The Truth

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The air in the home office was thick with tension. The six males including Alex and Lorenzo were sitting with Mels and Ayra sitting on the opposite sofas. Ayra was holding Mels hands because she needed the support of her friend. Damon, sitting behind the desk in his chair, was looking at Ayra Love and apprehension.

Ayra gulped and deeply sighed, looking down at her lap. She started, "When I was kidnapped seven years ago, I was unconscious for the most ride. When I got my consciousness, I was tied to chains tightly. They were so tight that my wrist started bleeding the moment I tried to set myself free. But the luck wasn't with me. I was locked in a shabby room without any source of the outside world. There was no windows or anything. I screamed for help but no one listened. I think I was locked in the room for one day without any food or water. I was dehydrated and in pain due to the chains. Then someone entered the next day and they introduced me as our enemies."

Ayra closed her eyes and clutched Mels hand tightly. And seeing that Damon instantly pleaded, "sweetheart please, you don't need to continue."
Ayra shaked her head and continued, "The man was very huge and scary. He had a scar running down his cheek to neck and he choked me until I was gasping for breath. He told me that the Kings and Reids are going to pay for the nullified alliance years ago. The scar man slapped me and his ring scratched my cheek causing it to bleed.  He laughed at that and said my face looks exactly like my mom and that he feels satisfied with my face now. Then another man entered who was smaller than the scar man but the scariest. He had a tattoo on his neck like a snake. He gripped my chin in a bruising manner causing me to let out a cry. He got angry so he kicked me and when I screamed due to the pain. He- he took off his belt and...."

Tears started toiling down Ayra's face while Melanie did her best to not cry. Damon clutched the desk in the bruising hold and his eyes were full of anger and destruction. Ayra hiccuped and started again, "He took off his belt and whipped me until I passed out. The same happened the next 2 days. They used to come and beat me and then leave. Then on the 4th day they came with someone of Luca's age. He had blonde hair and dead eyes. The two other men were calling him Delano. He came towards me and-d ki-kissed-d me force-forcefully. I tried to back away and fight but I was too weak and dehydrated. The tattoo guy asked me about information regarding our warehouses but I didn't know and if I knew some info, I didn't tell them."

Zander, Aiden and Blake closed their eyes hearing this and fisted their hands tightly. While Damon looked ready to lit fire to the world with anger blazing his eyes. She looked at her papa and said with a timid voice, "Then on the 5th day, when they were beating me like usual, I saw a man come in with them who looked exactly like papa." Hearing this Lorenzo stared wide eye at her and shaked his head saying, "No principesa" Ayra cried saying, "I was broken that day. I screamed at you to help me, to bring me back to my home but you laughed with them and said that I was a burden to you and that I reminded so much of mom to you that you wanted to teach me a lesson for being a brat. I was devastated when you turned your back to me and ordered them to continue beating me."

Lorenzo couldn't contain his tears which flowed freely. He shaked his head and choked out, " No princess, how can you think like that. You know you are my world and I was devastated not having you with me. It was not me my love, trust me."

Ayra choked out nodding and said, "I know papa, I know but still I can't get that image out of my head. It was too real. The man looked just like you. I confirmed it after seeing you like this after seven years that they must have drugged me because they did it multiple times I was there." Lorenzo hiccuped and said, "My little princess, what horrors have you gone through alone."

Ayra glanced at Damon seeing him fisting his hands and shooting fire at his desk. "After that they saw how broken I was. They didn't give me anything to eat except a piece of bread and 2 sips of water. Delano tried to go further but His father, the tattoo guy stopped him warning him something about the future. I didn't hear what he said because I was just so glad they didn't break me further."

Zander cursed loudly and banged his hand on the wall causing Ayra and Melanie to flinch seeing his outburst. "The Solkos are so dead. I'm gonna kill them with my BARE hands."

Ayra sadly smiled and said, "I don't remember the next two days because I was in and out of consciousness and when I was fully conscious, I was in Aunt Ella's house. But I did hear them talking about their safehouse in Atlanta. They also talked about some weaponry business and trade with Galanos."

Damon stiffened hearing the name and looked at Ayra saying, "You sure it was Gelanos sweetheart?" Ayra nodded looking at him. He nodded and said, "I know what to do." Alex asked, " what do you mean?" Damon replied saying, " Galanos are our allies and if they helped the Solkos anyhow we  are gonna need to talk to them."

Damon looked at Ayra, who was fidgeting with her fingers and said in a loving voice, "Baby, you did so good today. I'm so so proud of you for gaining the courage and talking about it. I promise you, I will avenge you. You are not broken Love, never broken. You are my sweet and strongest girl hmm." Ayra teared up listening to him and nodded like a baby feeling relieved. It was like a huge weight being lifted off your chest. She could finally breathe now.

Damon stood up and closed the distance between them and kneeled in front of her. "Sweetheart, it was long day today. Let's go rest baby." Ayra looked into his sapphire eyes trying to detect a hint of disgust or displeasure but found none. She heaved a sigh of relief and nodded holding his hand not before interlacing them together. He pecked their joined hands and stood up, walking out the door with his sweetheart.

Before going out he turned and said, " We'll continue tomorrow, everyone rest up." With that he nudged along Ayra to their wing.

Walking towards her room, Damon paused and said looking at her in expectation, "Stay with me tonight baby." Ayra looked at his sapphire eyes and blinked her eyes in approval. They both entered and laid on his bed. They were facing each other when Damon suddenly gripped her waist and pulled her closer causing her to gasp. His eyes were screaming intensity. He caressed her cheeks lovingly and said in a low voice, "I'm so sorry love. I couldn't protect you." Ayra shaked her head and erased all distance between them saying, "You have always protected me Luca, even if you weren't there physically, you were present emotionally. You give me strength like no other."

Damon gulped and moved his finger to her bottom lip slowly. "I hate that he kissed you without your permission." Ayra lovingly stared at him and said, "No one can take your place Lu." Damon rubbed her lower lip sensually and rasped out, " Say you're mine love." Ayra gulped and whispered, "I'm yours Lu. Always and forever." Damon groaned and rasped out, " always and forever." And he smashed his lips on her.

He gripped her neck and angled her head to fit his and nibbled on her lips. He was ravishing her. She gasped loudly when he bite her lower lip causing him to slip his tongue in. He ate her up deliciously. Ayra gripped his hair and tugged at them which caused Damon to let out a groan. Ayra moaned when he again bit and soothed her bottom lip.

He moved towards her jaw and cheeks and joined his forehead with hers. They both were breathing heavily looking at each other with pure Love. Ayra's face was all red with the makeout session. Damon caressed her red blushing cheeks and pecked them. He nuzzled in her neck pulling her more closer and whispered, "Good night my Love. Have sweet dreams. I promise, I'll keep you safe and protected always and forever."
Ayra smiled and  hugged him through his waist and whispered back, "Goodnight Lu, I'll keep you happy always and forever." Damon smiled and drifted off to sleep with his Love in his arms. The place where she belongs.

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