Remembering Her

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The library held cozy vibes and girly touches which was done by non other than Ayra. There was a wall besides Damon's desk which was filled with pictures of Ayra with Damon and her brothers. Isabella and the others walked close to the wall unintentionally and saw what they thought was impossible - a wide smile Damon.
In every picture Damon was smiling. There was a picture where Ayra was piggy back riding Damon while doing peace signs and Damon was looking side way to her lovingly. In another picture, he was knelt down tying laces of her shoes while she was was smiling widely gazing at him adorably.

And then there was a picture where Aiden, Zander and Blake were also there with Ayra in the middle smiling widely with Damon by her side looking at her as if she was his world.
A picture of her with the whole Kings men was also there with Ayra cuddling Damon lightly and Damon caressing her cheeks softly.

Aiden, Zander and Blake were amazed and Zander's eye softened seeing this all. He thought Damon had hid them all.

Isabella who thought that Damon was incapable of loving and smiling was shocked seeing this thinking - "The heartless Mafia does have a heart afterall".
Cane and Rafael were speechless.

Damon cleared his throat and commanded , " start the meeting". With that everyone snapped out of their thoughts and proceeded with their meeting, however their minds were absent. When Alex found out that the boys are home, he told the maids to prepare lunch and waited for them to finish.
After an hour, they all walked out of library and went to the dining room to eat. While eating, Isabella asked a question which made everyone stop and look at her except Damon. "who was the little girl in the pictures?". They didn't mind because Isabella have helped them alot and was like their little sister. Aiden sadly smiled and replied, "she is Ayra Rose Reid, our sunshine and our world." " A Reid? Isn't she the sole heir to the Reids and Kinsley mafia families? Where is she, i haven't seen her?" asked Cane. To that Blake replied, " Yes she is and you haven't seen her because she was kidnapped and we haven't found her yet".
Damon clenched his fist and started eating. Isabella glanced at Damon realizing that the little girl is someone who affects him alot. Rafael pointed at Blake saying, "you looked like a joker in those pictures, always goofing around huh". Blake lightly chuckled and said, " Ri loved my jokes" making everyone quiet. Alex who was quiet all the while spoke while lightly laughing, " you kids won't believe how these 4 were around her, always goofing around and being playful". "So she was like a daughter to you?" Cane asked Alex."She is more than just a daughter to me" Alex said softly in a daze remembering his little bean. Damon was still looking down now angry that everyone was talking about his love. He slammed the table making everyone flinch except Zander who knew this would happen. " Not a word now, is that clear!
And Cane, she is still alive, don't you dare use her like a past." Damon dominatingly said. Everyone nodded. Damon thought to himself, " I'll find her, no matter what".

After a while, they all went to work. Damon started working in his home office. He opened the drawer to took some documents out and froze when he felt a frame in his hand. He grabbed and stared at it. It was a photo frame of Little Ayra and him all cuddled up while sleeping. The picture which Aiden took on the last day they saw Ayra. If he would've known that was the last time he was seeing his amore, his life, he wouldn't have left. He somehow blames himself for Ayra's kidnapping.
He softly gazed at the picture and spoke, " Are you alright amore? Where are you? I need you soo bad!". Just then he heard a knock, and Blake entered saying " Its Zander's Birthday tomorrow, we need to do something". Damon kept the frame careful in its place and nodded saying, "He doesn't like extravagant things, a simple outing is what he prefers always".
"Yes and that is why i found a perfect place just what Zander likes. But the problem is that Zander is visiting a small town for new shipments collection tomorrow. So what say, we all go with him, check the shipment ans celebrate? " pointed Blake. Damon nodded his head and said, " its Zander's birthday, let's do what he likes and it'll be a long drive for us aswell, as a fresh breath ". They both nodded and the plan was made.

But who knew what they were going to encounter, would change their life forever! For better or for worse!

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