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"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses."– Ann Landers

“How many times do I have tell you Mr.Rathore. Don’t smoke! This is not good for your health.”

Rathore looked at her with wide open eyes.

“What did you called me just now?”

“What? Raghavji? ” She looked confused, not realising what she just said.

Rathore frowned and said nothing. He took out another piece of cigar out and lit it up.

She gasped in shock saying, “Naniji will faint if she sees you smoking..”

Rathore put out his cigar and looked at her and asked her.

“Khushi, do you want to marry me?” He looked so serious.

Khushi stared at him, speechless.

He saw her stood with her mouth open, with nothing to say. So he asked her again.

“Khushi, do you want to marry me?”
Her eyes widened in horror, what is this man is doing?

“Raghav Ji.. Why are you suddenly..” proposing? She couldn’t finish her words.
“Then why are keep pushing the limit? I smoke I drink alcohol, I sleep with women why the heck do you care? I keep telling you to Mind your own Business miss Gupta.” He warned her.

“You’re not my sister, mother or wife!” He reminded and he hold her shoulder.

She look at him in tears,”I’m your friend right? I care about you. I care for every single member of this family.”

“Look here. I’m not your friend! And never will be. Arnav is the one who you suppose to be with, why are you keep pestering me for?” He looked at her startled eyes.

He ran a finger down her cheek, savouring the creamy silk. Fear me Khushi…

“Or are you interested in me? I’ve already told you Khushi, I’m a very bad person.” He warned her.

She pushed away him from her, he loses his balance and falls into the swimming pool.

“Hei Devi maiyaa!” She shouted.

He comes out of the pool, totally drenched. He comb his wet hair with his fingers, looked at her guilty face.

“I just wanted to asked forgiveness for slapping you the other day and you know my relationship with Arnavji, I don’t have any other interest in you Raghavji.” She told him firmly.

“So why don’t you just marry him and settle down?” He asked her back.

“He abandoned me just like that, how I can just accept him that easily?” She looked upset thinking her past.

“What if he abandoned you for your own good? Will you forgive him?” He asked looking with his dark eyes. “Say Khushi will you forgive me?” He thought sadly.

“No, I will punish him.”She told him.

“Marry him, that’s the punishment could ever give to him.” He muttered.


“Do you still love him Khushi?”He asked looking at her.

“I do. I love him and that’s the problem. What if he broke me again? He already did it twice.. Won’t he do it again?” She asked in tears.

“He won’t.” Anjali came in limping.


“Chote will not hurt you anymore Khushiji. He almost lost his sanity after seeing that dead body.” Anjali assured her.

Life moves on.. Doesn't it Arnavji? (completed) Where stories live. Discover now