Chapter 10

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Everyone stared in awe and fear at what stood before them. Star felt herself be frozen by what she's seeing. She's heard stories about this grand creature, but this is the first that she's seeing it up close. Seeing a mighty dragon up so close. Flapping their wings that created a gust everytime it happened.

"It's a dragon!" Star heard Snorkmaiden cry out. Then was soon followed by Moomin "Wait, I think I know this dragon!" That caught Star's attention real fast. Moomin knew this green dragon? Then why has it settled down next to Snufkin?

"It's my little dragon!" Moomin said.

"Doesn't really seem so little anymore. He must've grown as time passed." Little My quivered a bit. The dragon wasn't as big and grand like a mountain. Their size is more akin to that of a small tree. A nice quaint little tree circling around Snufkin.

"You really have grown, but unfortunately I stand firm on my decision. Please go to Moomin, dragon." The dragon only huffed at Snufkin's words and stayed planted circling Snufkin. A sight that Star found quite adorable. She only chimed in however when she noticed Moomin started frowning and Snufkin is definitely not a fan of the dragon.

"May I please know what's going on here?" She asked to everyone who was listening.

"Long story short. Moomin found a dragon that hates everyone but Snufkin." Little My did all the explaining. Though a bit vague on the details, it's enough for Star to paint a picture of what's going on. Star hopped off the railing of the bridge and started walking towards Snufkin and the dragon.

Still holding back a little giggle with how the dragon wrapped itself around Snufkin. Anyways, she needs to focus on the task at hand. She approached the dragon with caution. Trying to get close enough to pull Snufkin out of the dragon's hold. But when she did that, she was met with a hiss from the dragon. And that was all Star needed to see.

"Well no wonder why it hates everybody." Star turned to the rest of the group. "You haven't tamed this dragon, haven't you Moomin?"

"Tame the dragon? Why, of course! I haven't tamed the dragon yet but thanks for the suggestion." Moomin's frown then turned into a hopeful smile. But Star is not so keen on smiling when she has a feeling that they are talking about a different type of taming.

"Well I don't think this dragon should be tamed." Snufkin spoke up and everyone's attention was on him.

"But why not Snufkin?" Moomin asked.

"Because creatures like dragons should be free and follow their instincts. Dragon's are wild animals after all and it'd be wrong to tame them like a circus animal."

Star knew it, Snufkin's words prove that they thought of a different type of taming.

"I don't mean taming like a circus animal, Snufkin." Said Star "I mean taming as to establish bonds between you and the dragon."

"Oh? And what exactly do you mean by that?" Little My questioned.

Star only smiles and relayed what she knew about taming "Taming is to establish bonds between you and a friend, because right now Moomin. The dragon has no need of you, and you have no need for the dragon."

"Need for each other?" Snorkmaiden wonders.

Star hummed with a nod "Yes, to the dragon, you're nothing more than a little boy out of thousands of little boys in the world. And to you, he's nothing more than a dragon out of a hundred dragon tales that exist. But if you tame the dragon, he will be unique in all the world to you. And you will unique in all the world to him."

Snufkin's breath was again stolen away from him by Star's words alone. Wondering where she had learn that lesson and philosophy. He'll have to ask her about that later. But for now, he'll bask in the warmth of the dragon. Thinking of ways he unintentionally tamed the dragon.

"Alright so. If that's the case, how can you tame a dragon?" Moomin asked.

"That all depends on the dragon, but to start, approach the dragon with confidence. Then, you simply wait with a hand stretched out for the dragon. Now try it." Star took a step back to offer Moomin the space he needed for him to tame the dragon.

Everyone waited with bated breaths as Moomin followed through with what Star had said. Wait patiently with your hand stretched out and see if the dragon can be tamed.

. . .

The dragon hissed at Moomin, but that was only the beginning. Moomin stood his ground and held his hand out more. He's not going to give up on taming this dragon. He must not give up, he must keep going. He must—

Moomin's train of thought stopped right there, cut off by the feeling of something warm in his outstretched hand. It was the dragon, and he's nuzzling Moomin's head with his snout. And just like that, the dragon had let go of Snufkin and moved on to Moomin.

"It worked. . ." Moomin was in disbelief "It worked! Did you see that Snufkin? It worked."

Snufkin hummed "Yes, I can see that it has." He then turned his gaze back to Star, who was looking at Moomin and the dragon with a fond smile.

"Where did you learn that lesson from?" Snufkin asked when it's just him and Star again. While the rest of their friends went off to play with the dragon. Now that Moomin has tamed the dragon, they can all happily play with him with no fear.

Except for Little My though. Snufkin and Star could practically hear her yelling about wanting to tame the dragon too.

"The lesson about taming?" Star clarified.

"Yes, that one."

Star just shrugs "I learned it from a friend of mine. However he's somewhere far away now."

"Is he a traveler?" Snufkin asked.

Star recounts her memory about that friend who taught her what it mean to be tamed. Golden hair like the wheat fields that surrounded them when they first met. Green clothing like the one Snufkin is wearing but brighter. Then pair it all with a flowing golden scarf. You've got the friend who taught Star so much. Gathering what he has learned throughout his travels.

"Yes, he is. . ."

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