Sneak Peak

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Damon, Zander and Aiden walked inside the cell where Ella was. She froze seeing them and started stuttering, "Mr-r King-ing, please show us some mercy." Damon raised his eyebrows and tauntingly asked, "Did you showed mercy to my Ayra?" Ella gulped and started crying begging him to let her go. Damon crouched down in front of her and tched saying, "Now you will tell me everything, every little detail that involves Ayra. Why you did all you did with her? All the tortures she went through and all you put her through, without missing a detail. Start."

Ella whimpered knowing her doom is set. She can't escape it now, but she still kept silent, refusing to tell the truth. Zander walked to the next cell, where Laila was and grabbed the knife, putting it in her neck with slight force causing Laila to let out a scream. Ella looked at her daughter and shouted,grabbing Damon's legs, "No please no, leave my daughter. She didn't do anything. Please."

Zander yanked Laila's head making her scream again in pain and put a slight cut on her neck which caused tiny blood to come out of her wound. Ella screamed and yelled out, "Okay okay I'll tell you everything, please leave my daughter. I'll-l tell you everything." Damon motioned Zander to leave Laila which he complied and walked back to his previous place behind Damon. Damon motioned her to start.

Ella closed and her eyes and gulped, "Ayra is my sister's daughter, the sister I've always hated. She was always in the spotlight. Our parents golden child, got accepted in the prestigious University where I dreamt of going. Fell in Love with Lorenzo when I was the one who first saw him and loved. I was the one who loved him and I knew he also loved me but she came between us and they both got married. If she hadn't come between us, we would have been married today but no... Her being her always wanted what I wanted. She snatched my love from me, I was the rightful Donna of The Reids. Then she gave birth to Ayra, who instantly snatched the spotlight from my daughter like a little attention seeker she is. She was so like her mother, she resembled her so much and I hated her the day she was born. I thought if I didn't became the Donna, my daughter would. But just like her mother, Ayra also put you under the spell. My Daughter is the rightful Donna for The Kings not her. Never her."

Damon punched the wall besides Ella shouting, "AYRA IS MY DONNA AND IF YOU EVEN THINK OF HARMING HER, I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS." Ella and Laila flinched and whimpered losing all hope. Zander placed a hand on Damon's shoulder whisperings, "Ayra is home, she will ask questions if your knuckles are battered up." Hearing Ayra's name he calmed down.

Zander spoke, "Uncle Lorenzo loved Auntie very much, you are delusional if you think you were the rightful Donna because you weren't. And don't stop continue." Ella whimpered and in a low voice continued, "Then I got the chance to take out my frustration on her when Solkos offered to kidnap her. I agreed and when they threw her on my doorstep, all battered up in wounds and bruises, I finally felt peace. I gave her shelter and food because I'm a good person and worked on getting my daughter the spotlight she always deserved but you never noticed her. All you could see was Ayra Ayra and Ayra!"

Damon, Zander and Aiden clenched their fists in anger and looked at Ella with immense hatred and anger. Aiden spoke in anger, "You put her through all that because she resembled her mother, because you couldn't stand her, BECAUSE YOU HATED HER! SHE DIDN'T DESERVE ALL THAT YOU PUT HER THROUGH." Ella was out of her mind now and screamed out, "I DID? ME? I AM NOT THE MONSTER, IT IS THEM WHO PROMISED TO RETURN AYRA TO ME JUST AFTER KIDNAPPING BUT RETURNED HER AFTER 1 WEEK. YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED THAT 1 WEEK BECAUSE EVEN I DON'T KNOW."

Damon frowned and said, "What do you mean after 1 week? You told her they threw her after 1 day." Ella laughed maniacally and said, "she didn't told you all, did she? I wonder what exactly happened for her hide such a thing from you all. yes! They kept her for 1 week. Oh let me tell you one more thing. They are not dead. You killed them but some of them escaped and to this day are hiding."
All three men froze hearing that. They were surprised and worried. Firstly, 1 week? They became more scared about what could have happened that their Ayra haven't shared with them and secondly, Solkos are not dead? They made sure to kill them all unless.... unless someone else was protecting them.

They gave an icy cold look to Ella and walked back to their mansion. All 3 were quiet, engrossed in their thoughts. When they entered their living room, their frowns instantly turned upwards in a smile. Ayra was playing on the floor besides the sofas, laughing loudly and Zade and Zeus were licking her and playing with her. Blake was making her video and Melanie was standing behind a pillar, looking pale seeing those beasts with wide eyes. Alex and Lorenzo were standing infront the study room leaning on the walls, beaming hearing their princess happy.

When the dogs smelled Damon, they looked at him and barked causing everyone to divert their attention on the 3 males. Zeus again started licking her, causing Ayra to stand up and ran towards Damon making the 2 dogs ran after her. She ran and jumped on his arms without thinking, trying to get away from the dogs licking. Damon held her tightly and chuckled when Ayra squealed. The dogs sat down when Damon gave them the look and walked to the sofa with her in his arms. They heard a click and faced towards the noise to see Blake clicking their picture.

Aiden laughed out and said, "Ri you look like an adorable koala." Ayra blushed and realised her position. She patted Damon to put her down which he unwillingly did. Damon bobbed her nose which she scrunched causing him to smile. "Did you have fun sweetheart?" Ayra beamed and nodded, "yes we had fun but where were you three." Damon expertly handled the question answering, "Working baby." She blushed hearing the sweet endearment. She could never get used to it. Just then she gasped out loud causing all the males to look at her.

She was looking at Damon's knuckles which were slightly battered. She looked at him in his eyes with misty eyes causing Damon to still. He didn't like her tears at all. She mumbled in a low voice, "What happened Lu?" He gulped and didn't made eye contact with her answering, "I fell." Ayra scrunched her eyebrows mumbling, "Liar! You always lie when you don't make eye contact with me." Damon sighed and said, "I'm sorry Sweetheart, I got hurt while working." Ayra worriedly looked at his knuckles asking, "Do they hurt?" He shaked his head and said, "didn't even feel it." She sighed and asked Aiden, "Can you please bandage it up Den?"

Aiden looked at Damon unsure as he knew Damon hate getting himself treated. Aiden said, "Um.. Sure Ri but convince him. He doesn't like anyone touching him." Ayra looked at Damon who hadn't take his eyes away from her and asked, "Damon will you let Aiden treat you please?' He shaked his head and said, "I'll get treated only if you're the one who does it." Ayra sighed and ordered Aiden to bring the kit. She was mad now. How can someone be this irresponsible about their wounds. And she knew first hand how much an untreated wound or bruise felt like.

Everyone saw Ayra pissed off and Mels uttered, "Oh boy, someone is in danger." Aiden hurriedly bought the medical kit and gave it to Ayra who gave a look to Damon to 'sit the f*** down' who complied with amusement. Oh how adorable she looked in anger, like an angry bird. She grasped his hand started working silently with Damon staring at her mesmerised. How he craved for her to treat him like old days.

When she finished bandaging his hand, she without a word stood up and tried to go from there but Damon held her hand and asked confusedly, "Where are you going my angry bird?" Ayra glared at him and jerked her hand from his, taking Melanie's hand and going towards her room with Zade and Zeus following her like bodyguards, growling at their dad for angering their mommy. Damon chuckled and shaked his head not realizing that his sour mood was instantly replaced by his Love without her even trying. What an effect she had on him. He was mind blown.

He turned his attention to Alex and Enzo and motioned them to follow him to his office saying, "I want to discuss something very important with you all. Let's go to my office." The makes understood the gravity of situation because Damon was very serious and they wondered what could be so serious.

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