Chapter 5

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"Omg Y/n do you want to work with me at the club with all the kooks they're hiring," Sarah says at lunch a couple days after the interesting day at the beach. "Yeah sure why not I need the money anyway," you shrug taking a bite out of your burger. "He actually comes to school," you hear Kiara scoff looking behind you. "What?" you ask turning to see what Kiara's looking at. "Sarah, when does Topper ever go to this school?" you ask her annoyed to see his face again. She shrugs as you see him look over at you, you flip him off and turn back to finish eating. "What was that for princess?" You hear Topper say behind you. "Don't call me that," you say continuing to eat the burger. Out of the corner of your eye you see JJ's jaw clench from Topper being right there talking to you. "Why are you even here? I thought you were too high and mighty for school," you say since you're curious about it no matter how much you hate Topper. "I had to come see you of course babe," Topper says with a smirk. You turn to face him not really feeling like getting in a fight, "I'm not your babe I'm no one's babe," you say with a serious tone but not an angry one. "Not yet anyway," you hear JJ whisper to himself. You try not to think about it, instead you start to get into an argument with Topper. "No one here wants you Topper or even likes you so just leave," You say as he rolls his eyes. "At least I'm not the whore who wants two boys," he says with an evil smirk, your jaw dropped, he just crossed a line that he would pay for. "Get the fuck out of here!" you say coldly. "Why should I? I didn't say anything wrong only the truth," he shrugs. "Just get out," you say in the same voice. "Get out Topper," you hear Sarah say. "I mean it I never want to see your ugly face again," you say. "Well then sweetheart I guess you're going to have to leave the island cause I'm not budging." You hear the bell ring meaning lunch was over but you wouldn't let that stop you. "Come on Topper it's time for class," you hear Kelce yell at him. "Listen to me right now, meet me outside after class and you will really pay," you say as he shrugs smirking at you one more time before walking towards Kelce. "Can't wait sweetheart." 

You breathe a sigh of relief as the others stand up to start checking on you but you block them out, "Not now." you say walking away to the next class. Why was Topper such an idiot?

Hey! So I know I made Topper way out of character but for the story I'm changing his character so it's more interesting for future chapters I hope that's okay, and I also hope you're enjoying it thanks for reading!! 

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