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In the middle of eating, the sound of a phone ringtone echoed in the café. Ayra instantly fished out her broken Iphone6 which previously belonged to Laila as Ayra wasn't allowed any luxury by Ella. The broken and old phone wasn't gone unnoticed by 2 males who were keenly observing every action of their Bella - Damon and Zander. Ayra quickly answered the call not wanting to make Ella upset. 

"Hello!" she answered slowly.

"Why the hell are you not at home you useless thing? We all are hungry. Come home quick or else you would punished." Ella spoke in anger causing Ayra to lower her eyes.

"I might get a little late as the café is very busy right now" answered Ayra meekly which made the 4 males scrunch their eyebrows at the sudden change in voice.

"I don't fucking care, you get your ass here in 5 minutes or you'll sleep outside" Ella yelled out causing Ayra to flinch hard .

"I'm coming" she timidly whispered making Damon worried.

As soon as she hang up, Blake spoke up, "You're not going anywhere! You're coming with us". Ayra sadly smiled and shaked  her head saying, "I can't Blake, as much as I am happy seeing you all, I have a life here and I need to leave right now. It's urgent."

Zander who was quite all this while voiced out, "so you don't think you have a life back at home? You're working here as a waitress Ayra, you are literally underweight with a broken old phone which is as good as nothing. Your dark under eyes are enough proof that you are not sleeping properly. You are living here to survive when you can live like a queen back home surrounding with love. And you still want to LIVE HERE?" 

Ayra Flinched hard and her eyes widened. Suddenly all the voices from that came crashing down at her causing here to take deep breaths. She shaked her head and stood up abruptly making all 4 males stand up with worry glazing their eyes. "I'm sorry" with that she ran out causing Mel's and the others to worry. Damon called out her name and ran behind her . Catching up to her, he gently grabbed her arm turning her towards him and with the other hand, he cupped her cheek softly, causing Ayra to unconsciously leaned in his warmth. He whispered, "Don't leave me again Amore please. At least tell me where you live or your contact number. Please Amore, you don't get to let me breathe for 1 minute and suffocate me the other." He leaned his forehead on her making her close her eyes and a whimpered rushed out her causing Damon to tightened his hold on her. "I can't stay Luca, but yes I can give you my number if you promise me not to abuse it" she said lightly teasing him making him let out chuckle . "I don't know why you are hiding from me or refusing to return home but I promise I'll find it out and take you away from here". Ayra unwillingly backed away causing Damon to take a step forward but he forced himself to stay rooted. 

"It's so good to see you again Luca, you have really grown up to be the man you always wanted to be. I'm so proud of you Luca. " she warmly smiled at him making Damon feel butterflies after 7 years. He closed his eyes and when he opened them, a new determination could be seen in his eyes. "I will take you from here Amore. Don't worry I'm here now". Ayra breathed out and turned her back to him forcefully because she knew if she didn't, she wouldn't be able to go.

Seeing her walking away, Damon clenched his fist trying to stay rooted and not follow her like a stalker. The 3 males came behind him, and Aiden patted Damon's shoulder in comfort. Zander voiced out, "She is hiding something!". Damon nodded and said, "She gave me her number, track it down and I want all the data of the phone." 

They all settled in the car and went to the hotel they booked for the night. "Extend the booking, We are not leaving until we get Amore" said Damon and a chores of agreement echoed. Blake who was in deep thought voiced out his internal dilemma, "Did you guys noticed the way she flinched when talking on the phone?". Damon, Zander and Aiden nodded with Aiden Saying, "I'll kill that sorry excuse of a human with my bare hands who even tried to lay hand on her". All four nodded as their eyes turned a dark shade of black with fury and bloodthirst.

On the other side,

When Ayra reached the house, she became frozen seeing the people in living room. They were Ella's inner circle who take immense pride in hurting Ayra. She inaudibly whimpered and took a step inside causing all heads to turn to her. Ella smirked and said, "Well well well, Look who finally graced us with their presence. That too 15 minutes late!" Ayra meekly answered, "I'm sorry, We had emergency customers". Ella yelled out, "DO I LOOK LIKE I FUCKING CARE? GO TO THE KITCHEN AND MAKE DINNER FOR ALL OF US AND MAKE SURE YOU DON'T COOK ANYTHING FOR YOUSELF OR I'LL MYSELF CATASTRATE YOU. GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY SIGHT!" Ayra nodded and quickly ran to kitchen hearing all the others laughing at her. She quickly started on making the dinner thanking God that she had already eaten. A smile arose on her face thinking about today's encounter. However, the frown replaced her smile when she thought of the way the 4 most important males in her life behaved today as if they could finally breath, as if after a long time they could finally see the light. but why would they behave like this when she was told and even shown pictures of them enjoying and laughing with other girls after she was kidnapped? Was it a lie? Did Ella also lied about it? But what about the evidence, was it fake? So many questions were raised in her head as she made the dinner. 

After making the dinner, she served it to the now drunk crowd. As she was serving, Fernandez, a man as old as her father with a pot belly suddenly grabbed her wrist and forced her down in his lap. Ayra gasped out load and kicked her elbow in his chest causing him to groan in pain and loosened his hold on her. She quickly stood up and backed away with a terrified face. Fernandez yelled out, "You little bitch!". He took 2 long strides towards her and grabbed her hairs causing her to whimper in pain. He kicked her stomach which made her fall to the floor and then the series of kicking started which made her cover her face. Ella who was also drunk came and joined in the beating causing all of them to laugh. Ayra didn't move as she knew if she moved, her beating would get worse. After they were done they all went to the lounge to drink more beer as if nothing happened leaving Ayra to lay on the floor in bruises and in pain. 

She quietly stood up with great difficulty and slowly walked to the attic - her room and locked the door before laying down on the old mattress. She breathed out slowly as breathing was being painful making her realize her ribs were broken. After 5 minutes of breathing she stood up and very slowly went the small bathroom holding her ribs to treat it as not to get them infected. She like a routine cleaned her bruises and applied balm. She sadly smiled thinking her degree of nursing was beneficial for her own body. 

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