Chapter 3

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You woke up to the bright sunlight shining in your face, you sat up and groaned realizing you had a pounding headache and overslept. You heard yelling downstairs as you stood up knowing you'd have to go face it no matter how long you dreaded it sitting there on your bed. You threw on a t shirt and shorts before walking downstairs to face your foster parents. 

"What's going on?" you asked, as they both turned to look at you. "YOU SNUCK OUT LAST NIGHT!!" Your foster mom yelled at you. "Yes I did," you say shrugging, grabbing an apple from the counter. She gets even more mad about it, your foster dad just sat on a barstool not really caring, you liked him cause he was the closest you had to an actual dad, he always defended you even if he married in your opinion a freaking psychopath. "You're grounded then," she says as you shrug, "I guess you just want me to fail school then?" you ask her, taking a bite out of your apple. "Y/n has to go to school," Your foster dad says as you smile defiantly. "Give me your phone b*tch," she says as you shrug and give it to her, "You can't really scare me," you say making her even more angry. "Just leave it," he says as you walk away with a proud look on your face. 

You logged on to your computer which had everything your phone did so you could see all the messages from Sarah on it. You didn't reply as you read them all before sighing, "Why couldn't everyone just leave you alone when you want it?" you thought, getting up just to lay back in bed and fall back asleep. 

A couple hours later, you woke up to knocking on your door, it couldn't have been your foster parents cause they would just walk right in. You rolled off the bed like literally rolled off, before going to open the door. "Oh thank god you're still alive," Sarah said surprising you. "How did you figure out where I lived?" you ask coming into the hallway closing the door behind you. "JJ and I were kinda freaking out when you weren't at school so I had to make sure you were good, plus my dad is Ward Cameron so it's kinda easy," she explains as you shrug. "Well I'm here and perfectly fine," you say kinda coldly. "Do you want to come to the shato with us?" Sarah asks, not seeming to notice the tone of your voice. "What's the shato?" you ask leaning against your door with your arms crossed. "It's John Bs house I guess you could say but really all of ours," she says confusing you. "Uh I think I'm just going to stay here," you say slowly. Sarah ignores your comment and keeps trying to persuade you when finally she succeeds at the fact that there would be beer there. "Let me just go get changed and I'll meet you outside," you say going back into your room, Sarah nods and walks away as you close the door to quickly change. 

After you finish, y'all leave headed towards the shato, "So what am I supposed to expect?" you ask breaking the silence. "Well JJ's probably somewhat high by now and everyone is already drinking but your clothes are good since we'll probably get in the boat or something later," she says. You changed into a bikini and jean shorts since that's what Sarah was wearing so you thought it would be good to wear. "So is there a reason you decided to not come to school today?" Sarah asks as you roll your eyes, "Didn't feel like going," you say looking out the window it was part of the truth so you weren't really lying to her. Sarah drops the subject when she parks at the shato, "Alright before JJ gets any more worried let's make sure he knows your alive," Sarah says as you both get out of the car and head on to the porch. 

"What's up boys and Kiara?" You say surprising them leaning on the porch railing your arms crossed. All of them turn towards you as everyone but Kiara smiles which you weren't surprised about you didn't really care. "You're actually alive," John B jokes as JJ breaks into a smile, "Well I'm here now," I say sitting down next to John B. "You're kinda fun to be around," Pope says as John B laughs, "No shit sherlock, if she wasn't we wouldn't keep her around." You laugh your day already becoming three times better. "Sorry guys the only reason i came was for the beer," you say grabbing one from the cooler next to you. "Rude," John B says as they all laugh. 

Everyone just hangs out, even Kiara talks to you a little bit which was surprising but you were all high and drunk so it probably was just cause of that. Even if you had shitty foster parents, a rough past, and issues you hoped none of the others uncovered, your new friends might just make your stay here at Outer Banks the most memorable part of your life.

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