confrontation pt 1

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Damon nodded with a relieved smile hearing the response and said,
" Then after breakfast let's pack up and leave. When do you want to depart love?" Ayra panicked for a moment and replied, "How about midnight? I need to go to Aunt Ella's place and pack some of my belongings and then I need to give a resignation letter to my workplace."

Blake hugged Ayra and said, "Calm down Ri! Everything will be okay and we'll help you with everything. There's no need to rush."
Mels nodded and spoke, "Yeah don't worry about work, I'll handle that."
Ayra looked at Mels and firmly voiced out, surprising the four guys, "I am not leaving you here alone, Mels. If I am going, so are you. We've been together for 6 years and you were and are my rock. You were always there when I needed someone so excuse me for forcing you but you are coming with us."

Mels shaked her head and said, "I didn't do all that so that one day you can return me some favour. But I can't leave this place." Ayra shaked her head and firmly says, "You can leave this place, Mels. We both were here for each other and If I am going back home, so will you!"
Mels defeatedly replied, "I don't want to be a burden butterfly. I was always a burden my entire life. Not anymore."

Damon interrupted and said, "You won't be a burden to any of us Melanie. If Ayra wants you there, we'll do everything in our power to protect you and give you a good place to live. And you won't be freeloading if that's what you're worried about. We'll give you a job where you would be expected to perform without any mistake."

Mels in a surprised manner questioned, "You'll give me a job?" Damon nodded, "If that's what you want." Mels eyes filled with moisture and she nodded saying, "I would like that very much. Thank you!" Ayra smiled, her insides getting warmed at the care and respect Damon was showing to her best friend and came forward to hug Mels. Zander, who was quiet and observing Mels, was surprised to think that for the first time a girl had managed to surprise him. He thought Mels would be a freeloader and a gold digger who was taking advantage of his bella's kind nature but after hearing this conversation he was bluntly surprised.

Zander spoke, "When are we visiting Ella then because I'm hungry" For revenge was the unspoken word that lingered in the air. Damon looked at Ayra for confirmation and she understood his stare and said, "Let's leave now so we can get it over with." All of them nodded and stood up before going to their rooms to get changed. Damon followed Ayra into his room and gave her his hoodie as she didn't have fresh clothes. Ayra accepted the hoodie and went inside the bathroom to get changed while Daom changed in the room and started preparing to visit Ella.

He was adjusting the gun in his waistband when Ayra walked out, stealing his breath away. She was in his hoodie which was 2 sizes too big for her. It was like a dress which was engulfing her completely. Ayra was busy folding the long sleeves of the hoodie to notice Damon hungrily staring at her. She looked his. He was having a hard time controlling his beast who wanted to claim her then and there. He unconsciously took a step closer, wanting to be near her which finally made Ayra aware of his presence. She looked up and a silent gasp escaped her lips. The emotions she could see in his eyes were overwhelming. The Lust, the hunger, the adoration, the darkness and finally love.

He was transfixed at her sight. Ayra cleared her throat which made Damon come back to present. He closed his eyes and inhaled a big amount of oxygen to clear his thoughts. He was embarrassed so he brushed his hair away and scratched his head. This made Ayra let out a soft giggle. Damon looked up and was mesmerised to hear the softest, most beautiful sound ever. He smiled, feeling accomplished to make her giggle.

He softly said, "You look beautiful Mi Amore" Ayra blushed and looked at her socks cladded feet and shyly said, "You clothes are too big" Damon chuckled and playfully asked, "You don't like them sweetheart?" Ayra jerked her head towards him and replied hastily, "No I didn't mean to upset you. I really love it. It's so cosy and comfortable and ..." She stopped when she heard Damon let out a chuckle. "I was just kidding. I know you like my clothes. You always have. Don't you remember, you used to steal my hoodies whenever you used to come to our mansion?"

Ayra smiled remembering that and shrugged saying, "Your hoodies were always comfortable and they smelled good." He grinned and cocked his eyebrow saying, "I didn't know you enjoyed my scent baby."
Ayra widened and closed her eyes, embarrassed. Damon again let out a chuckle saying, "Let's head out sweetheart. They must be waiting."

She didn't miss the words Damon said which made her insides warm. The endearments, the 'Our mansion' instead of his. It was too much for her little heart. She followed him out and saw her three brothers placing weapons on them and Mels a little away from them blatantly staring at them with widened eyes. Ayra shaked her head at how the three were intentionally making Mels uncomfortable with all the guns and knives. Mels was ready to bolt and Ayra had enough seeing her best friend being intimidated by her brothers

Ayra cleared her throat demanding attention and crossed her hands on her chest. Everyone in the room stilled for a minute before turning their attention to Ayra. "Why are you three intentionally making Mels uncomfortable? You're forgetting she is my best friend. I know you all have reservations about her which i completely understand but I won't allow anyone to make her feel uncomfortable. She was with me when no one was and I trust her completely. I would really appreciate it if you all would respect her and care for her like you do with me."

Damon, who was standing slightly back, near the wall, was proud of her for speaking her mind. She commanded the room like a true Reid. Aiden, Blake, Zander and Melanie looked at her mouth agape. Zander was the first one to recover and spoke gently with a small smile covering his face. He was proud that she spoke like this, like a true Reid. "I am sorry bella. It was a mistake and we know how much Melanie means to you. And for everything she has done for you, we are forever indebted to her. It won't happen again, you have my word."

Aiden also said, "I am also sorry, It wasn't my intention to make her uncomfortable. I just wanted her to get used to seeing all this as she's going to be living with us."

Blake added, "I am greatly sorry for making you uncomfortable Melanie." Mels looked at them shocked and nervously chuckled saying, "Oh Don't worry about that. It's okay". Ayra nodded satisfied and turned to Damon who was looking at her proudly. He stepped forward and said, "Let's go everyone! Ayra and mels will go straight to her room where they'll pack. Aiden, You'll accompany them. Me, Zander and Blake will take care of others. Is the plan understood by everyone?" When all of them gave their agreements, Damon guided Ayra by placing his hand on her lower back giving her butterflies.

When they all settled in the limousine, Ayra asked a question which was disturbing her throughout. "Will you kill Ella?" Mels eyes snapped up to Damon in horror who was staring at Ayra intently. "Do you not want me to?" He questioned. Ayra signed and replied, "I don't want you to kill her right now. I have some questions I want to ask her. But I am not ready right now." Damon asked, "What kind of questions?" Ayra gulped and said in a timid voice, "About that night." Damon and the 3 guys stiffened. "Please Luca, I need those answers to move on but I am not ready to tell you about them." Damon cupped her cheeks and gently assured her, "It's okay baby, I believe you. I won't kill her now, okay. We'll bring her back to our basement and whenever you're ready, I'll take you to her." Mels blinked her eyes thinking how can her innocent Ayra talk about killing so easily!?...

Ayra nodded and closed her eyes, savouring the feeling of his warm hands on her cheeks. Damon tucked her closer to him and kept drawing patterns on her wrist. After a while, the house came into view and they all stepped out . Ayra looked at them all and saw the darkness, hate and danger in their eyes. Damon kept her tucked close to his body, keeping his hand on her waist. The three guys formed a circle around them, making sure Mels was inside the circle. The other men surrounded the house and on the nod of their boss, they took their positions. Ayra knew at this point, they all would lay their lives down to protect her. And that Ella was in grave danger now.

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