you run to your room and in 5 minutes, I’ll come to you?” Ayra nodded a little. Damon pecked her forehead and took a step back when Melanie came and took Ayra to her room/attic.

Laila was beside her mother now and when both of them witnessed this scene in front of them, they lost all hope of mercy. Because they already know how protective Damon was of Ayra and not only Damon, but all the KIngs, Reid and Kinsley men were protective of her. And they had forgotten it when they hurted Ayra. The King's men, who were in the same room, were content watching Damon and Ayra being so gentle. It was like a breath of fresh air for them and they knew they would die just to keep their don and Donna happy.

When Aiden went up with the girls, Damon took a step near the two women who were now shaking like crazy. With a low and powerful voice, Damon spoke, “Whore? You called my woman a whore? Quite disrespectful don’t you think.” Ella stuttered and timidly said, “I didn’t mean-n that M-Mr King. It is a mis-isunderstanding. I-I-mm sorry.”
“You are sorry Ella? Really? What are you sorry for?” He asked mockingly. Ella, sweating profusely uttered, “For-r sayin-ing Ayra a bad word.” Damon snapped and threatened in an angry tone, “Don’t you dare say her beautiful name from that mouth of yours.”

Ella started crying, with the harsh way she was being intimidated by Damon. “I-I'm so-so-rry, pl-ease forgive-forgive me.” Damon controlled his anger when Zander put a hand on his shoulder. “Why did you kidnap her?” Damon asked. Ella shaked her head and drops to her knees and beggingly says, “It was the Solkos. I s-swear, they kidnapped her. I just-t took her in after they disposed of her here.”

“Disposed her off? What does that mean?” Damon interrogated. Ella said, “They had her for 2 nights. I-I don’t know what happened, I swear Mr.King. When they dropped her off, she was covered with bruises and was unconscious.” Damon closed his eyes for a second, swallowing the information. ‘She was bruised, she was hurt. What happened to her?’ were the thoughts echoing in his mind.

Zander, when noticed that 5 minutes were up, took steps towards Damon and whispered, “Damon! 5 minutes are down. Bella must be waiting for you. Go to her, we’ll handle the rest.” Damon nodded and ordered in a loud voice, “Capture both of them and anyone living in this house. Find Fernandez as well and board them in the plane. They all would be coming with us to our place. Treat them very nicely boys.”

Ella and Laila both started crying again, begging Damon to leave them, to forgive them. But all this went to deaf ears and their hope vanished when they saw Damon going upstairs to Ayra’s room, completely ignoring them.

Zander came forwards and mocked them, “Look who is it. The ones who knew what would happen if they even thought about touching our Bella. But you still went ahead and kept her away from her family for seven fucking years. Don’t worry, save your tears. Because you’ll be needing them once we arrive in Italy. And you would feel the pain of seven years in 7 hours everyday. That’s a King's promise.”

Ella shaked her head and rasped out, “Please save us, please. I am sorry. I didn’t mean this. I am sorry.” The pathetic pleas went ignored when the men came and grabbed the mother-daughter duo who were crying non stop. They tied their hands as tightly as to let out a wince and tapped their mouths. All the men gave them a disgusted stare and threw up in another car.

On the other side

When Damon went up to see his amore, he was furious to see her living conditions. Ella is so dead. As soon as Damon walked in the already opened room/ attic, he instantly softened. His anger vanished when he saw Ayra excitedly showing her handmade sweater to Aiden who was grinning, basking all the undivided attention of Ayra.

Damon cleared his throat to get attention from her which was instantly granted when she ran to him and said with concern, “Is everything okay Luca?” He smiled and nodded, “Everything is fine Love. Are you done packing?” Ayra sheepishly nodded and when Damon saw only one carry on packed, he looked at her confusedly. She shrugged her shoulders and said, “This is all I need.” He nodded and held her waist, ordering the other two people to get in the cars. “Let’s leave everyone! We have a plane to catch.”

He looked at Aiden, who was sitting on the bed sulking. Damon asked confusedly, "What happened to you?" Aiden Huffed and exasperated, "You always do this. Whenever Ri gives me or anyone else attention, you just have to interrupt. I know you starve for her attention but so do we! I also want her undivided attention. She is my sister and I also want her love but you always come in middle."
Damon and Ayra looked at him wide eyed and Ayra smiled at him and went towards Aiden, hugging him saying, "Den Den! You never have to feel that way. You know I love you right! You are my brother and you have my undivided attention whenever you want. Don't feel like that please I'll feel bad." Aiden softened and said, "I know my Ri Loves me, it's just this bulldozer doesn't know how to share you."

Damon raised his eyebrows and said, " And I won't ever share Ayra with anyone, not even you so call me whatever you want. I don't care." Ayra and Mels shaked their heads at these Big petty bears who are scary and dangerous mafia men but from inside are just cuddly bears who want attention.

They all walked down with Aiden holding Ayra’s carryon and loaded it into the cars. Ayra immediately dozed off in Damon’s arms feeling secure. Mels looked at Ayra and smiled softly. Her gaze went to Zander who was looking directly at her, staring intensely. Her breath got hitched and she immediately diverted her eyes outside the windows, a jittery unknown feeling forming inside her.

After 43 minutes, they arrived at the private jet area and the men started loading their weapons and baggage, including the unconscious mother-daughter duo. Aiden and Blake accompanied Mels, making sure she is alright, while Zander ordered men around, making sure everything is set and organized. Mels skipped a glance at Zander before boarding the private jet with Aiden and Blake. Zander boarded afterwards.

As Ayra was sleeping peacefully, Damon couldn't get himself to wake her up, so he slowly and gently picked her up, bridal style and she immediately snuggled in his chest, feeling his warmth. Damon boarded the plane with Ayra in his arms and straightaway took her backwards to his room where he tucked her in and kissed her forehead mumbling softly, “Sleep well My Love. I can't wait for you to return home.”

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